Chicllago, wUi upevseieecase for ail Wilmette Girl Scouts every ftetnion. and Saturday. morning for the next few nieeks. The classes will ineet in. the vacant store nextto the hiardware store at 1119 Central avt- iue. Winmette, Exhibits f rom Mesi- cû :will be on display iii.the win'dwýo. the vacant store. George,9 son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRový Woodland, 336 L.eicester. roadi <u iWorth, who attends Clhoate school klit Saturday withîa group of 'bo.ys iroiin , Clioate miotorinig to Pine1îurst. NIijaînii. aijd Palii I pend tiieir '-,lrixuI' vacation. -o Mrs. Arthur Long, 111-0<, reeiiwootd. aý-enue, returnëd Saturday atter visit- fing lier inother. Mrs. WV. P. Good- millith, who lias bceen spend-ixwithe ,%-,mter ini Melbourne, Fia. Slie aIso visited Newv York friends iii MNiamii *Fia. NI r. and Mirs. \Valter Btthof.( Shre.and L.avrv. 156 Abingdon avenue. Kei iil\v 'rth. returned Wed- îiesdav ofiaut week, iromx Pasadena. Sliirley > wa> Mithedieospital ini Cali- boria eighit .%eeks, and is still con- Cmed tiilier beil ut home. 5penoiiltg lier spring vacion will uier parents, MIr. and Mrs. Evan, T. MdI craitix. 403 Washiligton avenue. 'Mr. anxd M WeIler Kinîibaîl. 333 I.eceserroad, Kenilworth. left to- day ior V irginiia Hot Springs. Thieir .o.Donald, %vio attends Philliws Andover. will incet thieni tliere to >!peld Ibis sprng vacation mithl théni MNrs. S. A. Blackburn, national president of the American Légion auxiliary, will, be, entertained- by Cook County a luncheoix at the Midland club, Chicago, Saturday, March A5 Please make reserva- tions with Mrs* S. Vaix1nwz.gen,ý NVil. 374. Seventh district will hold its reg- ular bi-mnonthly meeting Wednesday, March 29, at the Ferris Inn, Demnp- ster, road .at 'Ferris, 1Morton ,Grive. Niles %Center township Unit" will be hiostess and Mrs. ùMlelville Ntückle- stone, state president of the auxiliary, wiIl be the guest. of hoijor.. Save the date of Frida.y evezixxig, March 311, Wilmette Post 46 and its auxiliarywill. stage~ a joint party at that time. Details to be annouiî:ced Thei auxiliary las sustaliied a great loss n the passing oi Mrs. C. F. Snover, national vice-presidenL oïl the Central division. Mrs. Snover's gra- clous personality, lier outstaaxding characier and ioyalty arc prehâaps best show'î by giving tbe following excerpts iroin an address which she made before the convention body. at samne true foundation -of woniaiiluod that we offer to oûr home and lam- ily. Do not let these liard tilles daunt us, but let us revalue out lives and learn that a flat iron cati raise the same kind of blister as a golf club." .Miss Jane Littell, 322 Woodstock avenue. Kenilworth, whio attends Pinie [h leprten ot UCid IKFIL1> UIUweii8~areil the Illinois League of Womnen Voters,~ bas said of Senate Bill No. 147. (re- vising-the Juveniile court law), "One thing nçeds especially to be ýstressed' in the Juvenle Court bill, and that is that this is flot new 1l1egisia tion,* that' the main theory and basis of theé bill ià carried, over fromn the present. law, and the only important new, provisions are: (1) state participation in the pay- mùent of probation. officrs;- (2) exa m- ination of- ail children prior t com- mitmnent in order to eliminate s ome of tle tragic istakes now made; (3) hoarding home care for delinquent children when their physical and men- taI .condition and'social habits make sncb placement advisabîe;' (4) commit- ment directly to the Department of Public Welfare instead of to the ini- stitu.tion, in order ta s.ur# -gzrater flexibility and continuity, of treatment. Inasmucb as ail of these institutions are now under the Department of Pub- lic Xelfare, it is not adding a new duity to the Departnient-merely locat- ing that duty within the department wbhere it wilI be most effective." Mrs. Brownlow also adds: "The only new material in Senate Bill, No. 150 (The Guardianship bill) is the pro- Charles ini order to get theni careci for at state expense. Ail tbose duties îrelating to parole supervision are- aI- ready being exercisted by the depart- ment of public welf are, and are flot new responsibilities. The bill as pro- posed provides for the .carrying out of those duties in a way which will be better for the children than the present handling of juveniles with adults -on that even thé dance orchestra wii bc composed entirely of native musicI-. ans. Some of tbe outstanditig features, oi the, Mexican Jamaica will --be. "puestos" (tables) placed in, various locationsj where Mexican. souvenirs, confetti and ticker-tape willIbe sold, frequent confetti battles will provide the participants With friendly hilïrity. At a suitable place in the 'Great hall .will be stationed a judge whose prin-. cipal occupation. will be the perform,- ing, of mock marriages, or. divorces, as the case may be., Police girls wili be stationed at. points O*f vantage throughoutý the hall;- manty, therefore, -Will violate the la;; in order to bie arrested bya beautiful dark-eyed senorita and to be incarcerated by anothèïr none the less alluring. and by the J.ItUCizabtJE. JNL4L '.3 ter of Chicago. The 8Dmall admission fee will go to the seulement, which is under the auspices of the Womans- Home Missionary society of- the Methodist Episcopal cliurch. It is ex- pected that many north shore resi- dents will attend. Miss Cochrant, who ýollege, .d lier gone about ten d<ays. ± uesuly. --o-o- Mrs. É. John Hicks, 241 Melrose John N. Tawson. Jr.. 330 Ste avenue, Kenilworth, entertained at a road, Kenilworth, left this week snxall luincheon Tuesdav, buisines<s trip to New, York. a trip to Sa.rasota. 19ý0.