Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 46

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said Mein Street, also ýthat portion of the central tWenty-three (23). feet and two. (2) Inches of Fiftenth -Street lying between. the southwest lino, of said Main Street ýand the north -end of the brick pavýement, ntow in. place .In'said Pift- teth> Street, .be improved bY remhoving old curb and gutter., brick. Pavement, idewalk, - trees and stumps, by grading, including. paàrkways. by constructing a atôrmn water sewer wth brick manholes.* by constructlng new brick catch ba§ins and new brick catch basin inlets, by adjustîng ail manholes and catch basin covers witliin thelinos of said im- provement to the proper grade. byr pav- Ing with reinforced concrete pavement; by bntructing a concrets curb, by constrbctibe new concrete gidewalkà ind'otherwlse improving said portion of Main Street and Fifteenth Street, al In the Village of Wilmette, CountY of Cook and State of Illinolé., Wlmentte Special Assessment No. 289 In the County Court of Cook County, Illinois. mo, E -le N.i#RiaiYasr ven to ati persons lnterested that the board of local Iînprovements of sald Village of Wlbett. bas herotofore filed in said court, In said cause, a certificate show-. Ing the cost of the Improvernent. and the amoiant reserved for Interest. ieav- Ing No Dolars and No Cents. to bc a.bated In reduction of said assessme-t- and also that said lmprovement bas been comphited In substantial conforrîity to the requrements of theoriginal ordinance therefor, and .bas appled to said court M ena dr . .Uw - Mrs. Fred* Stebbins,- 3-9 Raleiglh road,. Kenilworth, will be hostess, to a group ýof womeni doing Red Cross sewing at, tea'today (Tbursday). The same group met lait Thursday with Mrs. 'Groiver Hermann of 82 Essexc rQad, Winnietka. Mrs. M. . Spiegel of 140- Meirose avenue, lKenilwortb, ret.urned Thurs- day of last ý week from New York.' fier daughter, Polly, returns Mardi I&. from Sarah Lawrence college and, her son- returns the saine day froni' Dartmouth to spend their'spring va- cations-at home. Mr.. and -Mrs. Robert Me\INeil Burns, 614 Essex road, Kenilworthi, spent the week-end ýat Ami Arbor vi- siting their son, Robert Il. wlio at- ten1ds the UniveÉsity of Michigan. He returns 'April 1, for bis spring va- cat ion. Howard David Jordan, 320 Cuni- berland avenue, Kenilworth, is ex- pect-ed homie Saturday from the Choate school. He wilI stop off at Washington, D. C., before returning home for his spring vacation. Jack Stebbins, ivhn attends Phil- applie uo Ma provision tmat one andone quarter percent of. sat- ary. is to »*be contributed by èmiploy- ees, but that is' a bill that Will not go into effect 'until 1934 andl possîbi> 1935.ý The Leaguse favors provisions of flouse, Bill 422, particularly those ertaining, to administration. The system of administration provides that both _enployers and workers contribu.te., In order. to receive the benefit tbiey .wùrký twen ty-six wicee1ks in the year or forty. weeks ini the. two precedinig years. Hearing of the bill was h1eld hast week.1 Opponents are to appear be - fore the .commnittee. this. week. Next Ward Lecture for Neighbonr Club Tuesday Next Tuesday morning Mrs. Flor- ence Ward will give the' 'next of ber book reviews and talks on current events for the Neiglibors of Kenil- worth at the home of Mrs. Charles R. Erwin, 615 Warwick road, Kenil- wortb, at 10:30 o'dlock. This is the ffth and ast in the series by Mrs. Ward., -At the meeting of the club Tues- any' production Which has been shown on the screen, in many years. Theen- tire. s tory i4 based on. a serie s of grotesque errors wbich lead 'to the most surprising and laughable. incidents. *Joe, in the character role of. an art- less boob, is both -afraid of water and unable to swimi. Mistaken for a cbam - pion swimmer, lie is forced' into a marathon race. .Many- new and aston- ishing'lyAfunny ýwater stunts follow. Ginger. Rogers is the leading lady. As. for. the "Animal Kiuigdom," there s an interesting yarn connected. with, its production. When lie an- nounced that lie. was going to direct "The Animal, Kingdom," Edward H. Griffith wias so bothered by anibitious pet owners tijat lie had to issue an announcement that this adaptation .of the Phuflp Barry play is flot- an animal stQTy. .He bad offers, for his use, of trained turtles, pigs, squirrels and ducks. 1"The Animal Kingdom" derives its titie from the point of view of the cen- tral feininine cliaracter, whose opinion is that most men and women, despite their lofty pretensions, in alTairs of the heart, often arc animalistic rather than wise, tender or human. The story centers arouind a mnan who lias twc> wonien in bis affections-bis g.' on the he1U4 îiary,133 FROEHDE,' BN R. 1 élt-i --0- president; Mrs. G.eorge Vaughit, re- MNr. -and Mrs. Walter Mclntosli cording secretary; Mrs. Howard Jor- and daugliter, Jiean, 1100 Greenwood dan, treasurer; Mrs. Johin Wilds, avenue, rettirned-WVednesday of last cliairman ofphilanthropy; Miss Bar- week from a five weeks' motortnip bara Erwin, vice-chairnian; Mrs. to Hot Springs, Ark., Orlando, and Harold Rigler, chairman of art and Pass-a-Grille, Fia. litérature; Mrs. Cecil Meredith, vice- -o-chairman; Mrs. Armand Peycke, ,Mrs. Louis W. Crush, 710 Laurel cliairnian of tlie social comniittee.; avenue, returned to lier home last Mrs. William MLoulton, vice-chair- SundaY from the Evauiston liospital mail. MOTHERS MEETING The Kappa Delta Mothers' associa- tion will liold its regular inonthly meeting and luncheon Thursday Mardi 16, at the homne of Mrs. J. H. Bristle in Evanston. The miothers are sewing for Northwestern Univer- sity settiement. Mrs. H. 1N. Gantzel of Wilmette is corresponding secre- tary,. and Mrs. George Niestadt of 0 ~tertained at d«muer Saturda% uîght, spend thq Mnr. and MNrs. Louis Suekof, 819. March Il1. parents, Chiestntut avenue, gave a family diii- -o- so of lier WVednesday ini ionor of thein Mrs, Wallace Lane of Evanston worth. daugliter Rtitb yvia's eighiteentl. entertained ber card club at Shawnee sity and' birhda. n Friday, Marci 10, Boston. ýattends Pi <lue univer- is college in ARTf S. N Board saald

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