lion, water aepartment,r general funds and road and bridge fund. Reposiummued« Reports of' the activities of vari- ons depaients Of the Village dur- iiig January were summnarized by Village Manae Osborn as followsl Building Departent-The Bulidltag department lessed three permits this Montb, at a total costet $30.Ai tk.s perit.were for alteraf ions-of vresent buildings. Garbage COlleCtlon-2403.4 'tous of mwbage and Oombugtile WaSte vere eollected and disposed of durlng the moutb, at a Cent of $ 4.3 5 per ton. Two hundred twenty-threean see tenths tous were ColectedleIst month at ia eost of $4,82 per ton. This différence lat 008f le princlpally dUe teo the cost of col-. lection. 'The, collectionis during- this suoeth were made by -tht uew. cen- tracter,. The new contract, costu are $193 less per month tflan the former contracf. Ieatse of the, -breaklng i" oft f -K -. is 511w Il id.the coi been -Tif deé A1; ied by -bdavec G. F. Munns, Secretary, Ev-anston branchi, Chicago Medical -Society. Fditor, WixmETT LV -Under date of Marfàchý 10 an ar- ticle appeared- iii your paper signed by Hugffh St!1art Camwbell of the Christian Science ICpîlnîittee on Pub- lication for Illinois,-, Mr. iCampbell cites ýfigures :for. the' Cif v of Chicago fo prove thlat 4oiiidér legislation for protectionj of the eyes of njýewborn1 babies is îîot neccssarv.' The Illinois ýSociet v for thle Pre- venfion of Blinidllîcs, a stafe-ivide 1or- ganlizafioni, is probabl ini a bett er p.o- sitionthan an%- one else f0 know lîow necessary if is to take further sf cps, f0 ilîsure good >evesight for every baby born ini the- state of Illinois. Fron 1920 toi930. 'tt lli s oi for Prevent.ion of I3inns* ad ali lîourly nursing service mii cooperation %vithi the Chicago Board of Healthi. In that finie hiun(re(ls of babies. ini flic cify of Chiicago alone, were taken fo liospifals sufferilig wiffh eye infections' whiich fliev îîéd never hiave had if thieir eves lîad beeîî giveti a few min- utes attention at birthi. The overwlîelnîing nîajorïty of tlic nmed ical profession ini tiis state. as in Pennsylvania in which States the.,law% .requires this frcafmlent. In the lasf feu years in t he'stafe of Illinois there haive been ý77 blind babies and there have been over one thousand other babies ftaken f0 ho s-. 1pifais to be cured of éye* infectio .ns ýwbîcb they nccd îîevcr have had. Ail -this unnecessary hospital ýexpense is' a disgrace fo, our state. *The Illinois ýSociety for Prevention of. Blinidness fecîs that every single baby blinded uinnecessarilv is a- major catastrop-he. If only one bahby a ivere .bcing. 1blindedl we would still fhinik that if îvas worthwliile -te do sornehing f0 l)retent that one çclild from losinig ifs eycsight. The group ,o actively opposing fuis bill bas neyer ol)posed flhc compulsory orjitinces .wlich pro-tect the people of our state from typhoid fever by the purification of dninking water and the pasteurizafion of milk. The procedure called for ini House Bill 161 is a cleansing proccss and is tiot, stnictly sîieakiiig, iniedicatioui. No dis- case is as yef present-the infecfing organismn lies t here betw'cen f the lids of the eyebali. It is a î'cgetable fungus, îîof a "bug." The silver nitrate siniply rendiers it harn1Psc ini gymnasiunî work. An equally large crowd is expected tlis year, aud the boys hope to provide thieiraudiecnceý with the best ehbto ever lîejl atý the SChool, Hobbies. will lc displaved Ini the, variouns roorns f rom :30 o'clock to 7:45 o'clock and, at 7:45 o'clock 'tle, exhibi tion1 of gyînniasîuni work ivill start: in the .Kcnilworth Meémorial, gyninasiuni. Organizations taking part mii the hobby so and exhibition' include the Boy Scoutis, the cul». .the Jun*ior Hikers and the Sea Scout>~. .1 Mvusical cvnterfainnîieu.t ýwill he ;pro- vide 1:by thflec shool, orchestra and. hv a harmonica band. May Pick Candidate to Take Pettibone's Place 'l'le far.s4y partv ivli ci l ion "I- atedl the late Éarl A. Peffiliboe for re-election as police nxagistraîctu : Wilmette Nviii have the ofvleeû ch(oosinig another candidate to take is place. Village Clerk Nicliolasi,ý1. Miller. stated hi week. Up to0 ~Vedesdv noon, hovever, no can- didate lias been chosen to take :'ýIr. Pecttih)ones 1place, Mr. Miller The Village party has cndorscd *ui J. Peters, 1519 Washinîgtonî avienue9. for police magistrate; anid CharIcs E. yara~ ~~uol'as0111et ompretl ic i ilblind htiidreds of Illinis babies. *1t1VUWI& L VS n. ,nd disposed of. On las ,î,- oîîpae er. "-iviani, mvlîoattends Ohiv), -two loads of figures of this staf c and other states 1 The figures quoted b-v our oppoîî- State univcrsity, during lier rm disposed of at te conclude that mnidatorv legisla- cnt,. MIr. Canmpbell, are' for the city. vacation. Her dauigliter, - ;eorgî 'iýa the balance at t ion iun regard te flic use 'of Silver of Chicago w]îere liospitalizaf ion miaY bas startcd dancing schiool. ai Kc:-- his department Nitrate drops i s the aîlswer f0 this be made quickly and eèffèctively. be- tucky uîîivcrsity anîd is ilot cxp(Cctcd(! the month, of problemi. Bliîîdncss ainîolg babies cause of fransportationî facilities. Thîis home for Easter vacationl. ,ourf and fined. froin birth infection useci fo be î'er3' Bill vas not (lrafte(I for tlîe City of 3ed. The total -- commnoîî. As rcnl as 1900 33 per Chicago but for the whole state .of ~haî r.Lus.X tvrai ýomtted. This cent of childreîî il) sciioois for ftic Illinîois so fliat every baby iin the Mt-n r.Iol .'tri 1( es so far thls blind ini the United States ivere blindf- country and evcrx- babyv in a smnalî dau2liter, I3arbara, 152 Rebsart placc. ridls earKeiwrh. rl rod le s~ éd ini fis wa%. In 1931 this percent- tQwfl may have" every protection Kn ot.refurncd SuîîdaN r age ]lad been reduced slîarply to thrown around i t fhat is kno .n Miami and Hollvwood; FIa.Mr et Society of, Vptometri iois State Department of Mrs. George H ut avenue, ente ýub at luncheonýl Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lapat of 'd 1010 Chest- Chicago have taiçen' a bouse at 51 ed her bridge Central avenue and are 'moviîiz in; esday. April 15. 4. Ssar fonrlier s,