Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 41

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Sniaining undefeated, hiavNinjg lotli of its games 1».' sizable A schiediule for the nlext g theu league ifilClu(es: lic>ard vs. St. Josepb. Mll1inckrondt vis. New' Trier, Mcndàty, Mîïreh2«t Mal1inckrodt, vs. Howard. -twTrier vm. St. Jo.sepli. * Monday, Aprlil t, 1wadvs. New Trier. ~Nalinckrodt V.s. St. Josephi. 19wfli 1soes 11.125 o dav evening. Anv man residjett of \Wijlnîtte i, eligible to cornpete il' the tourna- ment, or any* eligil)le basketbail *Player ini any of the men's basketbail. leagues. Fiftv, trials from. variëus, points of' .advaîîtage 1llbea116oWe each coàntestanlt .llu ie prelinmnaries and fiftv more t' fthose who survive the 'eliminations to coniocte h Wedmieflay, Aptrii finals. Hioward %*'. St. Joseph.Ter ilbnoa isonfet Ma Iinkrodt Vs. New Trier.,hr ilb o diso fet Nvatch the tournamient aI the nh Porters. Girls Agdain-lci nie oatn1 Win Basketball Titie Nir. and. Mrs. H. E. Spinney, 927 ,The mPorters 'Girl s' basketball teamIn Asland. avenuile, motored to Miamni finished the Playground- and Recre- Béach, Fla.. week before last. They atio*n board's girls' league in first expect ta be. away for seVeral wveeks. rlace for the third consecutive vear ___________________ A7rýt Monday eve ivi en the final I round of the 1932-33 season was coôni- RI Subject: "MATTER" READING ROOM-1148 Centrai' Avenue Open Daily (excepting Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.- Wednesdaey 9 A.M. to 7:45 P. M. Saturdiay 9ý A. M, to 9 P. M. The Bible and. Works of Mr ae Eddy and ail othere audiorized. Christian Science, Literature niaey b. rend, borrowed or purchau.d, si ÎE the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS ODLDILLY INVJTBD TO ATND Tau CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READINGI ROOM PATRONIZE.1OUR.AD VERTISERS FortnerlY known as the, Séfilultz & INord teami., the Porte~rs team iav ilay ed together with aimost the Faie rotrof mnembers for the nie tlirec vears. 'fhev finished the ciîr- relit season] Withi a total af t!iii-tl.eln Victories and a single (lefeat, the lat- ter due2 ta a forfeited gamie tlhc early w r t of the season. Hwvr Ic were tied onice wlhen the Kuda teain lield themn ta a 24 to 24 score and silice In girls' rules there is nio overi tinie period, the garne is~ coinputcl ini the final teami standings a> necithe(r %von nor lost. gklý basketball tournatiient dîiriflL, the four weeks remiaining in t1e present season. The. flrst gaines of the tournamnent were pla'4e(l laý,t Mondas- evening. Basket Shooting Meet to Begin Next Monday 'tle basketball goal shooting con- test for-m en, which the Playgrotind auld Recreation board is introchucing VV ILIVIL I'-TTE PARK DISTRICT NOTICE 0E ELECTION. No-tice is hiereby given hb- the Commis sioners of Wilînette Park Di*strict that an election of the Wilmnette Park District will be lheld .in~ said District on Tuesdav, the 4th dav of April, A. D. 19,33, het\\eeni the hours of six o'clock ini the morning and five o 'dock ]il the afternoon of said dav, for the, purpose of electing t\\(- comii.ssioniers of said District, ONE.FOR THE, FULL TERM 0F SIX YEARS Thie pol1lg uplaces (f said election of the Wilinette ParklDistrict w~ilI be the poli- ing places lieretofore p'rovided for the election of town officers to be hield 01n said date,ý l)eing the poiling places of the township election districts ixmbiered 21 to 31 both inclusive Ini the Township of New Trier. -Said polling places are as folloivs, to-ivit: F~LIMETTE PAR 1'. E. SOLEM, Secrecary. -the Spirit o R DISTRICT

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