>%UMWalouKSIatloa/ .W YICK Agreat cheïrui chir wfill again he the featurne of the,-union service on gunday1 evtenlng next, at the, WomIan'y club it 7 :3ù. where we wlil be.guestsm otf th, Icreshbyterlan church. MemberW of the Prcsh.qyteri*an, Baptîgt and Enge. Iiib Lut heran <:hoim wiil form t he ono choir 'ffrthIis service. The message wili- be given by th,- Rev. John.G. Hindieyrof the Congreýgatio-,na church. Due ,toDr. Caretn' iinss ast week,* Dr. Allison pftathed t.t Ahe Engllsh Lutheman church, lmast Suinday Peveningr. AÂspécial choir reh,-arsal %riIl be held oin Sunday eveninK at 7 'o*rck. On Wednesday, March 2ý4, ancither èý)f our- Lenten. dinne-r! will be ._-ýerved by a vlunt*er -committo-, he-idf-d by Mrs. W. A.. Tuclker,, chairman, Following the' dinner.a motion Plcture orf the- Life of Christ filmed in Palestine wil be pre- sented in the. main auditio.riumn of the chuirch.- This presf-ntation is under tht aumtpi-es f fthe Hiigh. SchrooAl department of our Church .çchrpfil. The regular wfeeok-dav yactivitie-ý are. Scheduied as 'f'llorwr4. Týiudgy-'4 p. m.<amp Fir' irls Girl Scouts,. Tuesay-7 :30 p. re,. -Trfp No.2, Boy Thursday-74 p, . m Junior .'hoir e- hearsai Thursday-7,:15.p. r.-Seîi 'qr e- - JL.rsal YDUNG -PEOPLE -Thursday-î7 :?,0pF. ini.--TriioiNo.,I. Bocy Bà c k tO -thë. regular time r0f ;-:30 foi r ScOUti our meeting next Sunday! Be,,sure- tri P'rday-3 :15 p. n.-BrOwniî-. - comé, on tîmne. R Pefreshmnenits wili ut F riday-7 :34) r.in.-Sf Cr<amtp Fime erved hy smtik-of, th- t-membe-rg at t h,-, Girls clos,,s<itf'th,- meeting and w4- will bave. Siturday-3- am;-j. b1' kNo .63 to k'-ep t(, sehedule time- in Order to get tk cor ëha ma atth - Pre-si>yteran $ ~ ~ 4 chte fh at 7 p. m. English'Lutheran ivW>AN'sS 041ETY LINKS S-'-rith s tre-et ai rc-cnleaf, Wlnte Link FMr.Ailiison. chairman. ii mee-#t at the- home O! Mrs. HarrY K-rr. - A fî~ fXcrhp 827 Elmnwoo - avenue-, for 1orle I nho.Tiiurmday, Match 23. -1itv. laid PIl..Kb-<,psr Link. E-MrI-. E:Phelps, chairman, - will mo'.ét at be-r homfe, 260 Wood (., rSL'NDAY SERVICES Tbujrsd.y, M.rh23. Ont .'rlo(ln.-h: - t;y~ho >:~a #-On.Mrin vrhj la . -LirlkN -Mrm. E. E. Ni(I)(,W, (hair-,. marn, wili mo-et Thtirs'day. Match ~~.J-¶Ih LENTIEN SERVIC E . - .......n..m il, 1107an~i O -t;rç.-enier ""ý,f" "' -ior o.,Pc k l< 1în(-h(o.i -M s<-St 9 j.P, is. ay, %Iarf-h 26 is _ Rojwleyj Kenilworth Union Kenilworth avenue. and Wbarwick roýad Dr. Herbert L. Wiliett, mînister Dr.Wilett's Subject for. Sunday, March 26. wjIl be "The Great Alterna- tive." The serviceý will be at .l11 lnk The W-rmeni'i guild will ýmeett Mon- day moming, 'Match 27. The' hours rof mheetinhg are from If0 to, 4 ocre.Theý women are. aÉked tri. corne in f<or as much time as possible.* Wedne.qdayeveiing. March 29. Thomna« C-urtis Clark will 'speak and gîive read- lng on modern poetry.- Thte leeture will. he held, at 8 o'clock In the, gui] d hall. "Jesus" will be tht- subJect of Dr. Willett's discussion at the pre-Easter class to be held at tht- Sunday schooyl hour. The classes arte heing conducted in preparation for:Easer srice of 9Bap- tlQm and Comnmunion. *The Sun.day sc-hOol- will mneet as usual at 10:4.5 'ciock. Ail children heftwee(n thFeP ofa and tihe- hh i af a re invited. Methodist Chkurch ù-rv scix' Thomas OIso)n, ). 1r).- Th'(- mrises srmon. theme for th- Il <'lov(k wo)rship srie next Sun- da' -morning wiII lie -Tht Fatheýr ro Spirits.