residential conmnunity, open Village caucus, .and open mneetings of the Village board are anmong the out- standing planks ni the plat formi of t le',Keiilworth, Economiy party h.iead-1 ed: b HeranC. Hiintzpetcr. 212 Shieridan ýroad, candidate for Village: presidlent, and which will seek the en-~ dorsemnent ýof the voters at the Vil- lage election T'uesday,,April 18. 'Cand,(idates où the.ticket with MIr. f-1ittzpeter include Warner Cary Lewýis, 201 Kenilworth avenue, for Village trustee; John T. Janette, 315 Abbotsford roadfor Village trustee; I)avid.E. Elmgren, 551 Brier street. for V-illage trustee; Brower M\u'nroe, 72ý4 1aclean avenue, for police niagistrate. 'l'le party's platforni, adopted at a niéeting held Tuesday evenitg. Mý\arch 21. reads as follows: I Eeonomy We assert that the efficiencv of the À11 ,~ 'Govertnmit çarrv le iincresed, and pIresent expenditures reduced byj at least 25 per cent under an efficient1 *Village management. and therebN thle lur(len of taxes on Kenilworthi property lowered..1 Il Home Rule foir Kenilworth \Ve favor the employnient of res i - dents of Kenilworth to discliarge vil- *lage functions rather than .disturbing the revenues of Kenilworth in wages andl salaries to tion-residents. 111 Reduction in Weter Rates and iose s. VI Open Villae Caucus We pledge ouürselves that amhple publicý notice will .. posted, suffici- e ntly in advance, to afr every Add ncw intercat te your garden with à poolý of fascinating, fragrant. Water Llies. Beauiful coëlors h a r d y , d a y and night bloomers. Easy to carefr - ne9enie Many varicties of Water Lille@ and Aquatic Plants for your selection. Complete water gardem es t "si ow test. Tropcal and Gold Fish Rare and brilliant specie.. 100 varieties of ornaniental fish.e An aquarium of colorful and unusuat Tropical Fishes adIs interest and beauty to a roomn. Collections at reasonable prices. A ngel Fisk SPECIAL OFFERS> board lnas exclusive controt. Our can- didates are pledged to immediately- petition the Mlinois Commerce coin-i' mission for a reduction of gas, elec- tricity, and telephone. rates. IV Active Interest in North Shore Property Owners Association XVe deplore the lack of co-opera- tion show n by the present Village admin ist ration in the efforts of the North; Shore Property Qwners asso- Catalog in Coors-Fee, *New 1933 Cataloi scribes, and Illust In color our collection of We Milles, Aquatlc P and Ornamental es. Telle how to, struet a pool or a tub garden.1 ~for your fres today. EVANSTON $SHOP OFPCN SATURDAY IRVENINGS. t' Brand New Spring T'