Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Mar 1933, p. 32

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The Mardi meeting of the Wili- mette League of Women Voters will be beld at the Methodist church 01n Monday; March 27, with luniche on at 1 o'clock. Mrsi. Howard E. -Ringhiohn, chair- man ofcbild welfare for the, Wil- mette league, presents Miss Gràce ]Benjamin, child welfare chairnian of the Cook County League of Wvonîen Votersi who is to speakon "'ýGovern-. ment's Responsibilit- for Our Chli- dren." Miss Benjamin is, a former, probation offilcer ini the juvenîle court of Cook county, a graduate of' Rock- ford college, of the School ýof Social Service Administration at the Uni-' versity of Chicago, and is at preset a student in the University of Chicago L'aw school. The title of Miss Bn jamin's thesis on which slie secured lier master's degree is, "Constitution- altyofte Jurisditin of {the juveiî- dle Court of Cook County-." Mrs. Frank J. Dowd, social hy-. giene chairman for the Wilmiette league, presents Mrs. Anna Ltdlow, rnember of the state board, Who WINl talk on social hygiene. Mrs. Harr.y Burnside will preside at the 2 o'clock meeting, whichi is open to ail women interest.ed ini these subjects. Womans Club of wimtte occurs Friday, Mardi 31. The Mary Bar- telme Home and Service Council wili benefit by the work accomplished at tbat time. Mrs. W. A. Tucker is chairman of the committte in charge, witb Mrs. W. M. Burns, Mrs. H. 0. Çrews, and Mrs. J. C. Koenen on bier committee. Mms William Wurtb is luncheon cliairman. Rabbi Solonion Preehof,' in charge of the K. A. M. temple, the oldest Jetuisht con gregation in the middle t'est, j: to give the pro- grantat the next ineet ing of the Neighbors of Kenilwo rt/t Tuesday af ternoon, Mardi 28, in thte As- sembly hail of t/he Kc,&ilwiorth club ai 2 o'clock. "Religion and thte Nezw Psycholog y" is the subject ipoit whîch he wilI .speak. is a natve .oriLondon, EJngland, but came to. America ini bis early youtb.* He was formerly on the f aculty of the Hebrew Union college. One comment made after hearing Rabbi Freebof is that he is "A keen visioned and most forceful of Ameni- can leaders, faces issues squarely, ap- plies to them a mind trained to avoid ton.", Many promiinent 1). A. R. embers from Winnietka attended the Kaskas- kia chapter's. annual meeting at the new Chicago Historical s ociety buildý ing ini Lincoln park Mardi 14. A de-* ticious buffet luncheon was servied, with Mrs. Hobart Young. and Mrs. Melville Chiatten, both former re- gents, presiding in historic costumes at the coffee table. Ntrs. John F. Dille, regent, 'velconmed the guestsý. among wiom were Mrs. Vinton Sis- son, Mrs. Francis Case, Mrs. Hubert' Allen, .Mrs. Frederick Tiomnas, Mrs. Louis Sherman, Mrs. Harry Barnum. and Mrs. J.« A. Coleman, an organiz .- ing member of the chapter, who iS spending. the winter Mîth ber daugh- 1er, Mrs. Chiatten. A pro gran. of hiistoric tableaux fl-. TQwed ilue fililC-11eoi*l a readiiag bv Mrs. George L. Cragg, in coloniail costume, titles showvn by a dainty lady from colonial ties and living pictures of historic wvomen ini co- tume, from Pocahontas down to Amelia Earbart, interspersed Wfith music. Mrs. W. A. Nabors, Mrs. Fredetick Bowes, Mrs. E. L. Scbei- denhelm, and Mrs. C. S. Jackson, re- gent, attended from. the Skokie Val- netça; of Ke gent. Jrs. \V. r. Wvvmamson 1, Chicago chapter re- Apha Phi Speaker,,, Sprmlg time suggests garden tirne. and spring. officially, is here though treles and shrubs glazed with ice. and whitened with ,sni.ow .early this wveek *belied the new season.,,Gardeti, talle. to, Will be at hand FMriy fternoon of this week, for meémbers of the WI'omani's Catholic club, and thIcir. guests when tbey gather at the Wom- an's club .at 2 -o'clock. .miss Ebter MNiîlis, extensive traveëler abroad, will. bring the season of flowers to thein %vith htr charmning and beautiiuIll ilIuýtrated talk on "Englis.h GardeiiF" Tito the highways, and byways cil I~gadMiss .Mlls has gone, wvhere, beca use of wide acquaiintance, and aà- *suciationii, she bas been privileged to ex-, l)lort gardlei nooks flot seen b4y the ordinary taveler. Witha keen sense of the artistic and of the unusual, she bas focused lier catnera's eye upon ancl cattgt qimf-spts ofbeauty tit tlinger long in memory. The resuits of her journeying are pictures of quiet places, of the King's favorite watea- garden in the spring, model villages, alluring water gardens, gardens. surrounding old Norman churclies, age-old gardens edging mean- dering streams in the region of the Broads, floating shops which sali the streams and canais that are the roads in "TIe Holland of England"-all of these iust a cross section of thwe zar- Mrs. George H. Beaudin, president of the Womnan's Catholie club, bas de- clared this springtime meeting with its glimpses into English gardens an open iwe to whici »iembers may invite their triends. Mrs. H. O. Pinsonnault, k\lrs. E. li Vogt and Mrs. J. Cbarles, McCàrtlhy are to be tic bostesses. vvuivott ana Mrs. both of Wilmette. rank- vers if v place, *ject w~ill be', "Roo I)tol." T/he progran wilt Jfotu, a lutnche 1 O'Ciock. 1frs. Joi of 419 Ninth street, in Charge of reserna t', nette, a j,

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