Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 14

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wednesday ................ ... ,Muslr'--Svnda»ç APili 2 Prelude-*,procesiOn du St. Sacrement" Anthern -ByBabylon's zWa%'e".Gounoýd. Senior Choir Offertry Anthemn-*O Sarred. Head NoW W~a41... Hassler Junir Choir pestlude-"TemlC eMa rcii" ....Vincenlt Junior choir rebearsal FÉiday after- noon at 4 o'1clock. Seniior choir rehearsai Friday evenhllg at 7 :30 'clock. Junior 'Luther' ieagut- meets Sunday eVening at 5.30 o'clock. The topic for~ next,$unday lu "What is Christ to Me.? We Invite ail the young peopfle of high school age to meet.with us. The Woman's society wili meet. Thur-s- day afternoon, April 6,,at 2 o'clock, at the church. Mrs. Charles Arquette will' oresent1 the topic "'Lutheran Mission ork in China.", The Senior Luther le ague wiii meet Thursday evening, April, 6a t 8 o'clock at the church. Come and 'enJôy t'itlý' meeting with us. We have been liaving very fine NlidL Week Lenten services and we invite you to corne and *orshlp with us next WVed- nesday evening atS8o'ciock. Next Sunday laý designated as 'Nei gh - bor's Day. To our neighbors we say The Union Lenten service wiil be 'held in the Congregationai church with Dr. Huibert Carlton .preaching, Sunday eve - -Neiglibor Day" will be observed ai church next Sunday. Ever> înenxber and failly of the chùrch is urged to in- vite a. nelghbor to churchi. Those -who are flot associa ted with aüy churchi are cordially invited to worship with uis. The' morning worship will 'be he'ld at 11l0,'clock. T he pastor will preaclh on the theme, "The Rebirth of the Sou!." This will deal with the most vital ques- -tion in ail the teachings of Jesus.' It. is as vital today as it was .when Jesus discussed. it with one who came to' in- ttrv,- irn Thie annual meeting of the resby.. terlan church and cofigregation wll be held Tuesday evening, April 4. N~ote that thIs 18 A change in date. Supper wlll be served by the women at 4:20 o'clock. Fo=wn the supper wili be the annual:bu.ines meeting. Rtepiorts wiIi be heard from the officers and ocr- ganizations of the church.. New eiders, deacons andtrustees wilI be eiected to take oftce during the cojning year. in spite of the trying tinies, the church ap- pears. to have. made splendid progress and, té have achieved some real -goals. Ail members and friends of the church, are invited to attend thli meeting., The prayer, meeting wili be heid on Wednesday evening at 8 o'ciock In the club.rooms.. eWe in study the theme', 'J.esus on the Cross."1 We invite you2 to meet.with us. Durlng' Passion week, there wili be à communion service on. Tbursiday eve- ning; a: three-hour union service at St. Augustine's Episcopal church on Friday from 12 to 3 o.'clock, and a' union Good Friday service at the Congregational, cbiirch Yriday evenlng. Eatter services 'wiil inciude a union sunrise service for the young people a t the Congregational church. The Easter service in the church will be at Il o'cioek.. First Con gregational John G(. Hindiey, minister Next Sunday at the Il o'cIoc-k wor- ship service Mr. Hindley ivili preach un "l'he Gold Standard for Life." The 'Ch ldren of al' ages are welcomie in our Chur-ch sehool which ineets accord- ing to the following schedule: I'rimnr, Junior, Interinediate, and High School departments al 9:30. The Beginners. dc- »artment cares for the 'younger children and meets ut 10:45, continuing through the aduit worship service, The union evening service of the five' cooperatiflg churches will be held in this chur-ch next Sunday at 7 :30 o'clock. The regular week-'day activit le.s .are scbeduled asfoilows:3. .'uedayý-4 -p. m.