oi Mrs. iarian uotton, nea<j of thie music departrnent. A series of Sat- urday morning rehearsals1 for the en- tire cast started last wveek* Choruses Busy o-Tuesda' afternoon after school ail principals of the cast reliearse. The twvo choruses.., itclcýiing :twen,éty boys- and girls, practicie* three times a week.. Thesie choruises reheiarse danrces under the direction of Mfiss Anna May !Smith of the' New. Trier pliysical c(Iucation, department. Other -departments. cooperating with the mus~ic departrnent lu plans for the production' of- 'The ýGon-. doliers"' are the art and (ramatic de- partrnents. Thie sagecraft class', un-ý der the. direction of M iss Olive L. Grover, heal.,of the art departient. is preparing th..e stage settings. Prin- cipals lu the cast rehlearse their parts %vith' Miss Elizabetii Stàivôod, heàd of the drainatic departrnent. TIn addition to the rehiearsals al- rCadv ientioned. one group practices everv sc hool day (luring the adviser room periods lu the nmorning. Record Cast l'le largest cast ever >een lnuaan undertaking of this kind at Ne r rier Htigh school will present "The Gon-' dolers"'Muisic lover,; of the :ïorth >hore are pronised a real treat on the nkdgits of April 21 and 22 at the Biarber. Beth M\cllraitli. Sally Romig Enuna iiià Bickhain, Charlotte \Wachs and Alison Burge, gaincd experience lii last N ear's light opera presentation GIGTO HOT SPRINGS M.Nr.,-and Mrs.. T. \Veller KinbIa!ll 333 ILeicester road. Kelnilwo-(rth. lefi for \irginia floýt ,Sprling-. IAi route théx' %vill visit thecir son. I)onald. at Andover. Mass, Tlieir datuïhter, Do- bottie tightlyi An exclusive Spaulcling Gorham feature. Pocicets, 2 in top, 3 in sides Back top grain cowhide Laminated wood frame Grey moire silk lined Locks that work, ;0000 $1E 1IT cOs T s *Her mi of Evansl N0 .MOR E A T S P AUL Dl1N G GO0R HlAM,'S ter, Fna. Pardee them.