*trip to Washington and 1 imagine yen will wanit :4 hear aboDut it When I arrived in Washington the firit 'place, we Went was Mount Ver- nion, .Wasiiton's oId home. Mount Vernonbas fmany. parts and bouses ,to it but I shall first teli yen about the old-faghioned kitchen which 1 thought> was the most interesting. There' was no stove as in our. modern.kitchens but instead there was a'big stoné fireplace made of large .native; rocks piled up, in thie fortn >of a firepiace in which bung big cepper ketties. Then another very important pint was. the kind of ýbowls,, speons and other materiais -te mix foeod with. We have sil ver spoons and. earthenware bowls te mix cake but when. they mixed cake tbey used a: big bowl and a very big spoon larger than 1 had ever seen. 1 We aw the , "piano"' George' Wash. ington used te pflay. It iooked very much as if the feet part were cut off. U.pstairs we saw the rom in which George Washington-died. The bed, of course, bad a canopy ever it. Down- stairs on the piazza that overiooks the peaceful Potomac river, we stood for a long time and then went down the walk te the coach bouse te see the coach that George -Washington rode meC secona gaue &up w45 ut: i iL. iu girls will have a night and the boys wiil bave a nigbt and the lower graes fromn the fifth grade down wihl bave a night., .There will be exhibitions, in. foot-, bail passing, high jumping, racing, and the peewees of Stolp will play the peewees of Howard .in a basktball, g ame. ]ero= is practicing forthis annual ehbto and we hope that a lot ýof- people, will turn out for it.- Evan MclIraitb, Stohp IB. Shah lMusic enProgram Be Popular ýor Classic-al Howard 7B ig, trying te work up a plan te bave a musical. progran. Part of. the class1 wants popular music and part wants classical. We have several piano players, one flute player, a vio- lin player, and aiseo some other tnstru- ment players. We hope to have soine9 piano duets and also sorne singers.- Dick Haas, Howard 7B. Thor the Thunder- God Is Portrayed in Draina In Miss Davis' rom we gave a play.t The person whô tirercts the--play getsc so many peints on his report card. It1 is a lot of f un. The ast play was c 1 amn writing to you, thinking that' some of the readers might be interested ln the New York School systemn and the activities of the New York schools.' 1 formerly lived ln Wllmette and went to 'StolpehgoL ,I1moved. away, ln May and at, once, entered Abert Leonard Junior High acheel, as a. seventh grader. 1 was rather . muddied 4t firet, the school having sorne fitty-seven rooms. coat lokers for your wraps. gym l lekers for your gym suit'. Into which you changed at your gym periods, and ninth graders, the -last being~ especially botherSome. The school was turther advanced in Mathematics and history. I soon caught up ln Dur work though and was. enjoy- ing the school very much. Another.queer feature, rather one that I was hôt used'te, >was the cafeterla . Wé hâd ifty minutes for lunch, from, il:0to 12:10 o'ciock,. We brought our lunch ,and ate ln the cafeteria rooms, one ef which was fillied with chairs and tablejg,,and the other was the cafeteria preper. The meut exPensive. article sôld there cost 10 cents. By the time 1 passed into eighth grd.1 was quUe uèed to the -Uw ss- tem. In January we started our ninth grade training. Having previousiy taken exploratory clas5ssin business train- Ink, Latin and Farench. we were bidden to choose one of these subjects. 1. chose Latin and 1 amx sure I enjoY It a lot. We have an "activlties perlod" f rom 1 to 1:40 o'ciock, foilowing "second lunch" for the eighth and ninth graders frein 12:10 te 1. On Monday. the cdl- torial staffs. and reporters, bands, or- chestra and student ceuncil meet. On Tuesday we have clubs, sports, handi-- - i. "af*. rfq _ -aa.ni The three sixcth grades at Howard Lschooi have been quite busy the hast few days. They have spent most of their turne rebearsing for the program . they gave. Friday. night for the P. T. A. 1Mr. Dodd of -Wilmette brought the sixth, seventh and eighth, grades two films calied, "The Butterfly"ý and The Dodder," both of ,whic1h, were veryý in- teresting. 'Since then i1n. ch1ass. when we mrake others tbink for us, our teacher calis us dodlders. 1i Mr. Miller f romi the Borden Dairy cornpany brought, the sixth, -seventh and eighth grades a picture, aise. It wvas entitied "ik" I arn sure we ail enijoyed that one most of ail bé- cause it. was humnorous, but stili, brought eut the fact ýof how imiport- ant milk is. Now we all wiII have 'to: do excep- tionally fast and accurate work te mnake up for what we -lost ottont -dur-. ing those "happy days."- Suzanne L.yon, Hloward 6B. Two Stories Ent ertain Assembly Club at Stolp On Tuesday, M.arch 14, the Ste! p Assenibiy club enjoyed a prograni giv- er by Miss Vera Forslund, a story teller. Miss Forslund who was chosen Audience Laughs When ENJOY BOOK REPORTS Princess Sits on Floor ln Miss Fiaskered's ron we are We had a show for our club meet- gîvîng book reports. Miss Flaskered ing, Wednesday, March 8. A fe - chooses a leader and the leader ,asks otber cbildren and 1 were in it. Th for volunteers; the person who volun- nameof t ws "rincss ho ostteers writes the naine of the book na ie i " Pincess WmeinLest and the author on the board. I am sure ther shwpper."ePrincess ae i-whenwe enjoy it al.-Bil Spinney, Stolp thesho strte ad se rn t' er 2B. chair and instead of sitting on it she__________ "e some of ny e and tell me al Maxine Schneider, 176 Loveil read, New Rochelle, N. Y. Given by P. T. A. :es were enjoyed very muc.-u)orotnjv S$tarlkel, Stolp 2C. Students. Plan Sale to Buy Science Equipment In our science class for Miss Stev- ens, the eighth grades are planning te have a "white elephant" or "auction" sale. We bave not nuite d<ided as1 ~ k, so le's rry ru e H-ýaskin, Howard some j eamn lert F a:s 111Iar jard - George Lîdýl 59.,