--Camp FIre 'Girls, Girl Scouts Tupsdayr-7 :30, p. m.--Troop No. 2, Boy scouts Thursday-4 pm.--Junior Choir re- hearsal Thùrsday--7 :15 p. m.-Senioôr Choir 're- hiearsal' ThurÈday-7 :30 p.. m.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts friday--.3 :15 p.n.-Brownies Frlday-7 :30 p. - m.n.-Senior Ca mp Fire Saturday,-9 :30 a. ni.-C.fub P acek, o. 63 .Methodist .Churchl. Rev. Oscar Thoinus Oison, D. 1)., rnister The ninimter's sermon theme for the. hý o'clock worship service next'Suniday. miorning wiii ýbe "The Unrlecogni'zed Lord." The mnusiewill be 'as follows: Organ Prelude- -H yt nu , .... .... ....Llszt' "Meditation".-1... Cesar Franck Introit-'*Cast 1'hy Burden, Upon the Lord" ... . . Mendelssohn Anthem-',Lord of Ail Being". And.rews Offertory Solo:- "Sheep and La m bs . ......Homer Mrs. Poster, E. Fike Organ Postlude -We Thank Thee, (God" ...... ......... The question to be considei'ed at the' 7:30 o'ciock 'service Sunday evening is "Can. Humnan 'Nature Bv Chai.nged?" The mnusic for the evening service will Voice" ..7,7-7-Bortniansl<' Organ Potlude-"Finuie" (Pastoral Sonata) ...Rheinberger 'The attendance and interest at these Lenten' evenîng services has been splen- did. "Real Questions for 'Today"* are consl'dered each Sunday' evening. The topics for the remuining of the series are as 'follows: April 9-' Is Religion a lecessity'. A'pril 16-'*Where Are the Dead?" The High School league will meet Sunday evening at 5:30. Group IV-"Recent Social Trende. Group V-The Choir, under the- di- rectionof -Mise Marie Brie!. St, Joh's iLutheran Wilimette and Park avenues, Wilmette, Herman W. Meyer, M. A. ýpastor 409, Prairie avenue, Telephone 1396. Churchi telephone 5319. SERVICE~S Fittb Studay ln Lent 9:15 ét.ff. Firat service. and sermon. .4:30 arn. Suqnday ,sehool and Bibjle cla8ses, 10:4ï a.m. Confessionai servie for communicants. il a.m. Second service .and HolY Coin- mnunio'n. Sermon:- 'The Siniessness of Christ.", MEETINGS Monday ut 8: Choir rehearsai. Tuesýday at 8: Church couneii mneet.. Ing, WVed'aemday at 4: 4Casseki foi, ohildrf«n. Thursday at S., Aduit confirmiation clas. Thursday at 2: Ladies' Aid tni Mis- sionary. Saturday ut 9 a. ni.: Classes for chuil- dren. -MIDWEEK LEINTEIN SERVICE Wednesday at S P. ni. Sermon: Jsi aind the Sinners on the Cross. Christ died upon the cross not as a niere martyr for a cause but ais th, substitute for ail mankind. lie is tho Lamnb for sinners siain. 1-e had lno sins of any kind. But le bore th',' sin of the world. The Lord had laid <"n hün the iniquity of us all. By hi- The Lord's Supî,er wil bho celebrated in the il o'clock service next 'Sunda%. A confessional or preparatory servie' munion at 10:45. Those who wieh to re- ceive the Sucrament 'are requested to inaike th.is known to the pastor on $at- urday afternoon or e,%ening at, the par- Ladies' A will have Lay after lo nary-so- meeting on 6, ut 2 WMe m'i inthe un gregatioi Sning. TI h the other churches, g service at the Con- The Cozy Corner circle will have a 8-i ut 7:30 'Sunday eve- luncheon meeting Thursday, April 6, at "Challenge Night." '12:30, at the home of -Mrs. Clilton L.1 unde the The Sunlday schol wlll meet as, usual at 10:45 o'clock. Ail children betweeni file in the the ages of 3 and the-hlgh s'chool ugo ."Leader: la re Invited.

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