useé like spaghetti-for solips, salada or baked comibanationa. 3 for 20e Juat look at the prices quoted below. A full quart ef deicous creamy salad.dress9" for:19c-5lb package of oap flakes and a bar of White ýSoap for- 28e-a complote luncheon or supper dish for three for 25c! Just everyday samples of the. good buys we offer at ail times.- We make no additional charge. for delîvery.; Out, low.prices inclùdeit. Large, plain -or, pimnotpstuilml whichever your prefrene- 12.oz botUle. 2'r45, College Inn Chiekea..gge Noodie Dnnerý Tender, selected nieat - perfectly seasoaed. - ail reedy to heat end 16-oz, jar.25 CALI FORNIA CELERY, large staiks, fine for stufllng or as a .coked 5 vegetable, bwich .... ...... 5 ARTICHOKES, extra large, triman md cook in boiling salt water, 2 for ..>................... 1.5e Umm W-M. 80e tEOee ions, and sw F R E S H CALVES' SWBETBREADS, creani or brd theni for lunchipon, lb................ ROUND STEAK, have it eut thiok for Swiss Steak or thin for frying, i e SPINACH : 3-lb. peck at a aid.. < summer price ................4'_ SNOWBALL CAULIFLOWER, filin white flowers, your clioice at ....................... I.S GREEN BEANS, cook with an osion, 2 qts ................... I 9ç 3 bunches ...... NATIVE SHOULDER POT ROi BEEF, wonderfully tender. especial cooked ini a Dutch Oveti,1 lb............................ OYSTERS, smail, quart................. 37e Large, quart........................ 47e STRICTLY FRESH BGGs, 49 3 doz ......................49 EasyTaskSopChips Can be used for the IL .. finest laundering-a box,. >.... F5E~ 1 large bar FREZWIu*te FI@atDZ Soap,