Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 1

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E. J. Phelps and William H. ElsDecide Not to Be Candidates This Year Both Edward J. Phielps of, Kenil]- Worthi and WVilliam H. Ellis of, WiI- mette. whose: termis asý mem bers of the N Trier High school'huard of edu-: > ation expire.this, sprinig, 'have an- I1(UflC(ltha tey wilI not hc candidates for.reelectiol., Mr. Phelps is complet- ing his ýfiftee nth year as a. meniher of' theNew Trier: board",% hile Mfr. Elli:, lias served for three years. I Ech village in . New Trrier'. towi- ship is représentéc i o it high school horand, it bas been customary, ~ve.the jterni of a member. of the board -expires, for a group of. citizens in tilt eolîîimuit v which the ,member rep-Ircsents to nominate somleonle to take lits place or to àgaiii placehisidamie il, nomination. The election this year is S&.trday, April 8. Endlors.e Peterson In cilworthi a cominîittee sclected. hy Mr. Phielps nominated A. R. Pet- erson, 227 Raleigh road, who was in charge of the drive for the. sale of tax aniticipat ioii warrants in Kenilworth last year, to take Mr' Phelps place on the board. The cominiittee that nomin- ated Mr. Peterson %vas composed of Par kboardi; Mrs.. Charles tlow; Bent, presidenit of the Kenilwo Neighbors; Julius A. Peterson, pre (lent of the Keniuiworth school boai MNrs. John L .W'ilds, a memiber týhe Kenilworth School board,a Herbert B Taylor, secretary of Kenlilworth club. Two Wilmette Candidates In Xilmette representative citiz( are circulating petitions for H. B. M Wednesday morning of this week. The opening was greeted by a normal flow of bus9iness with de- posits reported greatly in excess, of -wtithdrawals. WýNord fromn' the Treasury De- partrnent had been awaited hourlv* by the batik on Truesday and ever3'thing had been in readiness, for. several days for the resump- tion of business. T 'he batik is now operatjng without restrictions save the res- ervat ion, ordered by the Treasury- I)epartmenît that anti-hoarding certificates.must be signed -wben withdrawals are made. MCoy, Seng Will Be -Candidate, fr Park Board Posts Two commissioners of the Wi.- mette Park district wiil be chosen at an election to be held Tuesdav, April 4, one for a full term of six vears anîd the other to flli the un- expixi.d terni of Floyd L. Bateman. resijgned, Petitions Chîarles S. have been fcCoy, 730 A 0i d fri N. Roberts, former Village engineer.. who died last year. Holdover ,members of the board are Louis K. Gilîson. president, Henry Fowler and Henry J. Haack. Frank JScheidenhelm is the Park district treasurer, L. E. Solem is secretary. and A. C. Wenban is the attorney. Polling places for the election 'will Roosevelt that Minmette Post No. 46, Amnerican Legion, supports him in bis program of balancing the Feéderal ,bUd- get 'without delay, the members oif. the. post unanimously Passed the following resolution, at their meeting: in St. Au- gustine's Clubhouse Tuiesday night: of this week. -RESOLVED, thàt the Commiandçer of Wllmette'Post No.. 46., Dpartinent. o! Illinois,*The Amierican Legîon, be di- rected. to send the foilowinig telegrani to the President of the United,,$tates of America and aiso to arrange to. hav the text of. the' telegrarri publiished, in this week's Issues. of the local news- papers: OOThis 'ost,- Mr. President, 1Wishes to lend. Its support to. your program 0of balanclng thé Federal budget wîtbout delay and to. comnmand you particularly for your attitude wth -respect to -the veteranis of the Worl'd war. -We belleve that the United Stateýs governnlient can afford and should con- ~tinue tê 'be t0eeüus 1Ints tre&iXnlenit of ail cases of service -con nected disabillty and/or death, a.nd we belleve further that the waste and exttravagance In- cident to the non-service cases should be eliminated." Dav'id C. Leach, Commander, Wilmette Post No. 46, Departient of Illinois, The American Leglon. Kenilworth Infant .. Welfare Plans Benefit Village and Harmony Groups to Compete for Support nt Poils on April 18 Two tickets, those of the Harmoni! Party and the Village party, and one independent candidate,.will:be in the field in the annual Wilmet te Village election od Tuesday, April 18. -The time . for. filing petitions. for candi- dates expired:at -midnight Tuesday. No petitions: were -field ,except for the candidates, on these two tickets., Village President -C,.'. Dubbs, who heads: the Village party ticket. also has the endorsement of the Harmony party. .The- samne is true in, -the case of: Village ,Treasurer 1Harry .W. Mil- 1er' whose name will apipear on* the Village party ticket. Six Tiquais, ?4.mie For Village trustees the Harmony Party has nominated Carl J. Zipprich, 623 Forest avenue; Edward C. Hil- dreth, 2003 Beechwood avenue. and James B. -Hoffnian, 1510 Washington avenue. The Village party candidates for trustees are Arthur Lee (inicumbenit). 925 Manor drive; Clinton B. Cochran, 1605, Walnut avenue, and Walter C. Farrar; 1210 Greeiuwood avenue. lowing, Mrs., John McDowell. Mrs. *îor this office, Gordon Leach, Mrs. George Davies>.ý 1519 Washiigt and Miss Mary Branigar. Ont dorsement of Wednesday a~ meeting to complet e Charles N. R plans for the benefit bridge tea and avenue, is an fashion show was held at the home for police mai of Mrs. George Dyer, Jr., 344 Wood- stock avenue, Kenilworth. 'Eugene S. UICAD rn_[-P. , H.igh Se cwhmie John J. Peters, ,on avenue, has the en-. )f the Village part 'v. Ramsey, 1.517 Highland 1independent- candidate tgistrate. Ward t> Seek terested ini the work, are invited to Ti attend this meeting. lt is announced. O'g .......... ......... >R inscnooi 'hall. e chorus choir of the church, r the direction of Miss Marie 1, will provide the musical pro- n at the services., ick. îlri

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