'l d thenl. Miss Anne Whitiuack, lili a Aharining and interceting Wa%, ex- p[ained the important. part the ibrary is reacly and williing to, play ini the lie%% scheine ocf things, in! the.adjust- ment of life ta more liours of leistire. lier ttalk madcole oewonidér if thev veré. gctting ail out -of this opportun- ity that it -offers.. Those. of lis who long -for travel, and find it. hy con-7 ditions, long deferred, wby tiot. with the assistance. ofMisXhtak use the "Imagination. Railroad and the Make-Believe. Steamship Liiies" and. with books. wvell and initercsting- ly ritten, .visit ,these crearned-of Port%. Or we cari draw a chair u p to our fireside and be, ý by the h lour, * the heroes we woul alway,. have been. and there- had been itune. ~twough sonie nbook. Perhaps you have alwvays wvshed to study art-music-somne other work, * than that ini wlich 3-ou are now oc- *cupid-the book-s to hell) you witli this are waiting there to aid you. Or, weighed down with the prob- Iemis of the day, seeing no hope for] the future, some of the philosophical Nworks iiigit lhelp to ease vour load. Miss Whitmack puts "lirte in theIn thar volumnes" and makte.ý of the Iibi'ary quite an interestihg and 'eXitiflg ilac-r SPECIAL DURING MAI Thsbrand :new 'Thor Washer, ONLY $ CASH $2.5-0 DOWN - $4.20 a menti the ""littie by littie9 way A remaricable wa rak.en Up ili theenriou,. grades, and, third, the rereational broks- and these last !she finds quite important foi- it is tlhrough the-se books that the habit oi reading 15 formned early. Mr.George Lamb showved us,. phinly, wliat wve were missing by not taking advantage of al the pleasures Miss 'Wlitmack provides for us through the library. She gave a ireding, a very interesting play now runniuig iii Newv Yorki. Just think-nomw that wve cant go to New York just to take in af few new plays-and- sorne of us couldn't Mrs. Frank Ke tcham, 40 Devon)i- sbire lane, entertainied her bridge club at, luncheon Iast Twesday. I ally found ouly in bigh-pricedý washors ..tested and guaranteed by the Public Service Company's testing laboratory. Asic for a demonstration today-thc price i8 going up thelit of April. Many other local dealera are al.o featu"rng epeciala in laundry equipment tdus mnnh value..