Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 Mar 1933, p. 6

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1ALDEIGIET1 Deawty Sha. E 1167 Wlmtte Avenue la COILDUROT. Triple Traction Tires Are 'ME BESI" Quality Every e.4lvantage of the fluest ra.w materlals, êvery superiorfty et Corduroy workmanuship and preution faelUtiOs bas been put' larI.o tiese tires. The advanced eforuaaee of their design la ly euale y thie "LASTING" of çervire these tires willI give. Se. Themn De!ore Yea Bay DE PENDABLE AUTO SUPPLY STATION William A. Wieboldts. Màrried FfyYars Asurprise party w%%as tendered Mrs. iWilliam A. Wieboldt last Saturday, iafternopon1 on thé occasion of bée iftiethedding anniversarY by the women of the ýpres ent board of the Columbia club,. which was organizeïd in the World's Fair year of 1893., In the, evening Mr. and. Mrs. WVie- boldt received ,informally at, the Bel- den-Stratford .hôtel, 360 miçmbers of thieir family and friends. There were out-of-town guestîs f rom MNilwaukee, Kansas, City , and- St.: Louis. The- Wieboldts, who reside. at 243 WVar- wick road, Kenilworth, bave thrce sons.,Werner A., Raymond Carl,. and Elmer F., and two daughters Mrs. ~Walter F~. Sttraub of W inntka , and, Mrs. H.erbert Sieck also of WVin- netka. They bave twenty-four grand- chidren. Paul I-osking and a classniate at Purdue univer.sity, Jampes Elliott1 of Lafayette, Ind.. returned Saturdav to spend their spring vacation Nvitlh Paul's parents, the Richard J. Hos- , Mis$ Janet McNuilty, presideit. of the' club, and Miss Hielen 'Shepard, financial chairmali. ;.re ini charge of, the' sale In buying at the Bake Sale Satur- daY mothers wil l n.ot only aid therm selves in obtaining such delicious f ood at a low price,- it1 is .explained, bût wil1 also belp ,thechubh to augment. its sçholarsbip f un which bas.,been sadly- depleted, by, many calls upon it* this year. -Mrs. Frank Barrétt, 615 Essexz road,ý Kenilworth, entertained ýat tea, M-onday the L.ake Forest and Evan- stoni committees of the Garden Club of America wbose annual'meeting will he held ini Chicamo' this srnmer.. Expert Repairing Watqlm.ucloo*s, j.weIry, silver. ware, optiosi, beedu r.strung. 1166 WILMETTE AVENUE cept4Uion notet DUAlow> ) A'neV"1W119-- -The sellig price of this property ieà lncluded ln- receipts upon the basis of, which the seller 15 obllgated to pay three per cent toi the Stàte qf Illinois." If bY reason ùfý th e nature of th« retaller's 'business, It Is. impracticblot to put the aboVe legend. on the con- tainer ùr saA" ticket,,. then he miw-t display on postersý the following: "Purchasers are hereby notified. that as ta each, item of property sold, th: selng price Is încluded ln receipt'z upon the basis -of which the seller i:e obllgated to pair three percent. to the Statt' of Illincim."l 5.-The:retailer rnay consider the tax as one of the' elements In bis cofo doing, business and May include the amnount of ,the tax Ir. fixing bis selling pri.ce. However, na retailer may ad- vertise or ho)ld- out to the publie in ainy manner, directly or indirectly, that lht. tax is hlot considered -as an element ln the price charged by hilm to the con- ,mmier. 0f coursé It is expected -that the retailer -wili nottisrepresent tht taX. books and records which wili enablo, hini ta iake a proper retuirileach month. 7. AnY retaiIer, who faits to inake a .return, or to keep proper books or1,(,4 - ords, or who wilfully violates the prt- visions regarding advertising ami dis- play of legend uipon containers or saý,le"m tickets, or in bis place of business. (,t, who violates any other rulo or regulia- tion for the enforcemnent of the Ae1t will be guilty of a misdemeitnor and upon conviction shall be fined iiot less FOR EASTER Spring blossoms fill our shop-cuf flow- ers as well as a variefy of potf.d plants from our greenhouses. AReasomabIy Priccd ASPARAGUTS, fresi, gret large huaeh ORANGES, Pineapple, Jul 2 doz. GE.APIEFRVIT. seedless,. thin skin, doz. RADISHIES, crlsp, solld, 3 bunchles e., Ice, In atttlounicing thé rules and re- 39e, ulations, Mr. Rice stated that lie 29c wisbed to ask for the wboleheart.ed coopération of the retail merchants 49c o f the state,.and that the departnient would render to the retailer every ac- ýioC cnmmodation and assistance possible., TeAct, Mr. Rice pinted out, is. an emergency measure primarily for àg the. relief of thÇ destitute, dépenid- Dol Main St, at Linden Ave. Ph one Wilmette 3334, IM9 Lake Ave.' Wilmette 2,3S8

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