- The music fo-r th, Il ç'oksrî* is as frlliWS: (>rgan Peue"na eCantabile" (String' Quartet) Tsrhaikowsky The 'Church NIlght Progra'm-or! Thursday evenlngs continues .te beK popular - and worth-while. T1onight, March 21. will be the eighth of the series of ten sessions. Dinner will b.- served bY the FÉriendly circie. The pro-ý gram for this week andnext will be was follows: 6:30-7:3(&-Çafeteria- Dinner and Soci ,al Hour 7:-30-S :0-A Service.o! Worship, u n de(r the direction of, the minIster 8 :0-9 00-iveInt.eres t GrouPs,ý: Group 1"T 1he 'Use. of the Bible in the Modern Home and School.' Leader: Professoicr Frank M., McKibbeni. March 23 - "Bible -Interests and ' e1eds, of Youth." March 30 *'Adult Uses' o! the Bible.- Group [1-CÇontemporary Literature and It8 Meaning for Today." March 22- **Eikhty Songri at .Eighty" by Edwjvi Markham. ,Reviewed -by Mr.s.. Oscar fThornas Oison. March 30--Ann Vickers". by. Sinclair Lewis. Revýiewed. by Anne L. Whitmack. <.roup M.'- "Thinking It Through With Young People," Leader: Rev"àrend Randall B. Hamr-ick. March 23--Ha Tomnorrow a Challenge?"Niar(ch 30 - "MWhat is Worth-While?" (Grouip XV - -Recent Soîcial Tre-nds-.- Marth. 23-President Edfla Dean Bakert, (,f the National College of Educatirî)n. will discuss the chapter on Education. A i-rirdial invitation-is extended t4) ail par- ents inio-rested in educational pro-gr#es. Groujp V-The Choir, under the dire-ý Hion of MssMarie Briel. A recreation prograni is planné,d foýr >zmall 12hidren .each. Thursday evening. The Friendly circle will have a "Mad March. Hart" party Tuesday evening, .Narch 2.in tht .Wotian*' roorn. Sons tim. .f)43 -Exmom rroad, Kenilworth. Link -H.---Mrm. A. V. Gruhn, chair- man, wlil meet Frlday, March 24, for 1 o'clock luncheopn with Mr. . f.À. Smith. 132S< Eimword avenue. Lnk f - Mr, . F G. Sutherland,' i'hairmssn. 'wiil meet PI4riday March. 24,' for 1 'Ick uchowlth Mr;.RH. Heatojn, 162 Abingilon. avetnuqe, Kenil-. W FI>N - - <lu third I I'ELLOIY$IIIP ppg~*ft~ Modrao - Faulkt - -Junior choir me-harsal Friday aftt-r- floon at 4 o'clo)ck. Senior- choir îehe-ars'ai Friday eve-ning at 7:15 'dlock. Junior Luther league will mcisun- day tevenlng ai S5:30 o'cýlock. - Confirmation class inef-eta4 Monday afternoon at 4 o'ecl(k. - Solo : Mr. C. Rollin Smith The Oiff.-rtory Anthem--At the Feet ff the Nlaster-' . Coombs First Presbyterian Solos: Mrs.. Foster E. Fike- and Ms Florence Farrar Wnman's club rooms -OranPoslue-"atnof Ttrith street at Greeneaf avenue Prase"- -Diggle Janies T. Venekiasen, minister The Sunday vening Le4nten servi-ces -FAMILY 1)AY' wiil be observed in at 7 :30 have opened with fine interest chumch Sunday morning. Evemy famnily and splendid attendance. Thec question associated with the chumch in any way to be consldered this Sunday evening is urgtd to be pre-sent as a unit. There is -Ca We Avert Degentration?" 'The wiil be a place and message for the music will be as follows: Youlng people, and childrenastt well aji Presbyterian chixi tee at7-:30 p. . wlth thq Luther ýs ln a '"i the W0 be Dr. ,ohn G. Hindiey of the Corngre- Baptlst. gational chureli. n, and - orn serv- There willi le Holy Communion ati n'm club, 7 a. m. each Wednesday in Lent and e Secofid division will have a party lorrow (Frlday) at the -borné of A. M. Long, 1106 Greenwood ave-i re Third division will havea "White Tlhe Chilastian Endeavor soclety wili et at 6 o'clock at the Wonian's club OMSe *Noýte the change of place and nie. Georgia, Burch, wiI conduet. theý