league. TJickets fhavre eefi prlced1 moderately and are now on sale at Community House, for the benefit oi which the lecture is given. The ist of patrons'and patronesses includes : S. Bowles King, Miss Mary King, Miss Mary Gauretson.,I Mrs. Carneé B. -Prouty, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Starr, Dr. and, Mrs. >J.M . Garner, Miss Ruth Matz,_ Max k. Mayer,,aiid the Messieurs and Mesdames:- E. A. Anderson, Arthur M. Barrétt N. H. Blatchford, Jr., F. A. -dePeyster, A.q EÉarl Bryson,,George D. Wolf, Rob-'I ert F.' Doepel, George B. Massey,IU L. Radlin, R., D. Wood, A. JI Bovu%- ton, jasper S. King, Francis LE. Phiel- an, William. .Moulton, Harvey N. Boývén, -Harry . Roberts, Harry S Ifarshall, Walter Edwards, John Ed-! gar Freeman, J. Frank Damman,. Frederick Dickinson, Clarence 'B.i Randall Gustaf Nelson, John C. Nevr- ins, iiiýmas J. 'Condon, C. L. flur- ingham, Harry Gottlieb, John C. Marshall, Walter Zick, Robert B. Brown, Barret Conway, J. L. Hami- ilton, S. R. Logan, and WVilliamî S. Elliott. A number of members of the North Shore Art leauge are also acting as patrons of the lecture. tween thé cherubimhs, ' thou art the God, even* thou alone,, of al. the' king- doms of the earth:,*thou hast. made heaven and, earthý" (Isaiah 37:16). Sthe lesson-sermon also iûcluded the following passages froin the' Christian Science tekxtbook , "Sciehce and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by -Mary Baker Eddy *» "Mind is the divine Principle,. Love. and cati pro- duce nothing unlike the eternal NEED MON EY Corne in end see kow quick- Iy you con obtoin enougk Cash for 'our ne.dsI * You con Tepoy ci smoll aonwt monthly out of your income. * pring's already here-come jon it! ry vout- the new greens and tees and the lengthenedi holes on the Valley Course-then try -the Hill: CýÇourse. Hike and ride an d play teiinis-then finish up ith a plunge in the pool. Take thé minerai watersand bathsý-many guests say a ten-day course here does them more good than a month at a foreign spa. 0 Attractive Spring rates are now in force- and include meals. $ io aday for ýroôm with private bath-$9 a day with private toilet and rutining water-$8 a day .with runtning water only. Rts for double Qcççupancy of jQmsare. stili lower. Corne by plane, motor, or train-jusr. overnight frorn Chicago on the Monon. Corenevow -corne often. Write or wire for reservauions, omhcers selected tw serve uurng the ensuing year inclucled were: ]Lester Kornblith, vice-president; Siegmund Katz, treasurer, and S. Albert Sterti, secretary. Directors chosen were: J. W. Wertheimer, Ely M. Aaron, Mil- ton J. Klee, Byers Wilcox, Herbert Philipsborn, Oscar Helm, and Hugo Hartmann. OpOn Daily 8:30 te,5 SOL. 830 b PERSONAL FINANCE CO., 708 CHURCH -ST., EVANSTON, Phone Gre. .6081-6082 19' French 'Liek, Judam T. D. TAGAT, pre.. "Home of PI,*@ Watur" H. J. FAwoer, Mr "ePatrielic-.Yprod Yogi. Vacghoin s.A#«erc have sont boys r eorgetowg DlJ visit their father. :W.L. Athletic Director, New Trier Higi, Sdho t.. wbere of Delr week1 they w ~1 1