>neV and 4uward J. rnelpp 0ofiKenil- worth were bei4g interviewed by the press. The -occasion. was Mr. Phelps' retirement,' after fi fteen years:of servic on the New Trier.High school board of education. *Mly"a large cage of- birds, ton grandchildren and, formerly golf are' the feu, distractions which -havye com- peted with Mr. Phelps' one absorbing hobby-'higb school studènts. Golf feui into disfavor wheni twenty professional lessofis, instead, of reducing, multiplied by two bis score of 18 holes in 100. *'Such a game," quietly explàined, Mr. Phielps, "is' not conducivc to a man's .self-respect, so I sawed m1y clubs into inch pieces Of kindling wood, and pounded the irons with an axe." 97 Percenit DepetndabLm Still more original than his opinion of goUï i. hi. etime ofhe -morl -har- acter of modern young people. "Ninéty.. seven percent .of the students at N4ew Trier are dependable and reliable,» he replied when quizzd about. th prephecies of alarmists who claim motor cars, mo- tion pictures and other instruments of the devil are catapulting the younger generation to ruin. Instead of inveighing against boys and girls, lie had a word or two for Edwawi J. Ph.Ips the 'Yale Alumni: Advisory, board, or- ganized, byà the trustees partially to 'Sound 'out and interpret graduate opini- ion." Tbrough the efforts of this board, under Mr. Phelps' chairmansbip, the Trier the large new gymnasium, and the athletic field narned for* Mr. Phielps, be- came realities while he *was chairm 'an of the athletic committee of the school board. Judg Oi l<aeshlp Absorbed a~s he bas been in the'ath- letic interests .of the school, his part ini selecting tîvo bigh school principalsý looms even larger in bis own. per- regular admission -ticket. Beginning Friday, MNarch 31. theseé tickets will be on sale. at N.\iIsoln's Bakery. They may, also be secured fromn Mrs. R., H. Henderson. and froîmMrs. 'Stanley Smnith, or f romi any member :of cither, .Spoke 4, -or Spoke 8. "This is a.'real chance to save mponiey, for you are surely going to the Fair. Buy these tickets for yourown family, and let_ your . out-of-town frienids who are coming to Chicago this summer know about thein, too. 7006.Kenilworth Visitors. at School Hobby Exhibit Seven hundred personis, attended tlhe annmal hobby show- and gyninasi- umn exhibitioni staged by boys of the ~Joseph Sears sr1Iôô1 last Saturd7ayý night- at the Kenilworth Memnorial gymirasiun. Fromi the standpoint of attendance, speed and snap with which the prograni %vas ruii off and the variet%- and excellence of the hobb,. <lsplays, the affair was the mnost suc- cessful event of its kind ever held in Kenuilworth. according to Robert \V. ýrOIvIIIe3', director of physical educa-.t tti at joseph Sears.t Au outstaiiding 'feature of the from a silent circle of tiame to the synchronized picture-anid-sound pro- duct of tod.ay. Aristotle's discov.ery ini 250 B. 'C. 1ofte principle of ,persiste>ncy of 1 vision by swinging a ýlighteld torch rapidly and finding the resuit a circle of fiarne . . .. invention- of the magie lantèrw in .1640,1w f lhe'Re«. Athanasi- us Kercher., S. J., making use of lamp, reflector- and lens. . . . Thomas Edî- son'sà invention of the phonograpli late jn the-,nineteenth century .- George Eastman's production of the. flexible fIlm Y the. first peep showN, usinig 50 feet of, film'. . . . te birth of tbe moving picture with1 the use of 1.000 feet of, filmi to show 'the Cor-' bet-Ftzsmmnsfigb ,. .the pro-, duction in 1915 of the epoch-making *Birthi of a Nation" . .- . the inven- tion of thé vacuuim tubes bringing to, fiear-perfection the co.-ordiuiation of picture and sound. Another feature-of- the better filmns meeting %vas the expression of the opinion that there is growing everv day a great demand for better and more artistic films and that the managers of local theaters are co- operating with the public ini helping the latter to realize its desire to se the best. .- . into the tuti ight out, thai the dis- the~j ffhtkndofpreth ade LAI..........ltillbwas held by Arend KnIoop, who pro-. the -righ kind of e ventful of bis activities on the board. duced ire in five seconds last year sIyIy. of education. in the. fire by flint contest. Teacli UT. Meet Lifeh "To what do I attribute my success Already the josephi Sears boys who Capable problem-solvers are what he at New Trier ?" ho queried .when f aced will be in the school again next year believes a school should aim to produce with the old journ' listic bromide. "Mry loig owadt nxwsrn of its pupils. "Ability to meet life ini personal contact with the students. I'm when it is planned to hold a circu ail its phases" is his broad and 58iie for the boy and girl every time." How in place of the hobby show and ex- philosophy of an adequate education. these last words hit the uail on thé hibition. Hasten the day I And may they dispatch mi ~. . ni.:î-._1 cated. Girl Scout Director WilI Present Course A prelimninarv course in Girl Scout- ing wilI be given in Kenilworth start- ing Friday of this week by Miss Elliz- abeth G robben, direct or of the -New Trier Area council. The course will dent of the Chicago Yale club, and also Jti eka Urved for ten years as-,a member 0f ming season. V S~ ni tiends irom Winnetli iday from a week's ti ings, Ark. reiumIÎu a wVVk's var; to Hoti She attends in B ronxvilie,. ave- cfor 'a Lawrence cg