wsere 'an'aamItttanee chartge le puDJ3Sfle1d, WIU U Chargéd int rezular advertiming rates. Grade Separation Will Sape Lif e I Let', Haste,, the Day! I The %vetbier todav tstrel feCI s like ,sprilig. What w it b îeadovIrk s il uting inillte. op>en sipacûs., rol)ils(iving ifltt> the la% *%iî for :worins, the nMer- It Feels e Il r v rising. -and the vernal Like fitenx al))racing. w-ve Lee tIiat it. is about tinme to have a sliglbt attack of sPring feve(r.. Ail.thiis niakes ius quite' -And 'our liappiness is increascd 1w ail thiat bals lap- pened Sitnee Maivh 4. Te1'k~wo closcd. to he sure, but now they are openi again. Business. so 'far as we cat sce, 1S looking 111. Inîdications arc flot absent that ziext vear's tax bis ivili be. sinaller than this vear's. *The President lias certainlv (lonc ders. It now rernains for- us on the shore to follow ý%,here lie leads. ht -to .each of us to (1Io .s share in tgairi north 15 111) iing a Next year wIli 1w the tenth year Mii the life of the Artist Recital' Serics. EÏvery neof these past fiine years lias been a red-lettcr year. 'l'ie wvorld's A rtist great inusicians have con- Recitals tributed prograins tliat for excellence cannot i)e sur- dance is good, but to st one's scanty supply is pr( Honor and gratituide to thropists. in abililty .and knowledge. There is a mnan of whoin lhc can justly b-e protud. TFhe fact that God is. called "Our Father w~ho art in heaven" is full of significan.ce. Stili, whien a inother and lier s on 1livc togethier .as. frientis boundless.-1efehts corne Ito the, son. fTle" inutual loe fornîis a. bond whence issue cordial- confidence and 'htlpful, suggestion. Arnost vr day. in the yea'rs' of. his childhood ý and" youth.he talks over with bis niiother hiý2, sorrows a nd, joyS, bis )olelsabis successes. We think iteminently fitting9 that there should have beçi held recently at -Niew Trierhigh school' a other and Son ýban- quet. t wouild have been pleasant and inspirig to have heen i tere even a-, pas sive spectator. While the world al' about tbern is rulshing and 'worrying. 'chess and checker Ilayers are quietly and tlîoughtfully rnoving pieces of wood of various shapes 1)ack and forthi on boards divided into suit- able squares. There they sit undisturbed, gravity, unconscious ofthe flarbarl the very threshold of bis sancturn. if you want to 'forget these bard imimerse yourself i checkers, or in chess. 's receive Hlurnan rçrnsiderat c* of leadership 1- 'bility for thi the citizens.ý. 'Iruly,' times, 1etter, hirst s us If lien moitnau, .treimis htwé' scaward sped. .Southerji dau ns: the sonyiii ihis Jcarf Ifl ralds imw~earied îneadow lark As bh.ssf i3 lie lu' wrs aloof; .111nnîidof the ta-liéd roof, 14,1i:rc oftei n ltOiîýýiq siiiibcaiins straycd, Brahig upcn f11w sonyqstcr's brcasti Sol'test eold, niath brincn dott>cd Vest. BeilIo'wvi cloid.s; l. inds iii mad. hasýte !PO <szceq' awaY puis! ç.aon trace Bluer arôund thi nert lea-ves. (Tntil ihey ?'OHisll oit1the vze Thtat tenants$,i tleir suaiîpios shouw, On ,swiniig branches high a1dý low. Inii(' iii n odes ii pale'st, green Iran, ions ifthe fic oYof Spring. -Thlalia A.- Roc/hit:. MUSINGS 0F OUR WIGHT, EDITOR ilnutisecziing andi coughing Ahdnti rnaged hunes tingle- But. stiji I1 bave courage. T1k greet Spring. with a jingle. Yep, for our' badge of courage w'e choose a snow%- drop, one of the earliest blooms in these 'ere parts. But since the vears have broughit us prudence asý %velI as valor, you cau bet your galoshes we'Il have a; cougli drop handy just i case we catch more colti NvhiIe picking posies. Speaking of saeczing. umore of that anon.; for thç tiine will corne onî a surnmer's day %%,len Mande Muller wilI raike the 'meadlos sweet ' with ha.-, (fever).. For ten otfler remsons., 1,- anston andi our varions New'Trier communities' ail are making preparations-hectic ini some in- stances-for the 'animal trek to the polis by' a citizenry hent uipon niaking painstaking selection of new or partiy useti assirtments of 'municipal brainF to guide the dcstinies -of our fair communities in, the year or years to com'e. Which sirnply strength- ens 'our conviction that any person who seeks or is soughit for public office in these parlous times is .- ,-qP ' .llg u-t I Si- And now . t'hat that's settled, we can start saving on up for Opening Day at Cubs park. For we're assured tbere'lt be no moratorium on the grand'old pastime. '-MIQUE