Old Mani Weather can off er them sun and balmy breezeis;' however, there are many interesting things tao do indoors, according to, the scout scribes -Who- record what 'their troop are doing. Troop 8 is working 'on, first'aid for the second-class' badge;, the girls, many. of Whbom plan to be nurses, find bandages and sPlints and tourni- quets fascinating things to know% about and use. These. same girls cati also cook-if you waint deliciov's proof, attend the bakery sale which they will hbold on March 25; they prmiecustomers and patrons an array of toothsomne delicacies. And speaking of food, it is too bad that' you were hlot one of t he invited guests at the buffet supper thaz. Troop 9 held on Sunday evening at the home' of Scout Mi'rgery Mintz; the American E-agle patrol enter- taimied the Beaver patrol in order to demonstrate that tbe Amnerican Eagfles were eligible for the hostess badge. 5 uppe laSucceis The supper was an unqualified suc- "'Why Dogs Are Tame.'- Wben the story was over, the Brownlies formed a . pow-wow. ring and held their Brownie. ceremonY. Later they worked on their. scrapbo oks. While they were cuitting and pasting, Tawny Owl popped corn, 'and the. Browniies took turins shaking thée pan. WVhen the corn. was popped, it was eaten. but the Brownies said there was not enough. Last Wednesday, the ýpack met for its regular meeting in'the Girl Scout qroom of the Methodist cburcb. The Brownies played an anîmal-drawing. game and *then started their handi- craft.1 They made, "lend-a-hand" baskets. These baskets W'ere. made of colored paper and in them wereý put strips of paper with a flower seal pasted on each and showing over the top of thé baskoet. .,Thebaketsares to be returned within two weeks with fourteen "good deeds"' that the Brownies have done written on the strips. The basket-making took s0 !ong that the Brownies did not have a chance to hold a. pow-wow. - *frownie Helper. t adelendaEZ Junior Citizen-Wednesday, 'March 29-Mrs. S. B. Groves, 'Howard scbool, 4 p. M. Hostess"-Satùr.day, Maùch, 25, 10:30 a. in.-Mrs. R. P. Bichl, 1119 ýLake aveinue. Scribe-Friday, March. 31, 4:30 p. 'M. -H. C. Pifer, 1620' Lake avenue. APRIL Swimmer-Thursd'ay, April 204 4 p. mn. -Miss Fogg, New Trrier High school. Musician-Saturday, April 29.,*10:30 a. m.-Miss Chinlund, Columbia School of Music, Central avenue. ,World Knowl.dg, - Miss Ullrieh, New T1rer High school. Definite date to be announceci later., Xlinstrel-Miss Pearl Hoost, Wil- mette Baptist cburch. Last week in April. Definite time and date to be announced later. Artist and Craftsman- Saturday, April 22, 10:30 a. m.-Mrs. A. J. Cobti;n, 915 Linden avenue. Observer - Girl's own. captain - Any time at captain's convenierice. was reflected ini their interpiretation, of the folk songs they chose, ranglng from the Czecho-Slovakian, to 'the Russian, American, Scotch, and. Eng- lish.* Theyi have been 'ably directed by Miss ýMiddelfort of the North.- w estern'r university School of Music and have progressed far under her direction. Their voices, with the'.sym- pathy, maturity bringg,, are.. well balanced in. quae~ty. Mrs. William Heiss, the soloist, displayed 'a warm, vibrant, colorful contralto of, power. We' would like to have -heard- more. ofý their singing. Dancing on Program Folk dancing, shared the prog ramn. A group of pupils of the Betty Jones. School of Dancingý gave 1gracefu.l il-. lustration of Hungarian dances, sprightly in their colorful costumes. &Uety Kirwao andi Betty Solomon danced the languorous rhythm, of Spanisb folk dance charmingly and in costume. The joyous lult of an Irish Folk song sang out of the little dance Joan.Porter, Dorothy Georger, Elaine Buck~ and Georgiann Betting- haus, as Irish lassies and lads, did ef- fectively in their jaunty green and white costumes. . Gies Re.nv St. iFean-is Gijrl Scout room., where Ail will matie a tire good, all three troops hold meetings - Alil wil brlghtiy 8hine, gren ad oang coersOfltheAsh and oak are hard and slow, gree an orage oves onthý Birh and beech are gay, furniture, nature and scout picttires Larch, spruce, pie wfll start your on the walls, and lovely lamp with a In the woodsman's way. new and soft shade are the latest im- Eider, elm and poplar boughs proemetsand make the roomi truly Siioke and smouider sore, provements, Y ou burn them once or twlce a place of scout spirit and personalý .. You'il ne'er hurm themn more. ity. Troop 10 'initiated" the new Aider, sycamore and lime room in a scout~ wav last week bv Will not light when green, famençé ior citizen, scribe, housekeeper. LEADE~RS ME ET TUESDAY The Girl Scout Leaders' associa- tion witl meet Tuesday evening, M1arch. 28, at 7:30 o'clôck in the Girl Scout room of the Methodist church. It is hnned. tbat al2l .flhil.q and up,1- ence. As'I an encore Miss Lôniy re- citecj two Italian dialect poems. Mrs. Russel G. Flood, chairman of the department, presideci at the meeting which was in charge of Mrs. Harry Bettinghaus and Mrs. Banford Langui, the latter the able accompanist for the Glee club and for the dancing. Ini the chorus were Mrs. Arthur ceivea meir tenciermoot pin came recognized scouts. '-las mucti ha ie ing as we ... . .. .....ý..Stark in wih S. ariks ay >ho ....... 7adtonal-Shapiro ik ihS.Ptiksdy .........Stark-Shapiro 0 Wrds ....... Idelsohni-Shapiro Mrs. Oscar Hebel and ber daugb- )enjamin ..........J-n nge ter, Miss Mildred returned last week- Bejai * flînder end tô their home at 1210 Sheridan ............Periman road, from a three weeks' cntise to - ............Stark Havana and Panamna. rve haci.