Now Priced With the F ............. ..P r . Feattsr(ng' the Ieto CUSTOM 8 UILT top to fit every 1169 Yes, madam .. rue Phoenix qualify at the. lowet prce tese amou Iost phave tee eef-mu fped oth ýservtce and1 chiff on weiglits in complote siz. and brancl now color ranges. Certainly, Washable They're Ca peskins sw~,çç « 1 Sfunning gl1oves in the smart new slightly flare ci cuf styles gray, bltck. b ro w n, beige and tan. Smooth and sIeek and the ideal weight for Spring sizes 6 to 71/2. Isn'1t It Exciîting Such Quality At SoExtremely Moderate a Price! .1