Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 20

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*started when the cloctor and nurse. told, the neighbor s Dan was born on the first stroke of twelve, mîdnight, *and that on the backi of b is Jeft shoulder: there *as "a cute littie. mark," wbich. looked like tbe letter P. The littie birthmark came to meant a great deal in Dan's life. It influenc- cd many of bis acts. and decisions. He even wore: it. on b is signet ring. When he got a jobý as messenger * boy, be chose the Postal Telegraph, because it *was speiled with the let- ter "p.":P People who wanted messages deliveredi in a hurry began to. cal for "'the boy wbo put the "4p" in pep. Onie evening about six ocok early ini spring, shortly after a'ter-: * rible storm which hadjiown down the telegraph wires between Warm '~$l'sand tartersille, the Warin Springs operator called Middieton and advised: "W'r sending al mes- sages via*Middleton to Cartersville," and then the operator followed witb one addressed' to Professor Rodney Sax at Cartersville froru Mr. Oliver Gage, wbich read-"Come at once;, dying. Leaving aIl nry property to you. Trouble with relatives. Don't whicn exuptieu inu Uanyynriver from the Bear Ridge his.. The night was so dark, Danl couid, hardly see, ten feet ahead -of, him. To his great dismay. he neariy rode into..the river. wheti he failed to s 1e tbat the bridge had been washed away. In the ligbt from bis. bicycle iainp, he couid make out .a part of the .damaged framework .of the bridge. Theewas, left standing i single girder - about twelve , inches wîde stretching ail tbe. way .azross tlhe'tiver, and above the girder witti- in arm's iengt h, there -extended ýa cable, which had reçisted, the fury, of the stormn. Stili suffering froni the tumble in- to, the' ditch, and exhausted by the up-hill drive, Dan sat down on the edge of the girder to think. His In- gersol atch registered ten-thirty. mT féach' Ctetsllf i Pu tuâll1W and give Prof. Sax tinie to make the Warm Springs Express, there was no time to lose. Dan was at the end of bis journey. but the river separ- ated him from the town. He wonder- ed if he could safely swim it. Hie bad won a valor medal for saving a chiid by jumping off the Daitonl bridge. There were few of the boys. in the Blue Drageon troop who couldI beat whlc ens eah wek'. *ieed OtPark Settlment House is $2,170, part Dan'episode is spurring many chil-, of .which the young women hope to dren . to, put on their ,thinking caýps -earn at their firit 1933 benefit bridge and Write letters to Mr. Hurst wbo tea and fashion show" Wednesdav, publisbes- a "Deeds'of Dan". story Arl5 ttéKnlot lb ik ,,in WimEip. ývz eahwek.ets rnay be procured froru any «f the Get busyv edti we' Desmenibers- or, at. the, door. Mrs. Rus- ofDan'! eépisode. Then write a.letter sl',% thesisth nwit. telling what you woôuid do 'if you Mr.Cad Sanders was first îjres- wereI Dan; and you, too, may. win the iét Teeaetit'atv im one dollar, trade certificate. ret hr r tit ciemm bers who go into town to the Séwar Just a word about -the miles: In] Park station three times ýa eek Io addition to the address, each letter1 weigh babies, do. pre-niatal and c ler- must contain the name and age off ical work, and look. after pre-school the' cbild striving for the prize. Let-q, childreni. ters mnust reach WiLmETT LIVE on:Absnsmetgishdeer or efoe te. irs Tusda folwig third \Vednesday, usualiyý at the the "Deeds of Dan"'..story. ,Lette.rs home of Mrs. Cedric Smith, 205 Essex about the story ln- this issue mnust raKnlotadaswn et reac WILl~TT LîF on r beore'ng every third Tuesday ini the Guiid Tuesday, April 4.î roorn of the Kenilwortlh Union F receric Strauch's de_,n i urci., letter reads as follows: 1519 Central avenue, im teGrsA eo l) -,,r.Mr. Hurst: march 23, 193-1 Class Piano Program *1o1web an t would turn around Patricia Roche of .801 Central aveu andgobc om house and walk neadRsenr cail f16 right by the place where the black cat neadRsmr eail f16 had been. Aftel, 1 had taken the mes- Litîden avenue, pupils of Edith Ray sage to niy niother and found out how Young, will appear on the regular miy sister was, I would have gone on monthly Curtis Clasas Piano prograni .and dellvered the other messages wlth- on Saturday evening, Apri 1, at 6:45. out paylng any attention to the date Tt ékj . 1, The Warm Springs operator bad given, the following instruction: "Put" special messenger on this run. Prompt delivery neccssary by eleven p. m. to give Sax time to catch Warm Springs Express." 0f cours_ç, Dan was asked to deliv- em the message. Hie had muade short runs out of- town on -day trips., but river. C.atcnîng 't sucmenly it re- minded him of the pas sing of tirrie and the need of getting the telegraru into the bauds of Professor Rodney Sax. He was desperate to realize he was s0 near Cartersville, and yet balked by fifty feet of water. witb which he h'ad striiggled so many times before and won. you.k ep on * Yours truly, Fredertc P. Strii Mirs. ter, j e ieft Fr1 ton of 1 MOTO RING WEST F. B. Crossley and ber d 'an 602 Wasbington a' day accompanied by. Joe Evanston and bis mother. Troop 10 Seleets Stunt ueh.for Scout Hobby Show At the wveekIy meeting of Troop Laugh- 10 the moll was called and dues tak- veu.en. The evening was devoted to fire-, ,eubuilding by flint and steel and by They friction., Each patrol gave a stunt ThVand the best was selected for the Dpping hobby show. At the end of the inçet- fusion, He didn't know 'As O ofbis Oic ýd to pump îa later I y. lHe ito the1 but. tc a#tep 'fo Chiidren, zwIhat 1&'ere DOM F Ailould yout do if you derived from sou- tangible property.

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