husband, James Stannard Baker. li cut loose awhile -frouii coniventioiîai America and follo,,% the nose tif. .. a ca noe as it pokes its way into strange out of the .way places abroad" 'is the, trip memibers of the ýN omùan~s Club of Wilmette will take'in fancy next Wediiesdayiioriiing at 10:30 o'clock. Then, witb a -littli ice of draina to add variety, and: after a one o'ciock luncheon, 'they wtiill hear. the Marx Oberndorfers depict in :lecture and muisic "MacDowell's Magic Forest" at, 2. The afternoon's progra rani lias ben triigeé4 by the Junior auxil- iary. '*Hoofing it over the skyliine of the Aps-7Just for fun; -drifting with the current dow-*n the deep valleys of tie Danube and Rhime, and finding new adventures- ail the way" are some of the -aunts ithe Bakers taJoe. '"Ru- ning the rapids of wild mountain, rivers in a seventy-five poutid open canoe or shooting the log sluices ini dams with a folding kayak, excite- ment enough for ainy sportsmlani," adds zest to the travels of -tiîis young couple with more einergy than rnoney, more desire to be outdoors than te, travel in style." Their taie is of a five nionthis' jaunt througi the canals, rivers and lakes of Europe by canoe, 1,750 miles on tie sponsoreu uy Uthevvoman's auxiliary iof that institution. Mrs.ý David P. Moreton,; 431 laurel aeue, Wilmette, is, president, of the organization, and Mrs., Murray, Blan- chard,- 4603 Woodlawn, avenuüe,. Chi- cago, is chairmfaný of ýthe committee for tic benefit. Mrs. Colton, who hàis been' called "Trhe Bird Lady" on the nortlî, shore, where she bas appçarëd on niany club and school ýprogramis, will speak ,'on "*Birds of Illinois," using ber :collec-* tion' of specimens and illustrating"be r talk by whistling varjous'bird calîs.. Mrs. Colton's programs deligbt chili. dren. and she is af avorite at Arden Shore camp wierc slîe bas spoken, often both. during the suimmer 'and' W>inter. camps. Girl and Boy Scouits and other chul- dren wbQ. cart o hear the jwogerum and wisi to bring their own lunicheon wil be served a bot drink, for only a few cents if they so des ire. Othiers may bave luncheon at a very nominal sum. For further informnation those wisi- ing to attend the programn may cal Mrs. W. GC. Colvin' of 709 Elniwood avenue, Wilmiette 1149, and Mrs. David Moreton of 4,31 laurel avetne, M'il- mette 3664. Bureau of Speakers at. the exposition Witli spring's coniing in mind Mrs. will discuss plans for A Century Of Charles A. Broad, progrmcara Progress and members from the for the Woman's Catholic Club of Wil- auxiliary will give a few musical mette, bas. chosen to present to club nuibes îlutrtan te ifference members and. their: guestsi, a, deligbt- between -the Xorld's Fair of' 1905 and: fui illustrated talk by Miss Ethel Milis the fair 'of 1933ardi o n"English Gardens." Beauty and un.. On. Wedniesday afternoon, Iac usualness mark. the color photography 22, the junior club ivili give the 'pro- of this traveler wÀho, inforinally«and. gram for the senior club by present entertainingly, iveaves into the showing ing Marx and Anne,Oberndorfer inl of hler pictures spok en comment and a stereopt.iconj recital, "IThe Mag ic description. Miss Millî1s bas given two Forestry" of MacDowvel. The junior programs. in Wilmette, winniing high- president,. Mrs. William H. Alger, es rieuo achocaio.Her Jr., (Mary Mack) Wvjli give h er.anl- liearers share hrljurey*ig wi th ber. nual report at the morning. session 0of Mrs.,George H. Beaudin,-president of: the lub.the club, basdeclared the meeting an, At the las-t 'club meèetinig the fol- open one, in order that f riends of mem- lowing mlembers were elected, to serve, esmyejo h.pormWt hm on - the nominating. conimittee for esmyejytepormwt hm 193: is Fornce Branson. Iss Mrs. H-. O. Pinsonnault, Mrs., Edwin Josephine Cressey, Miss Ûarriet 1-.Vogt, and Mrs. j. C. McCarthy Mons, Miss Dorca's'Tuttie, and Miss are to be the hostesses for the next to the auxiliary members before April A lunchcon at A Century of Prog- 6, and voting will take place at the ress exposition, with a tour of the annual meeting, April 20. buildings conducted by a guide is plan- iîed. for lembers- of the Woman's Wilmtte epreente on Cathoiic club. for March 28, provided at Ol least twenty reservâtions are made, *BrownsonCrl Pro gram Mrs. Henry Schmidt of 710 Washing- Two residents of Wiiniette, âfrs. t 1 av-enue, art chairnian. hias announced. Charles A. Broad, and Fred Clarke 'hose wishing to participate ini a tour will be included on the next program of the grounds and buildings- which now of the Brownson circle when it méet ___hOw miarked progress, are asked to synipattivc -catera, Utautitui vistas of quiet countryside, ancient casties. great mounitains, live glimpses of oid m-onid people, and action pictures that tell of canoe wandening. It is not a formai. travel lecture M 1r s. Baker gives, but the intimate tale of a care- free holiday, spiced with stories of unexpected encounters, mnerry diffi- culties *with foreign languages and frank impressions of infamliar cus- ie ICii WII a1v vv CuI1V sLfcre. be bv Amnenica 's comi- tionâl av Leonard Kruipiick,, and a piano se- lection by MIr. Kruipick's accomnpa- nist Miss -Ida Kogan,. wil1 be the program at the regular nionthly meeting of the North Shore Congre- gation Israel Sisterbiood Mionday. afternioon at lie Temple building ini Glencoe, at Lincoln and Vernion ave- nues. 'lFhe program wiill, commenc.e at 2 neir prograrns entertai1ning. grarm wnicnl comnmenices at 3 ocèlock. Th-e schiedule for the remainder of the afternoon announces Book Loy- crs'- hour at -1 ; "Our Scrap Books,*' by flrom-nson miembers; the business. meeting at 2, and the social hour at. Garden Club Pro gram The Evening Garden club q party in floo.tOý those.o t iôn f rom cach, to c;reate a f und with wihto buy înuch needed shoes for school chijdren in the vi.llage who are melnl)ers of fainilies 'vhoni the club i s ad throulgh difficult times. Stated Meeting., Sewving E vent s at Eastern Star On Monday, March 20, there will Lien otI vanston. iee-sit is , bolior.