CONFECTIONERY- 1204 CENTRAL AVE. J Phone Wil. 5353ý SparkPlugé Tested, Adjusted and Cleaned with'each greasmg ,or. oil change la addition te tborougglMyrea@u. Ing, vacnaciaig jiîsey wasilng winidows, testing tires, battery and rad1ator, we Uow sand bhast, edean, an d just jou'r spark jplu" at no extra eost. Thi. coippete joib for &- cmlo ar oll 1Cota $1 years. She is stirvived by otie sister, -Nrs. Lydia Bowen of Sycamore. 111,. NIrÉ and Mrs.J D. Kinnear. 24 Chestnut avenue.. were host and ho>t- ess to ýa.March Haré dinner on Su- day. liarch 19. .Mrs. Thomas Coyne, 240ý Melro~e avenue., Kenilworth, will eûter tàili her bridge club at luncheon Frida-",.; A son was- born last Sunday to Mfr. and Mrs. A.- D., Alb right. 1639 Elrn- wood avenue. ITLOOKS BAD and a cheap suit doesn't wear.Let us take.your mesure for a Nish' Tailred uitat $MO, ithextra treusers eo, 90 Alterations, if any needed, made inodeing.Te04lm nnM , Iopf re.Tho epld iga e. .- - - - - - - - - - ,.- - ~- -=-~-- ~ - T~he abo-Ve diagram showýýs hOW eacl 'dollar 'aktid tàes by Wilmetté citizens for. the vear 1931 is distribtited. Tiese taxes are' heing collected now. More. than one-fourth of the taxes, 28.2 percent. p) to thie ilmnette Puzb- lic schools. The second largest percentage. 18-5, is for e Trier High school. The Village gets 17.f percdent of the tax money. The remainde: of the tax dollar is distributed as flos Sanitary dis~- trict, 9.9 percent; Cook county, 9.1 percent: the State, 6.9. percent; Park dis- trict, 6.7 percent; Forest Preserve district. 1.9 percent: niosquito abaternent district, 0.7 percent.,.and New Trier township, 0.5 percent. to t 3re ,lson. s 0 th~ 6(na'iv ers ary, Sa/le. FOR 2 WEEKS-MARCH ZOth to APRIL lst PHONE