ali WJIW have a part in m4e prograin. Froni 6:30 o'clock to 7:45 o'clock the varions rooxns at the. school will he open for inspection by Keniilworth narcnts, and other interested,,citizkeis. *Iii. hese roorns' the boys ivili displayv their hobbies. At 7 :45 o'clock the ,sctile of activ- *itv *wiII shifit to the .KenilWorth IMe- niiorial gyminasitini, 'vhich sapr f the Sears school. I There the boys ivili stage an exhibition 'of. their gyn- nasiuni work. in previous yea-rs large crowds have attended the animal hobby show and exhibition. It 'bas grown ini pop- lilarity ýand is now recognîzed as an important commuilitv event. !n their plans for t he exhibition thé bo ys are direc ted by 'Robert W. Townley, who j5 in charge of the phjysical education vuork at the JosepYh Sars s«hot I Christian Science I Churches "Suibstance" wvas the subject of the tesson-sermion in ail Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, 'Marchi 12lle h e n tex: t 'a.,-* w Turn fêi.,.i 4~4vL~ J//V g 1~%~~~ e' *4% Iowing' froin the,.Bible : "For the in- visible things of Hini froni the crea- tion of the world are clearly seen, bc- ing understood' by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead" (Romans 1:20). The lesson-sermon also included the following passages fromn the Christian Science Textbook, "Science and H-ealth, with Key to. the .Scrip- tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "That YOU MAY BUY THESE PIECES IN THE EDGEWORTH PATTERN ILLUS. TRATED ABOVE FOR 0 o John Adair, 320 Meirose avenue, will return April 1, from the Univer- sity of Wisconsin to spend his spring vacation.with bis parents. ST C S. T.S NO MOR E AT. SA U LD 1N G-OH I