U*l***rsler vacroL rip, AJ~wnicniL A conducted by that renowned educa- ter, F. D. Frisbie, is only a enatterù of two weeks away! This tnp is one of pleasant educa- tion, With flot tootnuch time .spent -on edtication, and it is stili possible to, make. reservations. for it, if only you rush right up to. Mr., Frisbie's office. Your friends areý ail 'going; why don't you cdrne a long alsoô? Once.again last ýweek, noon, movies were beld in tbe mess ball,. and a large crowd of.'bungry seekers-after- education attended. The usher corps -was on *hand, efficiently presid- ing and. ta king in the funds-tbere are no vacancies left in. the corps.. Hoot Gibson was scbeduled 'to be on band, but, it seems, Hoot hiad other plans; and the starved students were forced to derive thieir education f rom anofher tictre w.hkh proved to be' of cultural. value to. everyone. The price àt the movies bias been five cents up to the present time, but anyone wbo so wisbes may con- tribute a dime, it was announiced. Quarters will be accepted only withi special permission of Uncle Sam, however. After ail, the usher corps must eat ! The condition in the miess hall hias Dy5 Edrnunzd J. Frazer 1 thougbt that nioi once more you had returned But it was just a passing dreamn of blis- Like a long past but long remernbered kiss, For Spring is slowv to corne, at last I'ire. learned; àTo sce once more a lovelv red, .red rose, To hear again a wýarbler'i hap py song Would >titrill nme.through,'aind 1 would listeti long- Long gaze upon a tree iil'blooming suinmer clothes. But you can flot reniaiti away tto long. 1I>can flotlive without -vour pretty charrnîs; .Cone,, and.embrace mie in- two happy arnis,. -Make life a rhapsody, each day :a song; Return once more, once more make.Hife divine-. Once more let joy. let liappýiness bc. inte ! »atillt tà Déparltuo 10ttuîtr, Lead fast away your ýranks of. ice and snow. And take away your bowling, restless'.bast. The days of bitter cold and sleet are past-, Gone are daYs of s orrow, wieeks of woe; Then take away your cheery fire, SO wartn And take away the days of lazy rest- Tie davs that- sonie stili hold are -best, Inside, a peacefil 1book; outsitde, the storni. So, Winter, leave-N'our rule is done; Youi've hrougbt tis sorrow and ihappiness- WVitb al your snow and ice îve'vc bad our fun. Now corne the mionths -,%e always love the best;, Go Winter; to you. one farewell song ei sing- Then, forgetting .youi, we'il bail* the com ing Spring. SENIOR GIRLS WIN IThe New Trier affirmative. debat- ers, Jane Fitzgerald, Bruce Ellison and James Donahue, spoke on the hom platform for the. first time hi season when' a po-Werful Waukegan negative. team, confronted tbem last Friday. Previously, the affirmative, has upheld, the forensic reputation of New. Trier at other .school .s, namely Morton and. Calumet,ý leaving the legs experienced niegativIe teami to take care of al invaders. Many new and illuminiating phase-; of the, tax questiôn were broughit to ligbt > by both teamïs. Last Fîriday, taking advantage, of thèese were the Waukegan- affirmative> teani,, who came, downi especially to hear the contest, and the Ne W 1TrierI negative squa d, also in the -audience. Though. the last: Vaukegan speaker was con-. sidered very effective, the New Trier affirmative showed better teamivork. iwas believed . Chester E. MacLean, New Trier ,lebate coach, also pointed ont that l s wa iow going to concentrate bis attention on bis affimiative team, in- stead of the negative, to prepare the former for the decisive clash with North Park college on April 19. The niext duial debate ivill bc witb Maine Township Highi school this Friçlay, Mfarch 24,. when the improved af- firinative will again take the home stand against a capable squad, hbile the New Trier negative will again Girls' Cage Tournament Te Progressing Stéadily The basketball tournament for girls at New Trier bas been progressing as rapidiy as, could be hopcd for with the new systeni of unipires just being started. 'There are seven teams who have flot lost any of their gamnes. The undefeated senior teamn is f romi group was in attentiance. The club voted, unanimously, if it need be added, to have a picnic some- time in the near future, when the wanton wiies of "Oid Man Winter" permit. t is rather a tradition to. have at least one picnic a year-a returning to the bauints of Mothée K'ature being. necessary every once in a .while. an overwhelmig defeat of the junior girls by the seniors, 59 to i4, in a swimming meet, Thursday after- noon, Mardi 16. Because of the comiparatively smnail number of contestanits, it was possib-le to have onily tîvo mi a heat, thus maki ng it easier to timne each swim- mer. The times are to be used in the individual tryouts. for the regular .at Iridoor Net Practic.e The first regular indoor practice for the tennis team ivili be hield at the Broadway armory on next Wed- nesday. The clasiies for the varions positions on the team ivill be: Coindv% vs. Knapp, Sullivan vs. Rosenhcl)rg, Frazer vs. Erlich, Bartelmaii vs. Clover. A real battie is expectc.d. or [01, -it 15 sale,