Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 26

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d n~t reitular rate&U IGrade Seéparation Will Salue Life Let'aateni the Day! Voters of Neý,v% Trier township will be asked to'go9to the polis:Tuesday, April 4,ý for the purpo.se of selccîi'ng officiais bo' Thee'sVotng serve the township) There, Voin'g iin the next few to Be Doue years.. Al voters, in the : township will bave. the opp'ortunity to ývote upon New Trier Towvnship) officers. Thosez in Wilrnette and Kenilworth. wilI, in addi-- tion, be exete 6 r, bllots for Pàii< district candidates. In Winnetka. and Glencoe the township> election will be somewhat overshadowed in general interest by Village elections. In both instances there is keen competi- tion for the various offices to be filled. Bitter carnpaigns have been fought, many issues, goQd, bad and indifferent, have heen advanced and thorouaghlv discussed School elections througbout the to wn- ship will be held Saturday' April 8, and it. is important that younmark your calen- dar accordingly. It should be remembered that the Vil- lage electiofts in Wilmette, and .Kenil- worth are not lield until Tuesday, Aprilý Vote ini accordance with your best-judg- ment-but BE SURE TO VOTE! Reading encouragement, 'deligbt. These Days* If our outer world bas grown soînewhat distres- sing we cari openi a door 'into an inner çorld where -we can .find those' thoughts and eniotions that nmake life ýreallv wvorth living. We have -corne across, twu kifds of lit- erature, two. radically different kinds of teading.màtter., One is the kind ho be lhad' everywhere, the kind preferred b3, the "ismart set." L t reeks with sex, cynicisuli, sarcasm, pessimnism. L t deals with obý scenÈitýy, fiItb and the kind; of talk f avored, bthose who loved 10 linger onthstp of the. old-time livery stable. It cerîainly gives. one the lowv-do;wn on life. Lt is tle literature of, misguided adolescence. The other kind, is: al so .ho be procuired almost anywhere and at an eqtially low prce t is of the upliting -sort. >It has stood the test of time. It is occupied -with ail the experiences of living. It Jeals with joy and sorrow, life and death, doubt and faith. No experience is too low or' too high to be talked about in Ibis litera- tucr. But il discusses these experiences not with the aim of pandering to the low- er desires but with the hope of helping the reader. Last Saturday we' had occasion to hear the school eilidren of Chicago and sub- lnrhs give two concerts in Orchestra hall. The singing and playing of these boys and girls were marvelous-it's bard to. flnd a more suitabie word. Such a combination of skill and enthusiasm we have nôt. met eceLCcuUAg 5Iai. >jo, 'wJ4iÇie inose, wno mAusi oecon-JA tent with the consolation prize, if any, will no, doubt feel 'the necessitv for a, stimulus* to boister their sagging spiritÈ. We can,, of course, speak; freely, now that -our beloved Congress lias ruled that the 3.2 malt conco«- :,ion is non-intôxicating in fact, so we toss out the suggestion for What, il is worth, that one and 1al! will have the:glorious privilege in Glencoe and Win- netka,' come the joyous' hour next, Friday, to taste and test the.now WideIy publiciied good bealtii beverage without qualmfs.of conscience and in, tht gladsome kiowýledge that they aà-re,0 for. the second lime within a %veek, enjoying the prerogative of good citizens. It is ýto be hoped, also, that the denizens of the northern haif of the.,township will invite *a, goodly numiberof their friends in .WiImevc and Kenilworth to join in the festivities. ËEER-AND G ENTLEMEN And while ini the act of permanently disposing c) the "*beer" subjeci, %we present the views, of Fil Ossifer concerning the niew order of things brought about by the-new Democratic 'broom." Sezze, in part and to wit: "As f ar as this individual editorial writer is con- cerned, the popular expression of overwhelming de- sire, ini the thret short words, 'We want beer,' does flot gain his individual hearty support. We don't want beer except in-so-far as the having of beer flavor. we confess to a lilcang for pretzels, but we easily see thiat this is a secondary matter. In the mat- ter of beer we are not like the old Germait who as lie fondied his stein, remarked, 'Thére's just one thing about beer-I like it !' "We believe that there are many north shore citizens who share our apathy about beer. It's -a 11111le bard to imagine a group of prominent north shore gentlemen finding it necessary to drown their sorrQws in the flowing bowl. Though perhaps we'd be surprised to find that the facts fnntradlig'tedou a man to get out of bed in the middle of coi the night, drive forty miles on icy roads ca mbes anid b- es summer mn days,. its much- ...r, ofgolftel va- ence yen C eVeAI MIQUZ ,etc., e., I If

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