Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 20

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spent a few days in (ilencoe* Jast week i".m orav" ' siuemst ua viiting bis famnily and friends. Joe, private pilot licenses. Lnder 'the rudes 1Who attended New Trier Highi school recentlv Put inito effect fiftv lhours of andlatr larnd o. ly t *urtsssolo flyiig' is required, for a private airport. had not been homte for sev- Plilot'S. license as conapared to ten eral Week. He is consid,,.U -al-.on ered to be hours under the old regu-lations,-. The an exceptiotially caable- pilot. flighit tests aso have becti imade more Before being' employed by« the rigid. U'nited Air u lnes Joe w-as a flyin g in Ilolders. of;private pilot licenses at structoôr at Curtiss airport near Glén-presetîutps temr ii view~. f-e has a brýothecr now attend- tests by j une 1, aiter qualiifving* with ing New Trier Higlh sehool who jihtv i ur Y fyng aise interested ini aviation*. Th-e status forrnierlv held bv ýthe Thé. United. Air -une as ear, 1kw private; pilot wvill. tîrîder the niew pinety-five 'percent, otf the. thirteen regulations,. be take'i bv ýthe solo million iniles scheduled, for, their pilot. A student mnav becomne a solo operations, thereby flying mnore mile- Piotatrasîgafghadwi- age than any other transport cori- tei, examinatton at the end Of ten pa ny iii the %w-orld,,accorditig to P. G. Iouirs.of flying. but he. canniot 'carry .johnson, president of the Systemn. asingers. More than i 'mlinofteti-N 0or tgi qaliticatios alSé -have teen million miles flowvn were on the gotee into, effe&t fer the more ad- coast-to-coast route. vatncefi types ef p î 1L)t 11cens es. Curtiss Manager Goes to 'Warner Stinson Arrives Springfield on Business Fromi Waterville Airport Capt. Ralph Hall, manager of Cur- , A Warner St1inseri froni the Eagl-e tiss airport, made a trip to Sprinig- .\Lrway-, at Waterrnan. [Il., arrived at *field last week. on busine;ss1in connett CLutrtîi à a',irt las;t week. bringiiig: a t ien with the proposed bill that ivould M r. ioe r and a Mir. Grimm. wl'o are place a tax on aviation gas. The bill.: a-0Uaîted wtthe Fa-le.\r sAt it is untderstood, is initended te pro \\ tttrinîau i locatedI an emiergyency, vide finanices for the support of the Jid'tedon the air mail route Illinois Aeroniattics colmmiission. t trom kh, gte Omahia and Kaisas is feit in sone. circlesthat the w ork t ît. of thei,.. ,imr-ýsoii vs rnt'relv a lîx PvIees lu Effeot Thtws., Fvl., Bat., Mai. 16.11-18 7'SPRING LEG 0F, LAMB FIuvory-tender.. Av'g 8 to 91 Ibs. PRM£Ram ROAST Smgr Boneiess rolled. Tender and Juicy. No Waste, lb, pItIPIME STANDING RIB R5ASTU d BEEF. 6th & 7th rnb. Lb. 6 I CALVE"SISWEETBRÂS F R E S1 BE'EF. order, 2 lbs. N, 34)c ST. Pork Loin. 2ýt to Captain H~all riade the ýtrp to SprlIng- i Fave Snyce - la1d Z . field and return tin a o-place -Travel- was a - erialatr tIf. ýz abrg. III.. air. BelÊlak.Hecmetrcoe* vaid let the next. visiting on the north shore W. C. Grnhile; lacahere. H-e vwaS uraccompanied On the trip, Snyder flie, aGps Being Stored at Curtiss Motcit He *, in the însuIrancý buinies The Bellanca owned by Williaml C. aLt Galesburg. Cirunôw c f the (rttnow corporatn refnigerator iniarnufacttrers. bfas beei- RYSHP T UTS takente C, (tirtiss airport and wilI be R YSI A CUT S kept Ini the Curtiss hangar when I)P.1 ales U'iedSae not iii I' fe ship formierly vasarnmyattack Ihips. dro ped i a ur- h :)ie t Pz1-\\'atlke h ; s- iss. airpo-rt laszt we.Thev stayedi Prime Porterbouse STEAKI CRUCK l ' P r ime Sirloin. ROAST ISTEAK Tender and. uc Always tender at Smithfields. TESTS PLANES Bill Winston, Department of Com- merce inspector for this area, visitedi Curtios airport agà'in last Friday. He, waî there to test planes for licen.ý;ing. Mr. and. Mr IEssex road, Kg guests Monda Frank C 5eesen ýwas the celebri ter's birthday. h- Th1e occasion of Mrs,-. Carpen- Fresh dresed, Av< 4 to 414 Ibi.

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