Tbis film serves to bring together again as stars of the picture, that clever comedy pair -Slim Summer- ville and ZaSu Pitts.. Summnerville's awkwardness is a perfect f ou for Miss Pitts' ,lackadaisical flnervousness, .and as man and wife. they ae'the center of, a -Swift succession of ilarious situations.. Miss Pitts las neyer ýbe- fore been given such an opportunity for, the display of pantomime. Their supporting cast in They Just Had to Get MiNarried". is excellent, in- cluding as it does sucb, accomplisbed, players as :Roland Young. Fifi D'Or- say, Verrce Teasdale.. C. Aubrey Smitb and many others. Cantor G... to the Bull. Promised by Samuel Goldwyn a the biggest as. well as tbe funniest pic- ture to corne out of Hollywood this season, -iThe Kid iFro Spain' en . tertaining at the Teatro del Lago, Sun- day, Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- day, March 26, 27, 28 and 29. It is the annual screen song-and- dance coniedyo-i.Eçdie Cantor, suc- ceeding his "Palmy Days" of last season and 'Whoopee" of the year before. Eddie makes but one picture la a year, saving bis energy, his voice and bis laughs for a, single big effort. "Maybe it's flot as sharp as sonie razors, but you're pretty certain that nobody bas been cutting his corns with it," commented Rogers- after. he- had finished the. job and the camera eased grinding. "Too Busy to Work" shoWs this, 1Friday and Saturday at Connnunityý House.* Another attraction win . be: "The Rinik,": witb, Chartie. Chaplin; in (you've guessed it) -a comedy role. Two Dogs Nearly Break Warren William's Heart: Warrený William, wbo bas the lead- ing role in .'Emnployees' Entrance,, spent mnost of bis spare time during the two months the picture was in pro- duction in building a dog bouse for bis two wire haired terriers. jack and Jili. Hie bas soniething of a flair for me- chnics and décided lie would ialoe the perfect dog bouse. He read. up al about the way to bouse dogs and con- structed a very beautif ni looking ken- ne!. It was a perfect dog bouse but the dogs refused to sleep in it. In fact they could not be induced to go anywbere near it. CARTOON IN COLOR wind-cyed, nusky-troated q u a 1 i t y wbicb Hollywood regards as primie requisite for political trouble-makers. The latest revolution started by Cording is thé one whicb' occurs in "Tonight Is Ours," screen aatto of a, play by Noel: Coward, of "Priv- ate -Lives" faine. Silim Summervil1le, Was once a "Keystone Cop". Maclc Seninett's original_ "Keystone Cops" that body -f ill-assorted police- men wbose every appearance in earlv screen comedies «produced roars of làugbter and thrills of excitement, num- bered amnong its members Slim Sur'-g merville. lanky comedian wbo bas since made good in a big way. Summerville appears in "Tbey Just Had to Cet, Married," proariotudy f unny .md ini whicb lie is co-starred witb the niournful ZaSu Pitts. CETS MORtE EXCITING "The Lost Special," a serial being shown every Saturday afternoon at a Techmnicolor, Comey- "Hey-Hey West..r"r-N.ws Safurday On0*, March 25 William Hains-Ma*dg.e lvans "FASTLFE Redio ýAçcI-Travelogu.-- #.WHÎSPERING SHADWÀ INew seriali sfarta eofi. i>on't miss 1lhl. greaf ytey Sun. OnIy, Mer. 2"-ack O.&e Comdy ,-Açt.-Travlou-Nows, Mon.. Tu«.. March 27-28 mous buII-fighter. He 'accepts the acclaini of a great fete inibis honor, trying desperately to maintain bis mas- querade until the minute hle is f orced into tbe arena to figt the four bul s in the tbrilling cimax of the-picture. Sidàey Fienlilin ÎAPpr* 1115 wea and tht and làtt each otl as a d soon ft aster. How * sg~ her. Tihey are marrieci as ivorce decree ïn granted, id themiselvels menaced, by pher who f; employer, a a love wïtui ied man, un- OM SPAIN»