Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 23

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A GREAT FRIEND GOES It ià with a sense of deep regret that we, :the New 'Trier Student body, bid farewell to E-d,.ard J. Phelps who riesigns front the School board next moîth. For fifteen yearsi New-Trier H.igh school-its students,. its buildings, i ts teachers,ý its present anîd its, futre-bas been the thougbt uppervnost in bis mmid.. 1.n times of prosperity and in times of adversity he. bas, u nselfishly',and unspýaringly devoted himnself' to- New Trier affairs. Working under. fourdifretad- ministrations and becomiiing acquai nt- ed with fifteen different gautn classes be bas endeared himself' to mie and ail. Wlîatever his contact wîth N4ew Trier, as personal friet«l of student or teacher, as Scbool Board representative or as an interested on- looker, he lias ever been faithful and loyal. Nir. Phelps 'bas becomie a tradition about school iii bis capacitV oi mak- ing athletic awards to lettermen. TIhe Award' assembly on Monday was especially mnemorable, as it was prob- Pheins ivill ~address New Trier~ as a act quiciciy, anda'as a unit, and prove to the ad ministration that we can and will clean Up the mess hall and make it an immaculate show place of -the scbool. Heére adTer, Teacher: "'Ne study, history: to draW conclusions. Jimmie, can you illustrate this point?" jimmie. *'Yes, Fromi the, Antoniy and Cleopatra affair, we conclude neyver to trust a woman." "W here. are ,you working now?" "A. and P."t 'Oh, you're, one of the chaini gang." Take a. Scotch trip: stay at hom, and let your mind wander. News Item . . . Obidiah Weather- strip, naval architect, who grew up to design gravy boats, was sheil- shocked front eating peanuts in bed. Professor: "William, pay attention. What is three percent of $100?" William: "For three percent I'm flot interestedý" coach of the. New TJrer teams, an- nounced early this week that Jane Fitzgerald', James Donahue'and either' Gerard Brooks or Bruce Eltison would represent the local high school. No-Deeisu*on Meet Laist'Fridlay.,the New .T'rier inega- tive teaintco.mposed of Glenn -Walker, leader, Ed Rosrnheint and Ruldy Kas*- par journe:yed to '-Waukegan to de- late the Waukegani affirmative team. Thbis was a no-decision -debate, and the debate this Friday also will be a no-decisionmatch., *Earlier this season the New Trier te-.ms. met J. Sterlinig Morton High 5 1chooi of icero and Calumet'High schôol of Chicago in dual debates. These also were no-decision matches. To Meet College Tem It is planned to hold a debate in lege of Chicago, Mr. MacLean an- nounced this week. This probably will be a decision debate, he said. I connection with the debate ivork it' was also announced that Rudy Kaspar bas been appointed forensic manager at New Trier High school for this semester. kL6lght 5 reet 6 lâches. Relay: Wonl by New Trier (Martin,, Baldes, Weinstock, Seller), DeeriReld second, Maine thirdl. Time 1;15.7. 50-yd. dashl: Won by. Taber CNT), Jofles .(NT) second, Barber (NT)- third,ý Beyer (M) fourth. Time :05.9. 60-yd. I0w hurdies.: Won Iby Hi ndley (I'T), Toeppen (NT) second, Schapuro (D), third, Leslie_ CNT) fourth. Time :06.9. 660-Y4. run, Won b y Sacco, (NÉ)ý Gooder (NT) 'second, SUtha'(M) thlid, Wells CD) fourth. 1imne,1:36.1. Shot put: Won by 'Oison (D), Chris- tersen CNT) second,- Nanzig <NT) third, Koàanke CM), fourthi. Distance 4r, feet. High Jump: Won by Richman -(D), Jones.CNT) second, HolmeS C(NT) and Oison (M) tied for third. Height 5'feet 2 inches. Relay: Won by New Trier (Donavan, Jones,. Hindley, Taber), Deerfleld sec- ond, Maine third. Tirne 1:18.2. Ted Wilder Heads New Movement at Lawrence *Ted Wilder of Hubbard Woods, a graduate of New Trier High school, hias been named president of the Bro- kaw Hall' student governnent aSso- ciation at Lawrence college. Wilder bias taken a Ieading part in Qèevral tuden~ft affairs 'ndI ,Igrinzo New 'Trier so iaitniuiiy 411U SUAlng. Li i'ni sure that I speak the sentiment oi of all New, Trier township when 1 EGoa say, "Goodbye, Mr. Pbelps,' and may to ýGodbless you." ot -The Consùlting Editor. L N W b $JL- Za iL, Our n-mess hall bas very ably li' up to its naine;' in fact, to such extent fhat the admiînistrationl ot spmng :"I have a tie: "What "*Slooth." sort of You Naine It 1the flea to the fly, )are larger than 1 you also need more to eat." track teams we victorloub il, angtilar. meets with Deerfi'eld- Shields LECTURE AT MUSEUM of Highland Park and Mainie of Des "Around the Globe in the 'Camar-' Plaines in the Gates Field House~ goy" is the titile of an illustraied last Saturday mornitfg--T-e Grey- lecture to be given for the general Green seniors drew away in the final ýpublic at Field Museuim of Natural events to clinchi the struggle witb 56%k History Saturday afternoon, Match. points to 39 for Deerfield' and 12'h 18. AmTos O. Burg of Portland, Ore., for Maine. In the junior xlivision tbe wbo was aboard the Julius' Fleisch- Winnetka teant showed. a'wealth of nmann yacht, 'Camargo," on its recent power in its third victory in as many 3,0-ievyg rudtewrd -. . -'- ..1 n..nhitlçr nnr.nnlln 2f+ ra n nI , .1 g Lw gou. 'igh hurdies: Won by HolmesSe Into Alc aste w auw group. ,ig wi ts. into me 1

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