tnucn about played Mafllnclroclt. Since there were only five from Mallinckrodt, Mr. Davis- chose Dorothy Davis,- Bessie Bouch.ikas andI Beatrice Leal as f or- wards, and, Alice WVagner and Mar- jorie MacMillan as, guards in. the first quarter. In the second quarter,7Irene Baron. went in for Beatrice,, Leal, Jean Mac- donald for Bessie,'Bouchikas, pris. Paterson forA lice Wagner and Louise Schreiber for. Marjorie MacMillan. Bessie Bouchikas went in for Dorotby Davis in the. third, quarter, and, the same girls who pîlayed in the first quar- ter went. in for the* last quarter. The score 'was 34 to 1l in Howard's favor.- It was a tough game but' we hope we are as victorious next time as. wve were when we played Mallinckrodt. -Marjorie MacMillan, H-oward 8B. Wihnette Cagers Finish Season at Forest Park The Wilrnette basketball teams closed their' season Thursda2y night at Forest Pr.The peewees won an easy>game, 12 to 2, using ail the players on the team. The ightweigbts lost a close one, 10 to 7, after holding a good lead at the haif. The heavyweights gave WVilmette in the last game Iàijoks,. the reports indicate, are very interesting. Sonie of the books and the .pupils who reported on them are listed as follows :, "Betty, Bide at H-omne," 'Ellen' Jones; "Rowdy," Helen Schaeter; "Master -Simon's Garden, Grace Wi "i;*lard y the Great7 Fredric, Wellmrianni; "Graustark," Hel- en Born; "ý Ladies,"' Priscilla Pol- lock.-Priscilla Pollock, Howard 8C. Hîoward 8A Newspaper Is Sponsoring Contest, The 8A Scratch Pad, spon- sored, by Howard 8A., 1rs. Jones. rôom, is haviÎng:a contest to see which seventh or eight grade can hand in the m ost articles ini a period month. The room that wins the contest is to get one dolar to .go into its treasury. ,Th paper is ;un vwey iauhonth order oi JuNioR LinE and the articles are handed in at the same timie and place. This paper is issued weekly.- Gertrude Kaplan, H-oward 8B. Spanish Dancer Off ers Program at Assembly At one Stolp assembly-we- hacLa Spanish dancer. She offered two dances for us, the first a slw nd 1( vie snowe W nU.JVU ap 4iL1 1> i Atnens. The capitol is in the smaller part of Athens' The.capitol of Greéce, was built on a hill which* is nloted. *Tesecond picture'revealëd- the pal- ace with. two persons guar ding the pal- ace.' The third view bhowed- the Acropolis f rom a nearby hill. The fourth disclosed a picture. of a VerV important hili in- history. The next showed the temple, erected to Athena,, the goddessý for whoni Athens was nanxed. Another picture showed the 'Jonic pillars and columtns and the nlext pic- ture showed a "n earby v iewé% of. the' Parth-enon. The next picture revealed. the Erechtheum. whichi is somewhat ruined, now. There were somni.more views whichi were: "The March of' the Maidens," "The Theseum," and '*Temple to thei Wing1 Vetfs-LùIl HEeetes, Howard 6C. Two Reels of Movies Feature Club Meetingi On Thursday, -March 2, the 2Cs had their usual club meeting. After 'the1 business was attended to, the meeting5 wvas turned the program chair-t man. Teýan Snanutb showed two reels' something. Somne write poems,. plays and compositions while -others make posters.ý Peep shows, .scrapboo ks, and safety s cen es on stagesîare being. made by some children at home. A, safety comimittee f rom each room has been chosen to go to the fire de-. partment, health department and.police station to getstatistics from these vani- ous departments.' These people will *re- port to their roomn how many ,accidents, fires and sickniesses there. have been for the last, five years. This givesin teresting mnaterial for graphs. The children are, enjoying this work, inasmuch as it- is. helping> not only themselves butý also their parents in promoing. safety iniWilmétte.-janet Bichi, Grade 6, Central school. Candy SaJe.Will 1Hclp, to Buy Girls' Letters Every year the girls ini the seventh and eighth grades try to win their gym letters. These are white W's on a m~aroon background. This year the school bas flot enough money to pay for the letters as it bas previously done., so the girls are giving a càndy sale at the P. T. A. meeting to raise money. The letters are won by the girls staY- ing for after-school games the most. AB-3 Marks Ninth Cage Confliet With Big Vietory Thursday , March 2,. AB-3 niarked its ninth baskethall gai-e by defeating AB-2, captainied hy john Gl-eason, 15 to 3. The ganie was refereed by Lowell Snorf. AB-3 bas liad a good season so far, winning seven gamès, tying one and losing one. rhe nlavers on AB-3 John Welter Is Chosen AB-4 Basketbail Squad President of Howard 8B Beats AB-2; Wins Title The 11B class of Howardbas elected AB -4 defeated AB-2, 21 to Il1, in the f ollowing oficers for. the final basketball on Tuesday, March 7. Jim semester of the year: presidient, John Lamb was the star. The AB-4s camne Welter; vice-president. Betty Green; through the season with five wins and Wednesday afternoon, the 7Bclass of Howard gave a play called "The Knave of Hearts." Miss Flaskered, our dramatic- teacher, conducted it and the children put it' on. 1 thought it was very well done and am sure every- one else enjoyed it. We thank Miss Flaskered also for aIl the tinie she bas spent with the different classes.-Carol her work.- - etty ruenc¶, school..I *IB