Arunour& CO. couponis EGGS, lrgWu% .c., O 3 do%" ...... so rO-AS TING CHICKENS, lb.- 4 PORK LOIN ROAST,14 RR ROAST 0F BEEF 6th aaid 7th r22c, l22. LEG:O0F LAMD, 2c iCALVES' ILIVER, 38 POT ROAST,18 lb .......18 Ridge Avueu.,Wil.i.tte Free Phoqpe: Dlvey WiI.stt. 3 » . 8W.-ls2 Mr. and Mrs. Rex Elton Fair, 510 fi-fth street, were amonig'the guests, at.a, dinner party last Saturday give-p by ,Mr. and Mrs.. Ossian, Cook in. ho- nor of Nathan MelIton, young 'Chi-, cagoé poet. FR U ITi luice ORAlNGER, dot. -10e, GRAPEFRVIT, Texas eedess, doz. 55c 59C APLSuoman BeautY,2c CELERY, Y Oungt wbilte, <rsp unch .... ... .-. 15C aoi~TiOWNu VIRIT IMAK TIl I PHONE WIL. Ml1 1111 Central Ave. booth. Especially. popular .were the. style shows whicli were put on every eve-, ning byý Wilmette tuerchants., They, were beatifully staged and the mnodeling, was handled eXtremelyý welb a rop. of, Wilmette girls. The luncheon, tea roomn, and dinner service was also'very weIl attended, as Were the dances which began every evening ' with the dinner hour, and which were «culminated on Fri- day night with' a, very successful celebration for, young people. The purpose of the Mart was, to benefit *the club through the aus- pcsof the ways and means coin- it-ee REPORT CAR STOLEN Eraly morniflg, March 19, an Oakland sedan belonging to the Paul L. Borns was stolen from their ~grage t 705, Foest avnueand it lias flot yet been recovered. At the saine time a Ford was stolen from the garage of the Chris Hendrichsens, 1707 Lake avenue, but it was found ahandoned in 1Evanston on Tuesday. Mrs. Herbert V. Mesick, 331 Essex road, Kenilworth, will be hostess to fer bridge club at luncheon tomor- have paid out additional large amounts of both cash and warrants. Comm enti bu Checks People Who have maâiled. checks to the Collector -whiçbChehsnobet able toidcean, will confer a great favor on him. hé said, if they Will take steps to substitute soine otherý payment and- pick up tehecks. Mîr. Hale urges ail peéople Who wish the second instaliment of their taxes beforie the return of the book-~. to prepare to take care of this m at- ter irmmediately.- A 'penalty of 'one percent must be added to aIl first in-l staliments paid after -March 15. A-; far as he has been advised,ý Collector, Hale said, he wjll'not be perniitted tc retain the books later thani March 31, Urges Prompt Paymnent He said he would like to sec as tutny people as, po-ssible pay the4ir persona] property tax before the books are returned. People will find it convenient to pair' these taxes to the local collector. it wvas pointedl out. .Mr. Hale said his office is begin- ning to catch up with the work of mailing out receipts for taxes which have been received ini the mails, an(] requests a little more patience on the part of those who haireflot yet re- ceived them. siripes and com- binafipas, in chic YOUWtIfulstyles.. Sizn for botk womean and misses. $ .95 and FREE LECTURE ON' CHRISTIAN SCIENCE her classroom ail of last week be- cause of a throat ailment. She was unable to return to ber work early this week. Mfiss Kurz's home is in Wilmette. Mrs. Helen Flood lia-, been substituting for Miss Kurz dur-, ing the.,latter'$ absence. -s ues Poo:WI.t S2 us- Wilmettè, Illinois Announces a V E G E T A B L E 5 Phones: Wilmette 28-29