Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 7

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years ago by ,x-ritentriover Croup IV coligists of men and women who ýmeet under the auspices of the. Màe's class of tbe church. This s, one feature of the Church Nigh t Prograrn, whîch, opens with a cafeteria dlinnier to -be served at 6:301 o'clock, foilowed, by a brief service.of worship under, the direction of Dr. Os- car Thomas Oison, the minister, during which the chorus, choir will .sing. Croup I, wbich is studying "The Ujse of the Bibleiný the Mo4er n Home, and choi,"will be addressed by Prof. Frank M. McKibbeni, of North- western univers ity, on "The Bible ýand the Various Ages." Interprets Uncavalcadei Ali interesting evening is promised for Croup 11, whièh is studying "Con-. temporary Literature and Its Meaning for Today." Mrs. H. O. Roesing wil read and interpret Noel Cowardfs draina "The Cavalcade," which is now having a long run ini Chicago. The Rev. Randll B. Hanirick will address Croup III on tbe thenie "Are You Physically Fit ?" During the sessions of tbe various groups a recrention programn will be hield in the Primary room for small schiidren. the fieed for tax anticipation wa r- rants, the'high school1, as well as, ail other taxinig boards, could1 reduce their tax levy- at least 30 percent:and stili have available the saine, income upon which they are now ýoperating. Those who pay their taxes are paying at* least 50 percent more than they would *have to pay- if everybody -paid his, taxes. limit Warrant Igoue XVe are planning to limit our issue of 1931 tax warrants to 60 percent of thetax Ievy. We have sold $200,-i 000, of 1932 warrants, have al buis paid ini full to date, and wiii need >to sell. only $75,000 m pore of' 1932 war- rants to complete the current school year and meet ail bonds and interest due july 1 next without any material curtailment of the school program. T1rese tsults havte anly beet1 pos- sibie through the loyal cooperation of the facuity and other employes of the school who have borne the bur- den, of a substantial reduction in salaries, ini addition to which they have been obliged to. accept tax war- rants to the amount of 50 percent of ail salaries. %m aJari uaxin . ... . . u Junior Lufe .. ..... .12 Music Page. i........... 24 New Trier New&...02 Recreation... ...3 Society Pages......2e-27 Hold Ping Pong Tourney at Skokie Country Club' The ping pong çhamipionships of! Skokie Country clubwill be detrmined tbis week-end. in a tournament to be played at the clubhouse. Singles .and doubles for Men and women are: sched-1 uled for 8 o'clock Friday night, March 10, and for. boys and girls -uiider 18 years, Saturday afternoon, March Il., at 2 o'clock.. Prizes will be awarded ýg and to age. rnries% our beforle the tournamei The Sheil Hole wiil be in, full sway at the Woman's club mart next week,, Wednesday, Thursday. and 'Friday. Temen at Great Lakes hospital are making articles to be sOld at, this. TO HAVE SHAWL F, IESTA TheWomen of'the Rotary Club.of> Chicago, will hold their regular nmonth- ly meeting in the Crystal iroom of the Ho)tel Shermnan Wednesday, March 15, at 12. A, shawl fiesta witb musical ac- companiment and models bas been ar- ranged by. Mrs. Robert W. Bruce of Evaniston, member' of the program committee. The regular,élass in parlia- mentary law will be conducted by Mrs. 'Ignace J. Reis at Il o'clock preceding the luncheon. start W. SpecidW laJ FORD SMRVICE W. cau ot voir car in swead IJey, professor of sociology at the Uni- Kenilworth Memorial gymnasiuni. versity of Minnesota, and Stuart A. Teby r uysligtcesfr M Rice, professor of socioiogy andi chair- Teby r uysligtcesfr M man of the department of evonor-nic and the show and planning their exhibits avent -ocial statisties at the University of and stunts. Scouts, CtubS, Junior snial! Penns,;yvainia. H-ikers and Sea Scouts ail will have a tea1 V' Education." by Chariës H. Judd, part in the prograin.- The school glee Mrs. professo)r and Head of the Department of Education and director of the achool club, orchestra and harmonica band for E of Educatton at the University of Chi- wili provide entertainment also. Par-- chagStrent and other interested citizens off "T'Laor rul, ,.in teSoc-ial Sru- e;lnrhir. nitd othe hobbv rs. Harry Weese, 141 Keniiwortlîi ue, Kenilworth, entertained a I group of Evanston friends at Friday in honor of her sistcr, Herman Brassert, who is sai ling-1: Europe in the near future. L Cuiliou Motow FIEE 1101 up and Delivery servme I 725 Main. St. WiIuett. 2WM 976 Lindén Av.. Tel. Wim -~55 235 Ridge

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