Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 9 Mar 1933, p. 6

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OREASINO I Dy Ihobanles Ouiy. Ford Chevrolet, Oldumnobîle Pontiac Buick Chryier Packard Studebaker Crankease Service Free Transmission and Differential Service Frce Prompt Service HAMTSI*ATI Sales & ServiceI 721 MAIN ST. Phoe inaw,*l.2M61 The 2ist birtbday of the Girl Scout fountded ini 1912 by Juliette 'Low who moveinent will, be celébrated Suniliday, returned to Savannah, Ga., from Eng- Marcb 12' land with the idea of or»ganizing Amcen- A Scouts' Own Service is tu be lield cati> girls into a group sinîilar to the in Pilgrim hall, of the' Wilmette Con- English, Girl Guides. The- first tiroop, gregational churchi Sunday ai ternoon at which cginsisted of eight girls, held itS 4 o'cloek. This is flot a reigious serv- meeting ini a barn behind Miss I.ow's, ice, it is explained, but a service of rev-' home. Prom this sinall group. Girl erence and inspiration in which ail Girl Scouts has growif into a national or- Scouts, regardless of race or creed, nîay ga ni .zation for girls to develop initia- participate. Anyone interested is ini- tive, self-control, seif-reliance, and serv- .vited to attend. ice to others, ani to provide recreation The Gii,4 Scout omganization iva iii -4he- lives o~f oung girls. -Regulme TRIBUT£ TO CERMAK The Village board at its regular eeting Tuesday nighit directed the resident pro tem of tlie board, Han- y C. Kinne, to prepare a rescilution fsyxnpathy andi condolence to be mt to the city. council of Chicago ad the 'family of the late Mayor An- PARENT-TEACHER NIGHT New Trier Township High school will observe its Junior Parent-Teacher night at the school on Tuesday. March 28. Mrs. John Boylston etîtertajurd her bridge club Monday a t lunclico at ber home,. 1302 Chetnut ave.nue. memnbership is open t'O girls ýbetween 10 and 18 years, and juniior membership tti the "Brownies,"! between 7 and 9 vearz Begining Saturday, March 11l, an& Icoîitinuing on throuigh next week, tiiere wiIl -be - an exhibit of 'the« work of aIl. the Girl. Scout and Brownlie troops. in- Viilnicteiéin the Wolff-Griffis Hardvare building, 1119 Central avenue. This exhibit will show the progress of th e iGirl Scouts f romn Mardi 12, 1912, te the pwesent time. Wilmette Joins County Suburban Organization. The Village b>oard1 voted( on Tue - day niglht to joi the Suhu)trban iiArca and Cotintrv TowN-is Association et Cook Countv. one of hs p1pi is to "use, aIl honorable nîcans to sc- cure and prcserv'e the riglit of sublir-. FRIENIDS and Patrons ils The Sensation of the Àge Sirnply corne in or miail it in sud tell us. the' date of your hirth and we wilI mail your Horoscope OVALTINE, -63c $1.00,size In order to make our services easily lice department as a local-unit anid of opposing any plani to establis1h i metropolitan p)olice departmnet )le lieu of the present local police (le- partments of suburban intiieipali- ties. i.Mrs. Charles Hastings of Soiî,th Bend., Id., is the guest of lier dauigli- ter and family the Albert Web)stcrs 1152 Central Ave. WiI. 320-781 1151 Wilmette Ave. Ever ythi.sg Electricaf BANDLIW'S FormWery Dannemark EIectric Co.. Phone Wilmette .214 I -E ----------

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