nîng, Match 1. Th DPaw hir will sing at Orchtstra ball, ChicagoStndaye- nigad cornes to Wilrnette for tht, Mo ea vtning progratn in order, to give tht north short anoprtiy to share in'tht beautifuU and artistic work that ths organization renders. The., programi will bt given in 'tht church. Mack Evans, director of the Chicago 1 ' niverity choir, says concernilg the 1)e Iauwv university cboir: -l recail rnost eci Miid spontaniety :w .riy of a.rastery 01 su complete as toi ff'playing With the an audience feels il, technique of a. per but the DePauw oi far passed ttepint * that they are f re je.-,t matter for what Prof. Guido H. Si versity of Indiana a * the Bloomington ( "Dean MeCutchan ,triment that ialm 67 Critici learly the -fi-eshness hich le the rëesuit 'f the work in hand allow the privilege mumic'. 1 arn sure Ittle Interest In the rforrnance 'as such,' 0 sat7.- fthe. Uni- critic for r, says: up an in- etion. -The perfectiy * cise; the sure and board nominces will be announced4 hext week. Tht scbool élection is April& For several 'years it bas béenicus- tomary fo)r a comnmittet consisting of represelitatives.of the parent-teacher associations and thé' Womani's club to select a siate of candidates.. The,*members of -theWihnette school board whose terms expire this spring are, Menry E. Cutier, presi-m. dent, Charles M1. Burliingarne and Mirs. Eunict Henderson. The presi- dent is elected for ont year and the other board members for'tbree years. Besidesthe vacancies caused by the expiration of terms, another vacancy on the board exists because of the resignation Of1 Ralph A. Durbatn. Someone will be chosen to fil1 bis un- expired terni of one ytar. ROTARY DELElâ TES joseph J. Kutten, 1201 Chestnut street and T. E. Thoinpson, 1311 Ashland avenue liave Ieen 21,c:- ed delegates of the Wilrnette Rotary. club to the 4th District. Conference of Rotarv International to be lield in Chanipaign-Urbana early in 'May. Alternate, delegates choseu bY the local club, were J. Water. Nelsont and cnaacren regîisterea for cards, and, one hundred new~ books were added to the shelves. miss Joe S kidmore, who forraerly made her home -at 726 Laurel avenue, is'now residing at 1006 Forest avenue. . FRANCESI TAUBERT 11 3 WILMETTE AVE lus VOW SpIa-Sriuray&SudL 3 Iso- ferI IV. Serve Camoinghaus aIce cr..s W ilnette church: Announctes Prograni Processional IEymn Meditation. Profes.sor Thoinpson u4miedictus .............. ...... The University Choir Prayer o.(uiod The Miinste2r A prayer for (lods presence.. Thompson ilý, tlîat dwelleth ....... Neidlinger The University Choir Pte.................Karg-Elert the standard nrthods of wavinq FEATURING At this fini. the lat.s* MURÉ STEAM WAVE S pecial Introdu&ctory Ofer Mme WH. 2.mtrlA Us Maln St. ph.n. Gr*.. 132 55wgb0 tho P'o.d Doevwle