ing sItuiation, they are workinig harder thanever and. will give Io Chicago on Mfatch 31,. one of the outstanding civie anideducational exhibitions of th~e year. The courage 'and. ability with which thisgroup of women have met and con- quered: obstacles -has been an incentive to the men whom they have met in the course'of businessý and 'this- spirit bas, provoked the finest co-operation and, good feeling to be found in Chicago,' today. WNith a deep feeling of civic respon- sibility' in this time1 of1 stress, these *woeen inorder ta keep -a beautiful and worthwhile civic thîng,' have worked since last September, givin hirtimie and strength to keep the Chicago ,,Flower show alive., It is because of this spirit that niany of the large loop department stores, priv'até estates,~ parks and' commercial houses tbroughout the middle-west are giving such splendid cooperation by taking booth space and staging beau- tifuit floral 'exhibits. The West Park board has always built such interesting and educational exhibits in previous flower shows and they will have a Water Garden this year. The West Park board with tnat institution. Mrs. Colton, affectionately called "'The B ird Lady," bas given -many north shore, program*s, delighting childen and' aduits, alike with the in- teresting story she depicts of the lives and habits of littie .feathered cratures. -Girl and -Boy Scouts and other children who hear the. program and wish to bring their own luincheons, will be served a bot bever- age for a few cents. Others may have luncheon at a very smnall sum. Mrs. David P. Moreton, 431 Laurel avenue, Wilmette, is president 'of the organization 'sponsoring the program. Information, concerning Mrs., Colton ;s talk may be obtained either from ber, at Wilniette 3664, or f roux Mrs. 'WI.. G. Colviti cf 709. Elmwood avenue, College Club Actors Give Plaga Mat. 30 The Chicago College club Player will present three one-act plays Tbursday evening, March 30, at 8 o'clock. "The Step Mother," by Arnold Bennett; "What TheyThiink, by Radhel Crothers; and "Moonrise" are the plays to be given. in the discussion of present'-day prob- lems may. embrace this opportunity. to know more, about the movement, before the, charter, membersbip is- completied. The Illinois headquarters are. in the Tribune Tower, Chicago. Several TAI WARRANT CIIAGO 4 CUTE TRICKS l'o play on your ErI SprngW&adrobe 1 - -_ - -I Lpb Vwu t n U- .1t:- y lu - . . . .aý_ Forest, under the supervision of Robert lecture on "The Brownings in Flor- McLaren, will build a garden approxi- ence." mately 25 feet wide and 40 feet long,-Sgo ern, aatvFle- tising plants and flowers grown on the Sgo erno~antv lrn estate. tine with a wide English culture, is exchngeprofessor at Vassar col- Through its president, A. D. Plamon- lege this vear. dùn, assurace bas been given that the Lincoln Park board will again partici- FOR- paein the Flower shw PnI-T . -'The show opens at evening, March 31, au 10 o'clock Saturctaym A crisp krink[e organdi. blouse.. ,..........2.95 OIJiers a ., , . .1.95 .rica B*WINNETICA .s until 18. OPEN WEEK DAYS- NINE TO NW