Artiats The artists for the'evening, ill be H1eleni Bickerton (Mrs. Raymtund * Koch), soprano; Mrs. Ralph Dennis, 0 ~ pianist; Mrs.. Ethel. Rogers Swift, .rarnatic reader;ý Leta Murdock * Ehmen, violin;, and a quintet coi.- p9sed of Mora Murdock, piano;- Leta MNurd9ck Ehni, violin;, Townsend Cree, violin; Louise Evans, viola, and.Margaret jean Cree, cello. Accompanist will 1be Helen * Hawk Calsi.The entire program is be- ing. sponsored by Mrs. M1ilton Cole's group of the Womnan's un*ôn ôf the church. Miss Bickerton is a memiber of the choir at the. First Congregational church iïn Evanston and, is on the fa- cuity of the Sherwood' School of Music' * Slie is one cf the principal soloists iln the dramiatization of "The MIess4ah.- W11ihe2leto .e -given eoowr by the Apollo club. Helen Hawk Carlisle is a grad- uate of the Nortwestern University Sehool of Music and conducta the nui-ses' * giee 'club and. chorus at the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Ehmien and Miss MuItr- dock have given anY number of pro- grains on the north shore. They liav#, both had several years of program study. Mrs. Dennis is also a graduate of tlw * School of «Music at Northwestern uni- vesthaving studied with the late Peto'r Lutkin. She has recently' beenii study'ing with Edwaru1 Colins o.f (Ch i-.1 iwh~.,ogralli.ttne 1 0 My Soul" ....... *-.....î *Ivanof Choir Anthem-Send Out Thy 1Light"'...1................ Gounod Offertory Solo-",îThe Publican"ý........Van d e Water. Mr. C. Bollm Smith Organ Poàtlude-"Finale"i (Sonata 1)..........Mendelssohn The atitendance at 'the Snd -.Eve- ning ýLeften services încreases. The miister is- preachliag on i "Real Ques- tions for- Today" at these 7:30 services. 'The themne. for, this week is iHaLs Life a Meaning?9". The music Wlll be as fol- Iowa: Organ Rectal-"Fôuntain Reéverie".... ........... Fletcher "Triürmphal Overtüre"....Frrt lntroIit-"Bess Thou the Lord, O My Soul"... ......... .Ivanoft Choir Anthem-"*SeekHlmn That Makeththe.Seven eStars" . -Rogers Offrtory-"ÂAt the Feet of the Master",- .............. ... Coombi, S0los-Mrs. Foster E. Fike and Miss Florence Farrar Ail members and friends are urged to take advantagç ortb.ose g]plenia, services. Th'Me s rmon themes for the remaining services ln the will be as follows: March 26-"Can. ie .,Avert Pegeriera- tion ?" April 2~ - "Can. Human Nature Be Changed ?" April 9--Is Religion a Necessity ?" April 16-*"Where Are the Dead ?" The First division will, meet Thurs- day", March 23, at 12:30 o'clock for. luncheon, at the homne of Mrs. B. C. i-i rida1 night QUilntet, opus No. 1.....DIIyn 1Vs not a Miade of Grass Upf<>n the Plain?..ý . .....ý.Tchaikovsky Balloons in the Snow. . Jean By The Last %ong . Helen Hawk Carlisle Àtternoon on a Hill ..... ..... .-Helen Haivk Car*lisi.. April Cblîdren.........Cry Helen Blckerton, with Helen iIfawv Carlisle accompanying, o£t... i. . L ÂI.£.gU, 1106 Ueenwood 51- --w 1.1 avenue,. .songs. Th, The Sixth division will. have a "Sil- included1 ver Tea" Thursday, March 30, in the "The 50fl Woma's rom.clear, stre The "Chu4rcb Night Programn" on mony [S Thursday nights. continues, to prove ed by M~i very popular. The programn is as fol- musicald lows: 'Ng. -Ir tfor SuudaY, and the Widen - vilce Is fitil 149~ V ý Theè Wednesday evening meeting for Bible StWIY a.nd Conférence wili be held Marich. 22 at 7:45 o'clock at Dr. Wjletts residence. The subject WilI be, "The ChUl- dren and» the Cuc. Thé. Wom!en'g Guiid ..wilI meï.et'Monday niorning, Mairch 20. The hours of meet- ingr are from n10 to 4 O'clo4ck. The women are asked to corne in for as much time as possible, Beginning Sunday, March .19, a1 pre.- Easter class In Ipreparation for Easter service of Ba-Ptism and Communion wiII be held b3y Dr. Wilett. "the eQlas;s will be heid at the: Sunday sehool hour. The: subjecte wii be: "IThe Bible." ",Jesus, "Thé Church," and, "The Christiain.", The Sunday school wiil nieet as usual at 10:45 o'cloek. Ail hIIdren between the. aÉes of 3 and'tlie IilgÙschooÀ age are Invited. IA t Woman's Club the, Park white mid-1 concludeci wîth Spring" from1 Passes." In the were American ;t part of their pr ing's "Recessiona India." The.girl voices, and thei feat. - - - Members, of the cbanîpionshjp Ken- ilworth team are. Doniald Stiliman, and Arthur Cruttenden., forwards, Jack 'Fitzgerald, -center, and Benja- min Macinnon and Arthur. Bonnet. guards, Norman, Remis a.nd Homer Johnson are -subsiitites. The cap- tain of the team, Dol? Stilm anle the league ,in scoring. Heman,,letd a total of fifty-nine points in, six gaines. SThe three other teamns in, the league besides Joseph Sears arie the- Central scbool- of. Glenicoe and the Nichols 'and Haven schoois of 1£v- anston. Ail Of the four Kenilworth t'e'ans played Nichols last Saturday ini games that closed the North Shore Gramimar School league schedule '. As sTttd j*revious!ly, the Keniworth lights won, 2() to 4. The Kenilworth midgets were victorious, 9 to 8.. In the otiier two weight divisions, light heavyweights and heavyweights, Nichols won by scores of 20 ko 16 and Bill Spinney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Spinney, 619 Forest avenue, rpu-pntIv enteraine-d thirt ..Jl: réwn- weeics' stay in i4iorida, stopping in econd Orlando, St. Petersburg, and Passa- folk grille. They motored down and'back. )gram -- and Miss Kathleen Harvey, who is a have student at Saint Mary's college in har- South Rend, Ind., will spend this irect- week-end with her parents, Mr. and 's 1 Mrs. F. W.HreJr., of 1035 watch othier activities in cg ivith the, publication ofad paper. nd w....................... ... s fi ,Fails jI> impotan. The nection The Red CrosS' eewing continues each To Nominat. New Officers sadn T news- Tuesday at 10 o'clock at. the church. At the business metnshc r-thur J. The Church isehool of, the Wilniette ceded the program three niembers of both of te to the late Mrs. Ar- r'and Mrs. Lorin Hall, recently passed away. i fi m'ý avenred' fýàAif6r