E. GR RaDUCED FROM $35,000 TO $20,000 Outstandlng HIghiand Park home - 9 rmsa.,, à bedrms., 3 baths, English type, unusoual Iocçation. 1 block from Sheri- dan, Rd. Price..subJect to offer for qulck deal. NEWHALL, 1071 Skokie Ridge, Drive, Glencoe 1554 or Briar- gate 185k ll11LTN46-ltc 7 ROOM, 2 BATU HOMEWITH 2-CAR garage, oil heat, .and 100-f t. frontage for $12,000., Mrs. -Fu-llér, & Win. Pickard. 746 Elmi St.Winka3212 lIILTN46-1týc 113 wàANtSrta 10 muy-HoUS"S WJE ARE LOOKING FOR, A 7 BOOMI modern home, 2 or 3.batha, Wllmette nortlh to Glencoe. Clapboard Colonial or brick. Pltce between $15,000 and $20,000. Must be exoeptional bargain. Addres A-84,. Box 40, Wiltnette,' 111. 113LTN46-ltc EASTERN HOAE FOR NORTH SHORE Trarmferred to Chicago, will exehange large charminoe New 'York suburban, vinage, or w IKumett, anau the roaauways of Qreenwood . Avenu.: Chestnut  ve- nuEinwood Avenue, and Fifteenthi Street lylng wlthIn the outer liUnes of sald Main, Street. alse that portion of the centrai twenity-tbree (23)ý feet and two '(2) Inches. of ifteenth Street lying between the, soùthwéigt lino of' said main Street and the north end of the brick pavement ,now in place ln, aald Fit- ttenth Street, be lmprofed by removling ()Id curb and guttér., brick. pavement, sidewalk, trees and sttmps, by grading, inluding parkways, by constructing a stormwater sewer wlth brick..manholes, by constructingr ne* brick catch basins and, new brick catch basin InIets. by adJusting ail manholes- and catch basini covers within, the Unes. of sald lm-j Provernent to the proper grade, by pav, Ing with reinforced concrete pavement., bY constructing a concrete curb, by coiistructing, new concrete sldeWalks and otherwise improving smIi nrtn4Iof WANTED TO BUY IN 7 or 8 room brick houm Write A-83. Box 40, Wi 114 FOR UALE-Vi^ Home Site Ba D AVIT4TÎA refuge and strengtn, a very present help in trouble. 'Iherefore will not we fear, thoug.h the'earth be rernov- ed, and though the mountains be car- ried, into the midst of the sea; Though the, waters thereof 'roar and be .troubled,, thougb the mountains shake with tbe, swellinig thereof" (Psalrns 46:1-3). The leison-sermon also included the. following passages, from the Christian Science -texthook, Science - andHealtb with Key to the Scrip- tures," by. Mary Baker Eddy:- This material world is.eve*n now becoming the arena for conflicting forces. On one side there will be discord and dismay; on. the ot 'her side. there will be Science. and peace. The- breaking up of material beliefs:may seen to be famine and pestilence, wvanî and woe, sin, sickness. and death, which as- sùtne new phiases until their nohig- ness appears" (p. > REDUCE RAIL RATES- Effective March 15, the Chicago and' North Western railway will sell every day in the week oneway tickets bé- îtween Wilrnette, Winnetka and Glen- coe and Milwaukee, for $2 and round- trip tickets, limited to ten days, for, bJusiness wïtil Roscoé L. W ickes, former resident of Evanston. .Mr. Fletcher's only active inter.- est, outside of bis -business and ' hs farnily, was the Chicago Sunday eve-. 1ning :cluby,with w.bicb be was iden- tifiedas an usher for many years. He was a member of tbe Rogers Park Congregational. church. Besides bis widow and the. daughter' in Wilmette Me. Fletcher is survived by another daughter, Mrs.> L. O. WVel- corne of 'Brooklyn and by a-sister, Imogene, and a brother, Daniel of Oneonta, N. Y. Burial« wiII bc at Rosehili cemetery today. (Thursday); with services in the. Rosebili chapel at, 1 oclock this afternoon. Fire in Spinney' Home Sunday; $200 Damage ~Svrail ires ocurred in ii Wfette in the week ending Tuesday, March 21,' but only one resulted i damage., That was at the Fred C. Spinney borne, 619 Forest avenue. The Wil- mette Fire department ivas called. there about. 7:45 o'clock Sunday night to extinguish a blaze that start- ed in a clothes closet on the second floor. The damnage amnounted to about $200, according to Fire Chief Walter Zibble's estimate. Saturday morning shortly before -4 à. %,- a %. J LALa J- \-f NNETKA. 100 rr. OF FRONT- Private road. Has been held . at DO. Owner wants offer for cash. NSLAN & TYSON, mnc. ierman Ave.. Uni. 2600 114L46-tp, 1 ga,. j court wiIl per- a periocl of 60 aays.prie rsinteaswkoen (I County Court ___________paen es i te a we1k, 'aoneto In the City of Henrietta and Florence, a8:e25Weneda ngh, arh oabu County, as the . 82 'lc at Lake. avenue and tiearlug on said nieces of John Q. Magie of 2810 Ridge road, and the other two last B deslrlng may Jlackhawk road,, arrive today to Tbursday afternoon. The first of the urt before s aid spend their spring -,yacation with Mr. Tbursday ires occurred at 925 Ridge .on the hearlng and Mrs Magie. Hennietta attends road and the other at Greenwood iary, 1933. Oldfields school at 'Baltimnore, andi avenue and Ridge road. None of the PROEDE, Florence the Arkansas school, Southî- prairie ires causçd any damnage. N, SR. r e. -o- Herbert Lundahi, a student at 1 VI- r. nnRav T *Linn ,ê,a af--- ~ A .! and n Date Lurnru asii uesaay romJrmuua. entertain another ilext Wednesdav. iey spent a few days in New York*o-- W with, Mrs. KeithWs sistér, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Craig B. Ketcharn, ssie Alling. Miss Alling went on 611 Abbotsfordroad, Kenilworth, en- cBermuda trip with the Keiths. tertained at a family. dinner Tuesdair.