Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 48

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and Miss E.dith A. Kowe will be the hostesses. The Sketch c lass in tharge of Miss Katherine Tylet wilil convene a the club on Saturday, 'March 18' at, 10:30 in theI morning. The Du Moulin 'trio wviIl give -the third. musical tea of tbe ýseason at the Chicago College club at-3:30 in the afternuoon on. Marcb 18, witb the hoôst- ese:Miss Edith Collom, Ms lv Fontany, Mrs.. F. M. Giles, Miss Maud-Lavery, Mrs. A. HF. Montgom- ery, and Miss Helen,*Walker. On. Wednesday, March 22, atil :30 in.the morning Marguerite Caikins, Taylor of the National College of, Education in Evanston will give, ber. second talk on 'i3eveloping Charac-. tel- and Taste Through an Apprecia- tion of Fine Painting." Mrs. Frank C. Brown and Mrs. O0. B. Johnson There willbe a luncheon and bridge for members and guests at the club on Saturday, March 25, at 1. Host- esses for the occasion will be: Mrs. Charles M. Sloan and Miss Dor6thy DeRienier. At 4:30 o'clock on Marchl 17 and 24, the regular Friday afternoon teast wiJl be held in the lounge of the club ý for members and guests.t clemns the opposition of any member of the State Legisiature to Bill Num- .ber 161 without amendment' which requires prophylactic treatment of Iejç eyes of infantsý at birtb."ý This resolutiuon lwas- adopted by unanim.- ous vote. Mr. Hugh'Stewart Campbell, mem- ber of the Christian Science Commit- tee on- Publication for Illinois, in-a letter addressed to the editor, of -this publication prtested the adoption of House Bill, Number 161 without 'the. amiendment. Mr. Campbell in defense' of bis objection quoted statistics from the Chicago Board of Health and in 50o doing leaves the, reader with the impression, that tbe *incidence of. ophthalnîia neonatoruminin the Chi- cago area is very low. The implica- tion being that prophylactic treat- mnt -of babies'. 4yes at birth ,1 ueot as important as t he meaning of the bill would lead one to believe. Mr. Campbell forgets to mention a veryt important reason why the incidence of ophtbalimia neonatorumn is low i the Chicago area. The reason is that practically ail reputable physicians in the Chicago aréa whether in hospital or, home, practice the use of some form of prophylactic treatment for the eyes of the new born. This custom cray. XI. D., Marth 9, 1933. Editor, WixMIzTTe Lieg:ý Your. issue, of date. of. March 9 contains on the first page an, article announicing the names of, candidates for office to be voted o at the Vil- lage electioin April 18 on> botb the Village 1party- and Harmtony Party tickets. I noticed that you. omitted my name as a candidate of theé Vil- lage party for the office o f Police: Magistrate. 1 arn still a candidate. 1A misunderstanding miglit possibly have ýarisen: from- the fact that I withdrew My name from the nomina- tion on the New Trier Townsbip ticket as justice of the Peace, wbich office I1filed for the past eight.years. This withdrawal was entirely volun- tary on.rmy par-t for persoal reasons partly, and also by solicitation of sorne of niy friends andi my desire to Iend my feeble efforts towards electing again our esteemed president, Mr. C. P. Dubbs, for the unselfish labor and time given by him without any rernuneration.whiatsoever to the Peace, Dn avenue, was causing trouble. Vai.ty Of Call On Thursdlay, March .9, about .11 :20 o'clock id. the morning the..*firemen went to 1209 Washington, avenue tjý extinguish a rubbish blaze which had set, ire te a telephone pole. Thrtee O.ther runs were made that day, tivo of them 'to extinguish fence ires caused by burning leavés. The fence fires 1c- curred at 1606 Forest avenue and 1128 Greenwood avenue. The firemen also were called to 415 Ridge roadto cx- tinguish anautomobile blaze about 5-:50 o',clock in the afternocin, but when they arrived on-.the scene, there 4was nu automobile there. Apparently the blaze bad been extingui.shed and the'driver had left'before the firemen. came. Parefires were responsible i r twvo other runs nmade by the fireien n the past vjek. One occurred lu the 2100 block 'on Elmwood avenue, about Il o'clock in the morning 1 ast Friday, and the other about 10:30 o'clock Sunday nighit at Illinois road and Thornwood avenue. Mrs. James Ralph Starr, 320) Ra- leigh road,' Kenilworth, was ho'ýteýss to hier sew%,itg club on Tuesdlay, March 14. - at the leatro de Lago,- March '19. Charles Boatiner is director of this chorus of twentv- five voices that will sing at both the matiiiee and evening performances. There %vill be no ad- vance in price. *M'rs, * W. Kirby Smnith, 1036 Fore st avenue, lias returned fronithe hios- pital where she underNvent a Major the incidence of ophthalmia neona- torumi among the new bôrn be would discover that before preventative measures were generally used this in- fection occurred inucb more fre- quently. Thirty-eigbt of our. states now have such a law. \Visconsiii bas had snch a law for ten years and dur- ing that tinie have had no cases of MNrs. JOsePli B. Marshall, 1 ù4cO ImiWood avenue, -is entertailling thle mcuwers o, ne - ii LW wIuge clui) at wii~- l'lie Central-Laurel Parent-T.each- co .et Tuesday. er association wiIl hold its Xlarcli î-o- meeting at 2:30 o'clock *Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bird, 1010 March 21, in the Stolp gynxnasiuni. Chestnut avenue, returned homne This Meeting, wbicb will concentratC Tuesday, motoring from Mianii Beach upon the school and public' librarie-s and Mount Dora, FIa. is quite in keeping with the an- --o- 0o - Mrs. John Rathbone, 523 Abbots- 1 ford road, Kenilworth, entertainied À. her bridge foursome Wednesday. t ,for general use: The bill provides for 1 succ tbe utilization of a more effective.,tern sruly carried dt of teil weeks, eacb. mvrs. Pauî £M r s. an.' lias 'so wood 'ugh %",o bridge >day). Ippson 'Wakeley, 730"Eln- mue, is entertaining bet at lunchieon today (Thurs- + + 1 r-1-A-IVeWS

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