Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 28

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ý\edîîiesday. Matchi 1, there %vas this season. "Rigoletto." Tbuirsday- "Tannhiatser," Mrs. \Vhi tman, in annotincing that Friday afternoon die last of, the the Iast concert, for one year is, ai- aiternoon Wagner -cycle, "Tristan ways the occasion for, reniewing sub- and IsolIde," Firiday evening, ui, criptions . for, the season 'ta corne, Sauray min e'I Trovat rie" anddew teateio of the large Saturday evening. Marci 4. Loe-;ý%:haeto saie chaniges in. the grn. îlaîsfor next, year. ,Sa rnanv, re- The second, and last *1arsifal1.4, î i queý,ts, she annlounced. have CO1inii the seasofi on Thursday afternoon of.fot<' an extra concert this year, that the final week, a final "Tris,%tan" 11" nIthli. cointnittte bas feit it wvîse ,ta re- Saturday. niatinee, and a final, Sa tur- tuit tb its.former plan of five con- day night performancÇ of "ui" etwhich will, be given at the la-st -eek brouglit the 'season to a lornier price,. In order,.to mnake, it close. eaIer ior bcibr.the pavînents TI le future, of the, opera lias been 11înay be diVi ded, haîf. bei,îg, due this on the, knees of the Gods, the -sulb* and the. rest in October. "WNe t atlNo k"Mrs. Whittman icontinued, jectof omeagittio ti lat "hat: with conditions so iunsettled we rnonths, but gratefully, it is recordedi 'hanfrmoeavabec- that the situation has hecn saved. (an hii frmrefvoalecn and that by John Erskine. and thie tracts by delaying the selection of Board of the julliard Fouiidaili- :îe\t vear's artists until a later date." iw#ich fôtind thtit-'ns hal lyet '1ns prxcedure %vas_ folowed this, *socaefulyadmniteri .tht its la,.t >ear and the excellence of the principal rermained intact" and that It ceries. %va,, evidence ofi ts sUccess., see;ned f eas ible to inake ;à $50,(,» gîft I)r.tcticall,. no tickets 'vere turned in bu *sve" te opea. iis pas.t year for re:ale, and this O f course it was "sav-ed" at a price scasan's Concerts hiave had the -butth~pric isa god ad wothvlar-est audiences in ail thie fine years qualified juilliard students may at- Wnck usccu asocae tend rehearsals and that a supple- 'these recitals. nentary season of operetta be added Teotokfrnui i hcg to the regular season; which an op-Inext. year seems dârk, indeed," 'Mrs. -A,4- WXh itnian (leclared iti coiiclut(liig ber mnusic. prograins in. Chicago during the fair. A temporary structure as a. possibility lias been indicated-but (lefihlite plans are in. abeyance. Boy Pi anist Will Give PublicRecital David Geppert of Wilmette, prom- ising young pianist, will celebrate bis twelftiî birthday- by giving a recital S Pnday afternoon. March 19, at, 3:30 o clock in the Keriilworthi ass.enbly hall. It will be David's second public reci tal, his first being given at, the age of ii when, he played for a capacity audience.-During the past year David, bas been studying composition under Prof essor Lams .atý Northvestern university School of Music. He is also a ptupil of Dorothy Pound of Wiiw.ette. His prograni for, Sunday is as follows: 1, Inventions-F ninor Bt E major 'c F majorBah 2. Scenes from Childhood .. Schuiwtni About Strange Lands and Peoffie- Curjous Story- Catch mue if you cnEtetu Chid- Contentedness-inîpoi-tantt Evunt- Dreauing- By the Firesicle-Thc. Knight -~f the Hobby Hors'e- Alrnost 1t erosFrgto ig Child Failing AsIetp-Thî 1Pùt niirers of -1r. Zimhalist. 'It . becordes incrcasingly noticeable witb each, con- cert in the Series that the north shore wants muisi o matte fiht the state, of the material world. The program .itseIf waà interesting. in its *contrasts. After satisfYing our palates with the old and well-lovect Mendelssohn concerto, Mr. Zimbalist played a., Suite Bizarre' by, Achron. Wheither we liked it or not,ý this suite could lot, fail to interest anyone really anxious. to ,ut.iderstand what is being written today., The third, group in- cluding selections -both brilliant, dra- m1atic, and tender brought the recital to a close. As an artist and a-musician. Mr. Zimbalist satisfies me completely. His. lack of artistic idiosyncrasies, bis per- fection oQf techniue, his rQundec anid brilliant tarie ail combine ta make bis recital of the highest quality. There is sometbing in the playing of this artist which ruakes bim very buman and understandable. His simplicity of mariner perhaps, but 1 tbink the secretý lies more neariy in the quality'of his tone and the absence of any banibastic display of startlïng' technique. One is never in doubt of the artist's complete mastery of his instrument. but neither, is one nnduly consciaus af the difficul-. ties, overcome. In atber words, the concerning xmericaii.operas, can students et al.-but the v that next year's opera will1 eduicational, more Annerican. pect could be more pleasant: Young A ;, Aneri- upshot is be more No pros- Ti and practicaliy at your uoorstep). Music, of ,ail îh& arts, seenis best fitted ta carry w, to thiat plane whlere are the treasures wbvicli neither maith nor rust doth éorruipt, nor thieves break tbrough and steal'." Subscriptions for inexi casol ' s concerts rnay be sent ta Mrs. Bessie M. Grant of tbe State B.ank- of \\V1in - netka. The comimittee in charge of the Artist-Recital serics consists of Polonxaise A. Fiye. Preludes 1-ungarian D'avid- dGèkpptt MacDovvell Apollo Club Announces Change in Next Concert The Apollo 'Musical club annauinces a change in the final concert of this season, froun April 12 to MUay 19, that E.freru ZiMhalist vas a mast ftting artist' ta close the sèries. Let us bope tbat we have rnany more re- citaIs of sucb outstanding qùality. N. S.,,Woman Entertains American Opera Society- MIenbers. af the Amnerican Opera societv and their guests were invited to the homne of MNrs. Hal Crompton n, the composer of the t9 which Zimbalist played, of Heifetz' piano, accomp2 'an not. weeks.

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