It had been the position of the clubf right along tiiat the water worel-4is !)One of their affair and their only objection has been to the location, but since learn-. ng from the M'Iyor of EvanÈton that-I prae-tieatl1y. > - real xegotiations weric eve-ci4.à n and nonie for about two year.s, 1I ara woliderlng if IL is flot tiîne that the élubý take: an interest. lu the water Works ktself. It setims bigh time that ýthe re.sidenits of Wlmette know what :kind of a run they bave had for their mioney and where they are ýgoinrg. 1 believe you w111 agree wîth. me that r.. far as. our investi gation has carried us with regard to the opinion of>a large numnber of -our mexebers, Who are res- idents of Wilmette,, and our knowledge of sof)lie 0f the actual facts:of the pro- poiinas a whole, that at least *the *mernbers of our club,. if flot the entire populace, ought to have the beniefit of our investigation. I *.imr sure thé Shaw- nee Vounitry- club will. gain the ever- laIgting- gratitude of the 'tax. payers of~ Wilmette, and the entire population of Ite No rth Shore, who do enjoy. tie finesIt beach anYwhere to bc found. hitiMk i&t ove,: ýad tellme what you think the next tlme I sec you at tho club. Yours very truly, Glenn . P 1earson, J'1rsident, Shawnee Country Cluib. 'Wants Rate Reduction February Mr. T. Samuel Parsons, C4hairman, Watcr Committee, EvatnMton City Couni, Evanston, Illinis. My dear. ýMr.. Parsons- 27, 1933. shawnee- reduction 0 f operating costs, and ex- penses ln ail, enterprises" during th past two- years.. At no tirne, however, have:we ,disPUted the fact.,that-çcost.s are now- iower- than in many years, but we must also. point out that our Evansto'n Water rates bave flot been advaniced. as the costu. have mounited and that. no change hlas: been made in thern since 1913 or 1914. Howe.ver, -we do appreciate your offer o! mediatkonand Wfyou. blieve you can IndUce the officiais of Wilmette tu re- obpen'tnegotiations.- the Water Comi ttee of, the Clëty couneil, will recommend to that bodyý that we grant Wilmette a re- duction, of:approxi mately 1à per-cent pro- vided Wilmette will enter into a twcnty Year contract with us. If that s not satisfactory we would be willing to rec- ommend, to the, Evanston City council that *we submit the whole question of Water rates to arbitration at once, Wil- Miette ýto select one arbiter, Evanston another and those two. the third, It is évident 1, believe that thie, Eai- ston City cunil can take no actio . n i n tliis matter unless the Wilmcette officiais agrme to reopen negotiations and I think 1 cari state that the couneil will -un- doubtedly' follow. the reeoninendation.' of the Water Cornxitteeý in this niatter and I shall personally very niuclb ap- preélate any efforts you majy feel like making whicb will bring about a re- opening of the negotiations. Yours very truly, T. Sainuel Parsons, Chairmnan of the Water connitc- o.! the Evanston Cityý council. bow to plan our attack -to fight the, good light wvith aaIl our' might."A few simple rules faithfull' kept wil1 be e useful thaîî 'More elaborate ones. which would be easy t1-o' side track or ýregard ligbtly. Our ever present temptations of prd, rjudice, anger., selfishnes.s, and falsehood should be considered -in forming out, resolPtionls, and the re- sistance of ýany one or ail of thern be, the object of, our Lenten. campaign diagai 'nst.theý world, the flesh, and the, devil." The five Wilinette congregationsI cooperatingý in. the Lenten campa ign for churches give -us a splendid ex- ample -of, awelI prganiied.plan.,of action forý thée spiritual regeneration of a group. Jesus was. especiallyJanxioius for the youn g people to be brought to him, for he said: "Suifer littie children to corne pnto Me, and forbid themnfot;" and the designers of the present cam- paign where wise in designating lasti S'unday as YouthM'ay. ~ i The church has a place -for th youth, and the. youth bas a place for the church or else our Lord wouldn't have made such an in- heen cnanged silice 1917. iiowever, work on the revis ion of the code has been .in progress for the past tivo years. hI recent months< the judiciary corninittee of the Village board, of. which T'rustee Harrv C.' Kinnie îs chairinan, and Village Attorney Wil- lis 1). . Nance haàve' been devotiîlig. at l-east one even .ing a week. to the enormous task of bringing the code up to date. *Public hearings-have bee i lwld on the proposed changes ini the code and an effort. las. beeni made, to give al interested'citizens an opportunfity to offer suggestions concern ing the pro- Visions of the code. The illâge board now feels that the revîsed.codeý is ready :for Passage. Young :Opera, Singer "Makes ,Good" Abroad -Miss Lucille Gowey, granddaugbter of Mrs. John Peart, and*niece of. Miss Pearl P. Jones, 1055 Linden avenu~e, Wilinette has, returned~ with lier ~mothcr to ber home ini Joliet after spending five years in Italy, where she bas achieved great success as a brilliant younig opera singer. Miss Gowey pre- pared for grand opera ini Italy under the instruction of the noted, Ernesto Caronna of Milan, under whom she made her debut. The young singer made hier debut in "La -Boheme" in the Politiana thea- ter, Como, Italy, Octoh)er 4, 1930. She brought forth the, most flatteriing praise the Village of Wlilnette came to a part- e lpg of the ways on this queýstionu quite 01 soie tume go.. Since that ' ime th,' othe Village of Wllmcttc has inade prepara- Cou tions for the erection o! an independent Dut water supply sYstean, which they pr'o-~ for jowe to erevt directly in front of oui, thes club h)u.-, and to. whîch location our bellt board of directors objeets. able Inasinuch a4 the .miajority of our the~ members liv.. in thesé twn mnicil- Wou r M.Pro greater tnan that of the public school. 1n two or three occasionîs, one or an- The young people are ready to belp or o! the o>tiers o! the shawnee, Wilrnette "také hold", and their par- intry club mnet personally with _mr. ticipation in the Youth Day made the bbs wlth relation to the site scected Lenten campa ign one of real signifi- the new Wiltnette water works. On e occasions, Mr. Dubbs. led us to cance and value. ýeve, and so stated, that had lie been * 5 to> negotiate a new çontiact which à I 'hi age lAsr Pail tKept cret Until March Il large, vites ori taly. 3e fore her departure for- Italy fivec years ago Miss Gowey (whose pro- fessional name is Lucia Diano) sang in Wilrnette at Christmias programs at the Methodist church and the Howard school, put on by ber aunit, Miss Pearl Jones. Miss Gowey was a recent guest of her relatives here. ntry Club,t 'son, *president. 1at this tme ICharle 11 Mt ou 1tot Cbairmnan 1Evanston j tC tee. wi lbut 1115 cg IreV he na een îerm He roamed awaýy i