GREEN BRANS, Richelieu cranberry eut, broad, 2 NO 29 TOMATOES P-lymouth Rock ýripep extra heavy pack. 6C49c TO.-MATO SOUP Ri chelieu. Ver> rich and delicious 6 NO. 139c SALMON IR edw ood red Alaskan Sockeye. I Extra fine. L 1 I I IV L4~ A . 5.d01 . J Richelieu condensed. 9-: .9C Luscious :big halves of Cali- fornia stemmed Bartletts averaging 9 to il per can. Extra fancy for salads. PEACH ES Raggedy Antis are tree rip-, ened and consequently, have, the> most natural flavor. possil- ble in. cannéd fruit. NO. 2V/2 CANS 9-8c NO. 2'/z CANS 98C pAPRUCOTS Also Raggedy Anns. A'rare ~ treat-whole halves averag- ing frorn 20 to 25 per can. CHERRIES 4 Roya Ane lrge whte n. NO. 2',i Royl Ane arg, witeUflCANS pitted. A favorite for salads, sauce and ail fancy uses. 98g tion of choice fruits ,that UN . am, ordinarjly selîs for 39e a can. 98 THIS SALE, 15 .EFFIECTIVE, PROM MNARCH 20 TO 25' 'I I .8 OX TONGUES Caret ully. sugar corned. lb. *19el LAMB PATTIES Friesh made to order. Ib. 22e SWEETBREADS lb. 39e .LAMB SHOULDER For roast or stew. lb. 2le Round or Swiss Best native beef. lb. 23e 14--- -3 ,ý: