stands in:the front rank of America's educators, will -be, the. speaker -in ~'dGrouip 'V," sponsoreti by-the Men's class. She wiIl discus "Idücation," a chapter in the report on "Revent Social, Trends," made by the Re-' search commission, which Wà sap- Pointed by Former. President.Ilioove-r. A 'cordial invitation to be present is exteîîded to every, parent in Wil- mette, Keniiworth andi Wirinetka a~s well as to ail who ýare interesteti in the progress of education. On Thursdayv evening, Niarch 30, M-alter, Fremoant,. publisher and, rit-ý er, wiIl addre$ss "Group IV" oritire Chapter of "Recent Social 1'reid.s" entitied. "M eans, of Comimunication."l If the men and womien want to .know "just what is ahead of us" they wl arrange now to be present on Mardi "Group fi, which has had several delightful evenings looking into "Con- temporary Literature, and Its Mean- ing for Today," wilI have a real treat this Thursday evening when Mrs. Oscar Thomas Oison wiIl review the book "Eighty Songs at E ighty" by Edwin Markham. This group bas been fortunate in its pregrams. which is, also sponsoring the tourna- Ment, theý Y. P. C. team, and -the Kuda teamn. The. last. of the pre- liminary ýgames, were scheduled to be played off Monday evening of this wçek at the Stolp gymnasium -and the final gamés of the tournament are té be played Monday, April 3. L-as-t -w-k's games: Kudas as5) Irownies (19) A. Kristoff G. Johnson A. (Jostellu m. Lauer 1. Christenseu L. Anderson P. Toscani L~. Janneqa R. Toscani E. Gordon. E. Zopp D). Voliman l e eleree, (.38,)J~ Weber Weber, Kummel, Hoffmanni Antonio ~Phili>p Dj. Six'Bits (9) H. Hunter B. Sehafeheii P. Shea G. Allen R. Braunî S. Keil XYZ (10) R. CoùleY D; Kummer E. Hoffmnann' V. Monahan' F. Johnson Porters (49) E. Berndtson À Stempel V. Johnson M. Green E. Clifford †bb', ~ TifV each di viston. the Senior girls' tour- nament was not held and each of theý other ýtournamüents bad far less en- tries than ever before. recorded. Members of the Recreation staff acted as. referees of the tournamients. BajPtists Win Tifile inVoile yball Play The Baptist volleybal team a11- nexed its flfth chamùpionship Moriday evening by defeating the Hoffmann Florist voîle-ybali tear n iithe -Aav- off of a tie. for, the 1933 volley bal championship of the Piayground andi Recreation, board at' the Howard gymnnasium. In the preliminaryi announcements of the playoff last week àt was anl- nounced that if the Baptists succeedeti in dfeningtheir title sucemfu41y it would be the fourth consecutive season that tliey had carniet the championsbip of the league. 1-ow- ever, after a search tbrough the flesý of the Playground andi IZeereatioil board it was discovered that tbev earned that honor- last year andi after Mc.nday night's game bad proveti themnselves champions for the fifth straight .year. SIt is significant that their rivais in, layî groupi. The tuberculosis institue wili bring to Chicagoý outstanding authorities ini the fieldi of. tuberculosis coutrol, Who, together with local public health officia; iswl present a' course on tuberculosis and ..public health for graduate nurses. These lectures will be given iîn cooperation with the Illi- noîs, League of Nursing -éducation and wilI 6e h04d in the headquarters' of the Illinois Association of Gradu- ate Nurses a t 8 S. Michigan avenue. There is no charge for the lectures, which are, open- to éveryone.. Dates for .remaining lectures are March 3Ô andi April 6, 13, 20 and 2e; May 4 andi Il. lu addition te local physicians and public heaith workers, the speakers ini this course include Dr. H. E. Klinl- schinidt, 4ltéctor ofheaâth iedüucfiibn service of the National Tuberculosis association, and Dr. Philip P. Jacoba, director of publication andi extensions of the national association. The slogan for the general cam- paign this year is "Tuberculosi- Froin Whom Did He Get It? To Whom Diti He Give It? " ln addition to abstracts of recent scienitfic in- formation supplied te the medical andi interestîng andi entertaining review î'unuays for the ornettof boys ofIN oit-h-e -1fe of "Justice Oliver -Wen- high school age. delHomes" by Silas Dean. The champions finishieti the nine- Lisaz Use of Bib. week seasonl with a record of eight "Group 1" bas an interestiîtg series gaines won and 0,113- one loss while on "The Use of the Bible in the the Sea Lions, their nearest compet i- Modern Home and School" contiucted tors, finislhet the season with fiveL by Prof. Frank M. McKibben of the gaines won anti three lost. Northwestern university. This Thurs- The league met on Monday and - ,day evening Professor MçKibben wilI Wednesday evenings froin 6 to 7 discuss "Bible Interests andi the e'clock under the auspices of the Wil- Neetis tf Youth." This subject tvl -A~...i~ were: 15, 15 to Il. 13. Sport Calendar Thursday, Mareh 23 p.m-. Girls' gymnaslum celaXs. How- p. m.. Ladies' gymnasium class. Ho*- ard gymnasijam. civic organ the distribu formation. iiation v ition of ýit ,.tj the 1 HEAR DRAMA LECTURE The Lake Shore Players lhelti an open mneeting. Thursday evening, March 16, at the home of Lawrence r Lyon 715LareT aene.Gust Dormanti succeeds, wvill be ntereste<l to know that she'is marrieti and is now living in New Yorkç. Ining the 1933 tournz In the junior >o3 L18:15 P*' . m oxlng and wrestling ahQ*. Howard gymnaalum. sion Budj gr