Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 16 Mar 1933, p. 14

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for' next Sundav The Junior choir willl sing .durlng the servijce.:The message frein the pas- tor wilI lie, especiaily intereéstling te the voung peope _.. The evenlng service, at 7 :8036w1lll e held -in the' Enelish Lutheran ëhurch Wlth Dr. Hubert Carletoxi preàchingi, The Congregationai and Lutheran choirs -will.1furnlsh the music. The theme for, the. evening la Sei-pr 'sl"The Young people from al churches are asked te be sure -to atteénd. CHURCH SCHOOL We, welcome Into the Church school boys* and girls of ail ages, frem the nursery greup on up. Graded programs are planned in ail departmhents. The. scheol con venes at 9:30 o'clock. ýwith ail groups meeting Ésimnultâneously, In- cluding the' aduits, whIch enables al memnbers etofthe famnily te he In attend- ance at the same time. There Is a ser- mon-time klndergarten durl'ng the lat- ter, part, of the. ornuing woub&o. péro enabling the anialler children te engage Ini activities et their own while the parents and oider boys and girls re- main in the church for, the pastor's message. 'This is "'Bible Menth" in the Junior- Intermiediate departinent. Favoite Bible passages will be given next Sunday hy the beys and girls as the !ýcrlpture for thme day. There is on display each week many kinds of Bibles and beys and girls, who can add te this collection are asked to. de se. The' first thing' ..sua in s,.ati5ant. usa m . zs',c fac,.,- ber .of the departmnent. is aspked each Sunday toecontr!bute a 'musical number for the offertory. In the Senior-Aduit Depaartnent theý oficera et the B. Y. P. U. have been aaked te .lead the opening worshlp next Sunday in keeping wlth Youth Day. Quartet-"Sl'eek Hlmn That Maketh the 'ee tas..........Rogers The Church . sehool meets ln five de- partmenits ae cor4ing te the -followln[9 richedule: Primary. Junior. Intermediate, and Hlgh Schoei departments at 9:3 a. m., fleginners at 10:45 continulng through 'the worshlp service. There In aise provision for very amati children In the Nursery deparment which meets during the Il o'clock worshlp heur. Th*s'-ehUrch joins lln a Union Sunday Evenlnig.service at the Engiish Lutheran church at 7 :30-zo'clock. 'Dr. Hubert, Canleton'.will preh,.Ue. sermon. and there will be musie bYý the Lutheran and Congregrational, choira. The Neighýborhood' circlewili h6ld, a luncheon meeting next Tuesday at theý home of Mrs. Williamh Wurth. 1232 For-' est avenue. Mrs. Wurth wil, have as asslating hostesses Mrs. J. C. Crossiey, MrsT. 'fJorg6 NHarbaugh~1, ttd 'Mrs. A. M. H{oward. 'On Wednesday, March 22, the month- Wy Yellowship dinner of the church will be held. The Rev. William' E. McCor- mack of , Aurera, Ill., formerly of thisý church. will he the guest-speaker and %vill izive an address on "The' Faith for Today." Members of the Junior and Senior 'choirs wiîll he guests of the gild ait this dinner and will contribute te the pregram. Reservations fer the dinner should be made through the church of- fice as usïual. The regular week-day activities are '-(-heduled as follows: Tuesday-4 p. mi-Camip FiMe Girls. Girl Scouts Tuesday-7 :30 p. ni.-Troep 'No. 2, Boy Scouts Thursday-4 p. ni.-Junior Choir ne- hearsal Thursday-7 :15 p. m.-Senior Choir re-, hearsal Thursday-7 :30 p. ni.-Troop No. 1, Boy Scouts Friday-3 :15 p. m.-Brownie.4 Frlday-7 :30 p. m.-Senior Camp Fire~ at à:ioJ U Lioc.tuiierVi ,je~ajua o vy 0ana ffelen, Condit wili lead the 1Meeting. The toplc wili be, "What Was Jesus' Estimate of H-uman Lit e?,Can We Live By Tt?*' Ail the Young people are' in- vited. Wewlll join with the-Cengregational. Baptist, Episcopal and English Lutherain churehes ln a union evening wership at the Fnglish Lutheran 4church, Green- leaf and Seventh, street. at 7:,30 vo. m. 1Thîs wiil he Seif-exainatioh Night. Dr. Hubert Carleton etf St. Augustine's church wlli preh the sermon. Thpi wemetï of the churchesare sponsorinlg the service. The publýic is cordially in- Vited. Spoke 10 oft>th e Woman'.s seciety wvill nmeét on Tuesday, March 21,l.%vth 1Mrs., H.F. Riley,. 730 Lake avenue. Our prýayer.imeeting will be held on Wednesday eveting. at 8 o'eiock at the lWeman's club rooms. We will study the group of "The Multitude at the Cross of .Jesuýý.' We invite " 10eueJoin ius. The choir will meet ths FrldaY eve- niing, (March .17) wlth Mrs. Eager. 1312 ~Elmwood avenue, at 7 .o'clock. Those who wish te join the chuirch at Easter. either on confession of faith orw by certificates froni other churches. aire requested to Interview the paster. Sunday, March 26, will be Faiiiily IDay in church, aInd we urge every family terniake planis te be presenL St. Joh ns Lutheran Wllmette and Park afvenues, Wilniette Herman W. Meyer M. A. paster 406 Prairie avenue. Telephone 1396 Chureh telephone 5379 "A 'House of Worshlp" 11ev. David R. Kabele, pastor. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday sehool I 9: .ni. Morning worghlp ...........la. Jm. Union I1enten service ....... .30 p. ni. XID-WEEK LENTEN 8SERVCEF Wmedniesday evening at 8 o'clock, Mr,. May Belle HiagenewV-Jacksmn <director of musgie) Music, Sunday March 19 Prelude--Revere ............ fflkinson Antheni-Coine te Me ........... ,Scott Senior Choir -Oftory>-'Peace Like a River Nlaker Junior Choir Postlude-ýGrand Choeur in. G ý.Fauiker The Woman's socle ty meets this after- nopon (ThursdaY) at the home of «Mri-!. 0. J. Dreibus, 320 Third street, Wilni#tte, at 2 o'clock. Senior Luther league tonight at o'cock at the church. Jtifltor Choir rhettarloh FË4dan ïtft.trnoon n t 4 o'ciock. Senior Choir rehearsal on Fridlay vn iiig at 7 :15 o'clock. Junior Luther league for boys . ind. girls et high school age mieets Suliday c-ening at 5 :30 o'elock. The tepic wili 'be. 'Ans,%ered Prayers.'l Confirmation class mieets Mdonda y, ifternoon at 4 oelock. MNidI-Week 'Lernten services are hel<l every Wednesday evening %t 8 o'clock. The Pastor Is preaching on the "Amaz- ing Assertions of Christ Concerning Iliimielf." Ceme and enioy these serv- ices wjth us. Next Sunday morning is Youth Day. The service wlll be et special lnteresýt to our 'yeung people. The Union Lenten se~rvice onf.-'the <'o- iYon -pi- etinieyut joi~£>J~< I~V' IV8VJJA i.. .f*5.us. is for LsomUUKeLUme. sh Lutheran church_ for ice. Remnember, it l1 a We have three aduit Bible classes, The third of Our midweelc le-tense- - under competept teachers. which we, In- tces. wlii be held on Wednesda'y.,eVen- MORIE CHURCH NEWS, ON PAGE 47, go aUI5eVLI Ing te the the e venir Youth gl

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