Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 24

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I!ere's good news for every student, and flot a few' teachers,' of New Trier! The., spring Tri-Ship, dance, ananxiual afair,.willbe held. on April 8 in the -stu4dnt refectore, :as..it is calied by thie more 'aesthetic'nminded of. New Trier. This occasion probably ill -be the only dance helduntil late May or june, asOld Man Depression has fairly welI succeeded in floo ring the others. so that no one can afford to miss the event. ,Three happy. boues will be spent. floating in dreamland to flic strains of the'Holmes-WVeese orche'.- tra, composed of a number of local boyswbohave made good. ý"Binig" Thackery will also be.on ban .d, pro- vided tbat the moon is not hangitg too high above. A vleasant time is offered to all.. . These school ilances are the' oilv opportunities that the student bodv bas for .enjoyment as a whole, cut- side of the regular class schedule. o course. It's flot too late to get a date.' children, so secure a ticket and bc there with belis on (if they'll let. voin in that way). The orecious ducats will bc on baud as soon as the print- i ng concern is able to silver plate them. A stronn izroun of New Trier's Buy Go<od Food CL.aply at the Girls Will Finish Cage Meet Next Wednesday, Only one more.week of basketball Only one wesk k remains betore tbose fortuniate students who alr.eady bave signed up -for the- anuAl spring, Wasbinglton 'trip wil depart. for this nation'scapitaL .Every year tbis trip, is held: duri ng the week Q-f. vacation ini order.to rest the weary studeuts, for their coming labors. and those .who have attended. past trips ha%-c one and aIl proclaimed thern a great success. -Movies of past trips were shown Thursday by F. D. Friesbie faculty sponsor cf the journev. A large nuixi- ber of students- attended these pre- views, and the iuspiring sigbts por- trayed o 'iithe silver scre-eii,,roQused rnany to sign up for this year's holi- day amid the histonic and interestinz sigbts of Washington. The chefs In Washington are equally good. it is an- nount.ced. There. is stili opportunity. to join the group of students who are takiiîg the trip this -year. If you are hn gry for education or just bungry. this trip is wbat vou need. You cana'1 afford tQ miss it 1 trude Birminghami. New Trier Starnp Club Qnducts Busy Program The New Trier High School Stanip club. under the leadership of Harry C. Pifer. bas fnr mny eurs been-a meet i *IUt the universitv ot ii'.n- cago fieldhouse, Fridayv evening, March 24. Axel NewtQn, New Trier 5 star sprinter«. copped fourth place. in the 60-mneter run--open. chamnpionsbîi, -andý also second iu tbe special higli school dash. Neiw*ton, won bis heat of the 6eO-n'c ter, trials. in :6.9 which is two-tenïtl.s of a second better than the old Amer- ican record, beating Metcalfe's timn.e in bis,heat., 'Intbe finals Metcalfe ran theý distance i n ,-68 and Bob' Grieve of Glenbard High school was second. Brooks, the Negro star- of Chicago, took third and Newton .got fourtb, beatinig out Burling of Oak Park, who- tied the .world's bigh school record in the fiftv a few weeks, ago. Th~e survprise ci - the evening for New Trier followers came near the close of the meet wben their mile re- lay teani, conxposed of Buckmaster running first, Weinstock running sec- ond, Barber running third and Price bringing up the rear, troke the rec- ord in this event by clicking two sec- onds off the previous mark which wvas set bv Maine Township iu 1931. The relay team was given a troffhy N. T. Girls' Club - Entertains Visitors *The New Trier Girls' club gave its first social tea for another Girls' club. on Wednesday, March 22. The guests were girls from Maine Township Highi school and Proviso Higb school. The objeet of. the tea is- to make -it possi- The New Trier track teain will enter a squad ini the 'Annual Oak, Park Relay Carnival to be held in the Oak Park Fieldhouse ApriiL1. There are to be four- relays inclUdf- ing a medle,,one-mile, two-mile. and a sprint re1a~yAlso there are to :be special events in mile -run, shot, pole vauît. bigb jump, bZoad jump. liurdies, and a ý50-yard d ash. SNew Trier is entering men in all of these events, except the mile and us- ing the milers ini relays. The. Green-, Grey boys' best. chances .iîe, witli Newton in the 50-yard dash, -Schuman in the special shot, Newton and Bal-. lenger in the -low hurdies,, Bollenson and Thorsen'in the 'high jump, ani Rex Màrtin the broad jump. In the relays Coach Ney said that be will concentrate aIl of bis strengtW ini the Iwoôffil1E atId eight-iap, Hle. will split up tbe mile relay team cof Buckmaster, W'ienstock, Barber and Price that won the A. A. UJ. last Fri- day and run Seiler. Barber, Blades and Wienstock in the cight-lap race The two-mile relay will then be ruai by Buckmaster, Price, Jones and Mc- Cabe. In the four lap-relay Newton, Botthof, Hallquist and Thackery are entered.. The miedlev. the iast race of the evening, will proably be made up o nior track men.r the s tate of Illinois sending teanis. This year it will take the place oi a, state meet which is usually held late in May at Champaign. Noon Movies Provide Gomedy and Education: Once again last m-eek the more aesthetic-minded oi N ew T ri er dropped in at the noon movies wbich again proved to be cornical with inst ion as an inter< ese experiences. J I -C ore -to-te, I.* Numerous old grads have been around this week, renewin.g former MpFund friendsbips. Among tbe visitors ,were: Tom Hicks, Ed Cullen. Dow Hughes, Roy West and EMiner Berol.

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