VILLAGE CODE LEAGUE TOPIC Harry C. Kinne to Teli Civic League Meeting Abou Board Chaniges* Harry C. Kinnie. chairman, of the J uidiciar), commiittee of ýthe \ý7liette \ýillakge board and presdent. pro temÉ of the hoaLrd in the absenice of. Presi- (lent Du bbs, will address the \Vilnettc civic league tomorrowv (Friday') noon. at its March luncheon mneeting in Chi- cago. . Mr. Kinne's sulject wil h e: -The New Village Code.' 111c' \Villagýe 1board, with thie jud.iciary tci)iiinitttu M icharge tof the task, lhas rcitvrevised the Village code, ef- fc ing nimui chang~es to bring theli d' ~ciin itî4 it cfrnîjv ith existe- ing, condfitionis 7and mniicipal require- nuu.Variotus civic organizationis 11avc lIcenl.consiltud mvth reference to ch1angesý which nmîighit in ;unv *wav ai- it:ct, those. ,roups anid the Village Miicils haive e-xpressecd a (lesire to aic- Iiiuaiint ail iliapgers wîth the new 1,Ii~iasbefore thu is finialiv -approved. Outlines 'Changes No Opposition in S ehI 0oo1Election Here on April 8 Candidates selectecd by a com-mittee representing the three Wilmnette par- ent-teacher associations and the Womn- an's club to,.liii the.po sitionsI on the, Wilmette board ot. education which became, vacant this spring willý hav eý no opposition in the aiinnual -schhoo'l ec- tioni to be held Saturday, April S The final date for fiihing petitions for candidate s, which, is twventy-one days before the élection, lias expired and no> petiions Nw-ere filed.for opposi- tioni candidates.- Wilniette, therefore, unilike nieighboriing communities to the north, NNi11 have an uniconitcsted school electioôm The presiclent oif the \Vilhnette Schoei board; Hèniry E. Cutier, anid two meni- bers tof the board, Charles M. Buri- ingamne anid Mrs. Euice S. Hender- soni, whose termns expire this spring, have been nioiniatcd for reelect ion by the conmittec from the parent-teacher associationis anid the Xoman's club. The presidenit is elected f or ope, year anid the other hoard metnbers for three years. Club, Fails in Effort to Get Wilmette-Evanston Rate ýParley Deci ares .Evanston Ready. to, Offer 15- Percent Reduction to WilmetteibConsumÉera Confident that it. will succeed ini obtaining a permanent injuniction to .prevent the erection ofa, municipal ivater Nworks on the lake .front 'at the foot of Lake -avenue, the. Shawnee Country. cl ub board of. directors bas conducted negotiations ý vith Evan s- ton City officiais resulting. in a: state- ment from T. Samuel Parsons;- chair- man of the. water comniittee of the En-lstoni City couincil, to the effect that 'that commitfee, iii the eveiit ne- gotlations l e penled hy 6ffidëIâl oif the two comimunities. wiil rec- oinnmend ali approxiimate 15 per cent reduction ini the %vater rate to \Vil- mette conisumers on the basis of a twventv-year contract. Shouid that procedui-e prove iinsýatisfactori. to Wilmnette officiaIs. 1Mr. Parsons statès further. the .connittee would lit willing tri reconnend to the Ev- anston Citv counicil that the wholc Iluestion ot: water rates be submnitt cd ïParsons of the Evanston council, 'the club. president indicates that efforts to bring» about: ntw negotiations be- ýtween officiais of Wilmette and Ev-' anstion based :on -the, proposition of the 15 pe cent water rate reduction have so far failed, but'ivsê ssr ance, of a desire to -bc helpfuil>ini y" briniging about a. reconsideration, of the wvater rate question. He staties that the*Wilmette Village' truIstees, according to. Acting. Presidentt Harry C. Kinne, are unanimous ini the opinion that the matter could flnot be rcopened at this time. Work iiiProgrgess Moaanwhilework*oni the iew watev works has been progressing for sev- eral mweeks, though the Shawnee club directors feel certain that a permia- tient injuniction wiil be granted by the court which wvill prevent com- pletion of the project. The club leaders. who were assigned the task of pressing the litigatiQn are said tc be armed with f acts and figures to prove that the. proposed water 'works is nôt a neccssity but, on the contrary, an unnecessary exýtravagance and, fur- Statc street store at 12:15 o'clock. 'lthc Civic league invites ail villagers intresedIn this subject to attend the mieet ing. M'ýeiberslip i in the league is 4>1en ti aIl residents. it is poilited out, andl the meietings of the (rganizatioi il (.,lû%"ited to discussion oif pertinent lj.and municipal affairs. Redding I. President ( )fticers Il league t1iis year. M r. lanison was chiosen t-o Tuesdy, April -18,_ in,-tlie Circuit represent the section " of tile 'village court. Thus far Wilinette officiais1 broughit into the .Wilmette public have indicated an i unwi llingness tor school systeni l.y the mnerger of Dis- heed the club's proposai for reopen- t trict No. 40 west oif Ridge road with in- negotiations -wýith Evanston. V the regular Wilinette schiool district, \Vhile the Shawnee club had takenp N.39. tfie position from the outset, that the- The polling place for the election water works question mvas "none of will be the, Village hall. Polis will be their affair" and the only objection. o.pen f rom 12 o'ciock noon to 7 O'ciock- hiad been to the location opposite the, in the evenjng. . club grounds, investigation, according Ito Glenn 0. Pearson,' president of the Beliéving. that readers of WII.ME*r1I, LIFL Nill he intercsted ,ini the cor- respondence -%hIichi has brought about the latest developments in the water ,works question, we are pleased to publish the letters ini fuil and in their. sequence: Peàlrs4emi AsLk.Action Mr..JanesB~ February 21, I1i32 Mr. ame B.French, vice-President, Shawnee Country Club. 911 Michigan Aven1ue, cancies on thejKeniiwv board caused by the exi spring of the ternis of Ii and Mrs. John L. Wiids Life .......... 8 page .......2 rier New ... 24-25 r Page ......... 30à,1 In nCori Pearson ndence between President I el Shawnee club and Mr'. any, Ions had taken ,d on Page 14)