Mrs. Shaw's. noted. guest, Herbert services in First Church of Christ, subject to variations to meet demnands Hoover. Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday rnorn- for individual preference, the Cadil- After a brief greeting Mr,. Hoover ing, ýMarch 26, at Il o'clock, held In lac V-16 being aà customn-built car affably-but rather recklessly-offer- the edifice .at 1003 Central. avenue. offer:ng the: greatest latitude -possible cdto shake bands 'witb aIl corners. Sunday sçbool conv 1enes ai 9:45. for eicpressing individÜal and -ex- and it was noticed ýthat none refused;, o'clock. clusive idea$' in design. Another part ROGM &TRACY 110 ~ ~ ~ b dus al.S. 51b41 CHICABO UN *REAL cANPUNgFO]R 1BGYS* >Ak Ave., Evanston, Phone l'ni. 30M4 Juniors 8.13 Middlerm .12-16 Seniors 15.2o' .~e,,rof Àsm flircetor!' ID Rend lin April 6:/a issue w/ag a' proinînuewl jun4e Say$ about t/is xamp. 'Elght liet ol finest laies es lnl ATION wltli tli long, In A'merlea's o'wn. A thousaiu4 niIas al ground an lindian (40 of ad the OJtbweys ,Real, flot maie. Visîtthe ca~mp> boet t u te. Iis- netka Comenumtty House Extibit., Marc/s 29, 29,.30. p..u'.wc. a a.j - - --r- - -- -. -- -- -- iuig of boys. The. staff contains expert teachers and expert coaches lni mifdîerent kinds of nterestng activity. Tihe Director ha@ had over Write or telephone for references, bookl.t, or appointaient te pmeet twety ear' o exerinceas ounellr o diectr i seera fie bys' the director maid sce novies of the camp te: W. L. Chlds, Director, '~rnrs'of xpeienc ascousolor o diectr i s.vr~I6ne ~ I 586Oak Ave., Evanston, 111. Phono Uuivertsity 3084.I T HREE CAMPS.