- -wU«ZV>,IL «tbiitliOIICI is he,,new Condor, according to Cur- week. Pal-Waukee, as announced1 tiss-Wright officiais, has a top speed sometime ago,. bas1 been granited the of 170 miles an bour, and, a cruising, exclusive concession for the operation.sedo 4 ie a or bl h of heavier-than-air 'aircraft, .,except landing speed is approxiiniately ten autogiros,, during t e period ýof the miles sîoWer than that of current tri- World's fair starting, June L moto r transports. The ramp, whicb is to be buiît' iust The po wer plant of the. new> Con- south of the Geneirali Môtors* build- Idor consists of. twoý new. geared 9- ing, will in general resemble*the onellcylinder, air-coolcd Wright cyclone at the foot of Eight.h street. R1820F egns ae t-700 horse- Officiaisý at Pal-Waukee have an- power each. Under full load, with nounced that, in addition to providing one, engine in operation, ant altitude service facilities for visiting aircraft, of 3,000 feet- can be maintained they will operate shuttle planes Io the easily, it is sa id. By reducinig the Ioad Chicago muniicipal airportat frequent to -one pilot, ten passenlgers., baggage intervals. Airline passengers thus. wiil and 200 pounds of mai], the ceiling hé, provided with air transport.ati.on witilh single- engine op ration is in- from their city, of departure direct creased to 8,000 feet. to the World's fair grounds, Trhe ship bas the newest appoint- Steelfor ( ly.arments for passenger comfort .and Addition Being Prepared ~Ownf ~ ~ - Steel is being fabricated for the Army Pal of Manager of 160-foot addition to the Goodyear air- Airport Visits Curtiss ship dock at Pal-Waukee .airport, and CatAde Kif n vaio the work of constructing the addition Cat-Ade jia aito will be started within a short time, representative of the Texaco com- it wvas stated this week. Contracts Pany, was an arrivaI at Curtiss air- for the construction work were let port near Glenview last week. He sonetme ago. jflies a Wasp Stearman. Keif is an Tl-ýA.f._ .,il - _ 1 Dodari al of Capt. Ralnh Hall,1 wlic is now at Miami, Fl ;;; FVpas . silye -tioned at Pal- Waukee. The Puritan and the Reliance, another of the fleet. Works for Private Pilot of Goodyear non-rigid blirnps, which License Under New Rules is also in Miami, wiIl leave there next month for Akron, Ohio, where tbey The North Shore Airways at Cur- will be overhauled. The two ships tiss airport have a new students in will arrive in Chicago a rnonth bé- thie person of James Patzold of Chi- fore the World's fair opens and will cago. Patzold had his private pilot's remain* all summer, according to license under the old Departrnent of~ Pwlees la Efhe.t Thur*" Val.9 Uat, Mars. 21445 There iis a difference himeats At SMITHFIELD'S, there iS no aubstitute for honest QUA4LITY. Spulag DUCKLINGuCl:n lhtnIw, plump, ýtender and ll1avory Sprlng DuckIIngsm6- tiant deiiclouu fluclilng Uat you hbave Ionged for. Arare ireat! order lu advabee-don't b. '~~5-Ib.averge. *1.19 PORK OIN RASr.PORK ASGMET 21/2 ONd -b vgl.Smithfield 21/, nd 3-b. av., ~ IOpure b. Frj "$Md tender. Prime Porterhouggo Prime Sirloin j ton, t