RULU -zite the Wilnette ineater. A Girl Scout radio programi, froni AVENUE national headquarters in New York, igiven each Saturday afternoon over Stalion WMAQ at .5 o'clock. Miss Franc ,is, from national head- quarters will give a Brownie train- ing course in Winne tka. Match 23. a4ntd 25. Those 'interested are nii- vted to phone the director., Miss- H'rowieWorit ie .-134.lais il open to anyone interested ini taking 3 lbs.for98 We Serve Cauli. ghams Ice Cream' 1204 Wilnïette (oal Material Yard Mfrs. l Roy Osgood, 423 Essex road, KenilWorth, was luncheon :hostess Monday to a group of Red Cross Workers who met weékly to. seir at thé home of Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, 132. Oxford road. Kenilworth. ni ;;hÈ left for a visit in Los Angeles. Helen Rathibonie, 523 Abbotsford twad, Kenilworth, a stiulent at the University of Illinois, spent several davs last week with her parents,. On .Saturday Helen and her mother. ac- companied hy Mrs. Mildred -Mershon of Winnetka, mnotored back to spend hIe week-end with her. --o- John O'Connor, 149 Kenilworth avenue, *eft Kenilworth Sunday on a business trip to New York..>l with- each greasing o r Oil change lin addition to thoroutly re~ras. Ing, vacuum cleanIng aphoistery, washlig windows, testing tires, battery and radiator, we now 'and blast, clean, and asUait your §Park plugi at ne extra cost. This complet. icib for suiy make car only coets (la - , Iarch 22, the First C'ok grega- tional church wilI have as its guesi .*/'aker the Rei'. Wfflian E:* Me- Corînack of Aurora, Ill., Who wîiII *ive an address ont "Thte Faith for To v"T/he church choirs are giiwsts of the guild at this dinner and wiII contril'utc numwbers to tte Pr'ograni. 'l'le Neiglhborhood circle is servinig an.d the dinner is openi to the public, it is explained. Reservations may be made through the church office. *neet and iiear him again. MNrs. Orlin WVall of Evanston en- tertained hier north shore bridge club at luincheon Tulesday. Mrs. R., E. Knauer and Mrs. Ariltr Bonnet. of Kenilworth andI Mrs. Frederick Henkel and Mrs. .-. E. Kulw of Win- netk a are somne of flhe nemibers. year wiIII contiue uirougn vve(iiis- day, March 29, and 1T1hursday, 'March 30. Fifty tbousand tickets.were distrîb- uted.for the expoîýitioin held last year, and. attendanceý for .1933 is estimated iii corresponiding figures. Tickets are "necessary for admission but niay be obtained free of charge' at the offices of.merchants hlo Xvill exhiIit in the e.xposition.. Mferchandise gifts wilI be distribtit- e(lI at ni any. of the bopths. Booths wilI bc arrange(l in the attractive rooms of the new Comimunity House, conipleted only last vear .and n oiv furnished anid equipped, ni modern nianner. Althottgh a tour of artistically dec- orated nmerchandise booths ivili oc- cupy a large part of the tiiie of tb. visitor, the most successful lieter- tainment features offered last year are being repeatedl for the secondl an- nual exposition, and ivill attract mcin, %%onieni and children. Plan Cooking School There will be four cooking' scliool sessions to take place on. the aiter- noons, and evenings of Ttiesday, Marchi 28, and Thursday, March 30. l'le principal attraction Xedniesday, Mrh 29.. wilibe twiuc rformniance and evening frocks. More than *a capacity> cro wd attended the style show sponsored last year which prov- ecl one of the biggest drawiNng cards of the exposition. Plans for the event arc not coni- pleted but in a 'Il probability many of the other entertainmients popuilar last year will be repeatcd. Anong these were musical progranis, radio f ea- tures,1 bridge lessons andI motion pic- O V I N GI ~~ 1 116INETTB