refreshments proniised, the affair is planned to tempt Wilniette residenits to an-a fternoon, of diversion" at the some time that they f illI an urgent heed. The pleas: for help continue. f rom Wil*mette families in distress, and the means to help themn througli their time ofstress have bcen alarmingly depleted. Hostesses for the afteruoon are the women niembers of the I)oard of local charities Mrs. C. C. Schultz, Mrs. H. J. Dérnehl, Mrs. Leslie L.- Perry, M4rs. C. Eldridge, Mrs. Ed Hoffman, Mrs. John. Hoffman., Mrs. Patrick Joyce, Mrs. J. H. Walker, Mrs. H, Otto Von der Hoif, Mrs. Ray WVarren, Mrs. John D. Kinnear,, Mrs. &. W. McCandlish, Dr. A. Tuttle, Mrs. E. Nord, Mrs., J., P. Budinger. Mrs. Lillian Northam. Mrs. Harry E. Srnoot is sponsoring the eévent. Garden> Club StililiHas Flower Show Tickets Trhe Wilnette Garden club, wbose president is Airs., C. P. Berg, bas made entries for three exhibits in the Seventh Annual Flower show of the Garden Club of Illinois. Mrs. W. A. Kendrick will exhibit .Ln indoor windw box and t% c a' Mrs. John F. Weedon, who has charge of the advance sale of tickets, asks that those desiring tQ, take ad- vantage of the reduced price confer with her before 'March 30, as tickets retnaining unsold mnust be' returned to the headquarters of the State fed- eration at that timhe. Photo: by Grinsted irs. RusiIlMatihias,- wrho u Ale evly cclrcted /'residcnit of the Kcîiecorth Infant Welfarè society, î . sM4prvUUJg: 4,6c plans beig ;nade for a benefit bridge part y and façhioiz show ,to be given by that oryqanU.:at ion on iWcdnesda y, Ipril S. It wilI be at the Kenilworth club, and, as at the party last spring, the prizes are being donated by north shore merchants. The mannequins who will show the latest spring fashions from one of the Loretta Whfite. .Mrs. Matthias, hefore -her niarriage ini December, was Miss i*elenie Seibold of Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Matthias are occupying the Seibold residence at 522 Forest avenue while Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bingham Seibold are soi ourn- ing ini the south, ';ially askeu ro. join the guidmem- b)ers in expressing their.'felicitations to the. Hindleys upon. this: occasion. TIiey, are the niiinisters, respectively, of. the Baptist church,. the Presbyte-. rian church, St. john,'s Lutheéran church, the Wihmette. English Luth- cran church, the Methodist 'church, St. Augustine's . Episco çpal church,. and. thel ir hes; the Rev. and Mrs. George D. Allison, the Rev. and Mrs. James T. NVeneklasen, the Rev., and, Mrs. Herman W. Meyer, the Rev. and Mrs. ýDavid R. Kabele, Dr. and, Mrs., Oscar Thomas OI1son, and Dr. and Mrs. Hubert Carleton, "Son-Daughter" Bene it for Wilmette Woman's Club "Son-Daughter," the picture star- ~rng'1fleft Hayes and Râfnon'Novar- rô and which has won for their act- ing the praise of many critics, is cur- rent at the Wilrnette theater tonight (Thursday) and tomorrow. Its' show- ing is sponsored -by the ways and means comniittee of the Woman's Club of Wilmette which derives benefit from tickets sold in advance. Mrs. Robert McClure, 1215 Lake1 avenue, is ini charge of the comimit-i H. O. Weishaar, Mrs. Ralph Potter. MNrs. John B. Brumbaugh, and Mrs. Howard Brown. Flower Show Patronesses 1Winnetka is supplying inany of the patronesses for the 1933 Flower show of the. Garden club of Illinois, to be of four-sided blocks of %vood and covered with oilcloth, wvere plare' every few feet, three in a gr'oup, hold- ing white 'canides. At the inter- sections of eachi oil-cloth sq'uare. %as a tiny pot of shamîrock. '1hese were usecl as souvenirs for' the mothers. The. colors, orange, green, and, white. were c arried out as fairas popsible ini the delîcious dinner serNe'd. Mrs. Vibe K. Spicer, .31,2 Essex road,. Keniilworth, welconied the daughters and Blarbara Bartling, 116î Fuller lanie, Winnetka, gavethe wel- corne to the mothers.- The girls gave ail the prograrn, with the exception of one seleiction. There were'.songs by the club of the. Joseph Scars school and the .gi.rls of the .eighth,ý grade sang -two numbers, a Spanishi and an Italian comipositiàn.1 Buniiv Dahrn, 75 AhbQts ord road, àanwod to the Spaîîishi song. Miss. Peggy Ketchazn, 611 .V>hot,,- ford road, Kenilworth, gave two (le- lightful dances, "Tarantella", and a tap dance, "Shore Leave". Miss Shirley Ross, 1321 .Chestnut avenue, played a brilliant piano solo. Loretta WVhitc, 310 Richmond road, Kenilworth. gave a very a*nusi-ng reading, "John and 1, or How 1 Near- ly Lost My Husband", by Stepheni Leacock. Two little girls. Na,cýy Claar- and Joan Kilner, plaved a Joseph Sears, school, presented the. letters to the soccer and baske.tball teans. Juniors ai Welf are Cent er Elect Off icers For a number of weeks tentative plans have been in the mnaking for the forming, of the Juniors of the Wilmiette center of the Infant WeI- for tnose pres ber of pieces. MVilmette M rs. C. J. O. balcery sale in Van Det store on Saturday mnor Ethe Frst 1 have a s Grocery April 25.