tioli of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Earl C. Moss and Mrs. W. -H. Burger are co-, chairmen, the, former. being music chairman of the, Neighbors club ýof Keiilworth. Two Kenilworth. com-ý po,'ýers are on the prograin, Miss Helen Sears, and Mrsr. Harry D. Briggs, (Dorothy bell Briggs). The prograin foôllàws: Pia noý Lulu Jo>nes Downing Prelude Mr.Dorni*ng Songs .... L ulu Joii-. Downing A ppari tions (R.obert Browinfg>, Sad NIemocries (Whedon)ý Eleanor Herrghner piatno Dorothy Bell Briggs Ri nance S-cherzO M.B rigg ..orth.yBell Brigg:s Th.- 1 Itosé and the Bee(arTadl) %I iuuld Live in Your Lovet (Satra Teasdale> Pirrot. Miss ILizel Eden ('tïIrez'~Songs Edith 1,4"bdeil Ifeed Fr.>i - jolly jinks- and *iLii-o Dorothy and Jean Heed Margaret Duiilari 1Laura M. ('i>oidgfe 'iie (Sara T!aýsdale) The IHigh Huis Wanderlust <Marie Sçudder> Mvrs. Cla ude Lake (~.l>and Piano . he al- Elegy 'WUItz Goldie Gross..s celin Axel Ahlstrandf, 2 Kenilwort-h a-v- nue, when Erank .K. Baîthis of the Garfield, Park conservatory1 gave lis. illustrated lecture on "Perennials i the Garden." He gave timnely and very practical advice about aIl things per.- taining to- gardens and gardening. gathered. from long experience and niuch 'eithusiasm. He presented pictures of smnall home gardens, giving much useful in- formation and helpful suggestions in regard to plants maost effective and adaptable, to the honte garden, There' is much, happiness ini store for those of us who strive> to fulfill sorne of the visions of beautiful flowers and gardens -,Vhich Mr. Baît- his has evoked. In his: own ýwords.: -Happy the man who fias a hobby,. scnéol. Uncler prese nt conditions we cannot hope for a-- realization 'of ýthe impérative need Iof this section-a school for the lower grades-.but hope the* day lss'not* far distant. when we can- have it. Many of thé members are taking an active initerest' in -school affairs-, our president, Mrs. John Kinnear alsobe'- ing president of 'the Howard school Parent-leacher -association-. Six inembers of the Northridge Womaàn's club took prominent parts in .the pro- grain presented by the P. T. A. at the Howard school o>n Tuesday even- ing. Mrs.. William Hugh'es, .social chair- man, .akks ail. members and their husbands. to reserve the evening-of Saturday, April 1, for a "surprise I i __________ 1933,,Style Very femînhne, very frily and ývery flatfering. A Queen Elizabethi fluted organdie collar. 2.95 Kenzie) -M:tnirny's Rci ng*i'r'Hy i- l- vBrown) Fay Palmer Kreer Violin.......Lulu Jones Downilng Bo>at Song menoryland Jtssie Buchtèl 1tecazuse of Thee <Wýheflon>( l'cita- ti'II>Vjojnobbligato Mrs. Downing S ~~ . . J.ullu Jolue5 oui Fbive oclock Teà Faii'N Pool (blun Songs) Ann,ý Iookig greige wooI fleece coat w.th a brown suede bet ... But then, young America has a habit of saying "Okay" every fime they v'ist our . new Junior Department. ing session will be devoted to regu- .:%Js r lar business procedure, the election of officers and annual reports., !~4 OJsNÂ i Il .witFi