commrandant at the Great Lakes Naval station, *ilI speak on the "ParamounIt Need." as the, Univer- sity of Scouting swings ,into its clos- ing eso at the Oak.ITerrace school, Highwoôod, next Monday' night at 7:P30 o'clock. The North Shore Area,-council in- vites every porth shore nman to at-> tend the University of Sçouting on Monday night and hear Rear Ad- mirai Cluverjus. :The Oak Terrace school is, on Haif Day road. three blocks west of the Nôrthi Shore Ie tracks Uine tracks iui Highixood.. 'Rear Admirai Cluverius is noted for bhis fine talks," the sponsors 01 the university state. "He is especially interested in scouting'and Young men and bas on several scouting occasions .made a splendid nane-for. i~1. In addition to this taik, Donald Higgins. scout executive of the Champaign-Urbana cotincil, w i 1l speak to the course in the principles ,of scoutmastership on "'The Patrol Unit Is the Answer." while in the Cub leaders' course, Harold G. Boltz of Highland Park wiij discuss "The Cub's Preparation for ScoutingY" Members of::three. othier courses- This room (picturcd above), the meeting plIace of Troop 19 at Winnetka Comilupliiy buscI, ZkSrecc'ntly dedicated l'y the troop as 'Rettie Lodge" i ii honor of Gèor q'c cttlic. Wfýi;ietka carpefefr, -who sipervised the con- struction zwork. KENILWORTH SHOWJ Thei Ad by ft r tlic ro decision of ous Wilmette troops. report the fol- lowing advancenient in their units dur- ing the past month. Troop i-Tenderfoot: Billy Bart- lett;. second class: Bob Anderson, Wil- liam Hayt, Lawrence. Schubert; first class: Bob Matthews,, James, Mcllrath; five-year veteran: John Peason'; mnit badges: Ed. Andrews, masonry, handi- craft; Arthur Pearson, w6oodturniing,, painting, woodurorking; 'John. Pear- son, masohry; Phil Samuelson, wood- working, soi! management; Bob Mat- thews, music, .woodworking; James McIlrath, stamp collectitig> swiniming.- Troop 5-First class.: Charles Ker- ner, James Lamb;' merit badges: Charles Kerner, firemanship; Van Mc- Quide, carpentry, reading; Grahami Burke, public'health; CharlesKerneri, cycling, swmmming - William Moody, first aid,. cyçig; Charles Ripley, pub- cli health; Lowell Snorf, public health, civics; Ashton Taylor, civics; Rodger Venekiasen, handicraft. Troop 10--Transferred re-registered, Robert Kreusch, Star: Edgar Goelz; merit badges, Bruce Atonî,persona] health, handicraft; Edwin Colegrove, handicraft, firemanship, electricity; Edgar Goelz, handicraft. March 25 and 26, the members of the elements course will have, a week- end camp at the Izaak Walton cabin near Wheeling in order to learn fine points about conducting an effective outdoor prognamn in their troop camping. The 'men will cook their meals outdoors and sleep either ini tents or in the cabin. Any north shore man is, invited byv Cuhs, Boy Scouts and Sea Scouts who mecet ini that sclioôl under the leader- ship of Robent '1ownilev will stage their aniual hohhy showv and scouting exhibition. 'l'le boys reprt,,iit Cul) Pack 60, Boy Scout TJroop 17 and Sea Scout. patrôl of Troopi 1,3. These boys dur- shipped f:ronm Wisconsmn ov rail. iter the logs were 'split, the boys beganl working steadilv after school and on Saturdays until they soon had the roomi completed. A tiovel feature of Rettie lodge is the fi replace unantle- piece which. thc boys made froin an old telephione pole.-; The picture shown above was taken and presenited to Troop 19 by Dr. la vies Lazear of Winnetka whose boy George Bersch as the' lodge's reprc- sentative to the Regional Camp Staff Training school to be conducted i East St. Louis Scout camp, April 6, 7 and 8.. Bersch, an Eagle Scout and wîinner of the Ilarmon Foundâtiont scholarship,1 is now scoutmaster oi Troop 4, Wilmette; lie was one ct tlhe founders of the Order of tiwe Arrow at Camp Nfa-Ka-Ja-Waii fi% e years ago and holds the Third d~c were dismissed with the oa House n i staea. -d. Goelz, Troop 10. -it ïs